David Limbaugh: It's that time of year when we are reminded just how indebted we are to the left's mega-tolerant cultural warriors.
PHOTOS: David Limbaugh in pictures
Annually, they jolt us out of our complacency to notice how imposing, intolerant and dangerous Christmas and Christianity are.
VIDEOS: David Limbaugh in videos
If it weren't for these valiant Soldiers, this disturbing proliferation of Christmas celebrations and other Christian symbols would proceed unabated. Each year, the examples are too voluminous to document exhaustively, but permit me to share a few highligh...
I wish you a Merry Christmas: No hard feelings?
As another Christmas approaches, so do the stories of retribution against those who have displayed the audacity to wish others—including (gasp!) total strangers—a Merry Christmas. It’s not just the word Christmas that raises the hackles of those who pretend most of the year to support free Speech. It’s also actions that relate in some way to the holiday. This year's offenders include a group of High School Students in Virginia who are in big trouble for giving out candy c...
NPR must fire Nina Totenberg
NPR must fire Nina Totenberg. Nothing less will be ok. Nothing less will be acceptable. NPR, funded by your Tax Dollars and mine, must treat attacks on religions consistently.
Nina Totenberg, correspondent for National Public Radio, took a shot at Christianity on TV (Real Clear Politics).
“And I was at - forgive the expression - a Christmas Party at the Department of Justice and people actually were really worried about this,” said Totenberg.
Does she ...
The Intersection of Christmas and America
Well, my friends, it’s Christmas in America once again. And one way to keep our gratitude levels high (and stress levels low) is to reflect on how Christianity and Freedom go together, both in the words and deeds of the Founders, and even in our Secular society today. Many of us are not religious at all these days, but we all benefit from the influence of Christianity on the men that designed and built this amazing Nation of Desire.
Plus, the Sears catalog! And we use the word “mou...
War on Christmas: Atheists now labelling Christmas trees a symbol of violence
The idiot 'scientists' behind this latest battle in the war on Christmas want Christmas Trees removed from all public places to avoid making non-Christians feel “excluded”. Not just excluded but "threatened." Apparently, behind every atheist nightmare lurks a.... Christmas tree. From the UK Telegraph via memeorandum: Christmas Trees ‘make non-Christians feel excluded’
Researchers at Simon Fraser University in Canada, found non-Christians feel less self-assured and have f...
Merry Christmas from Abu Dhabi, $11 Million Dollars Worth
We've been reading over the past year that Abu Dhabi and the other emirates are having financial difficulties. But troubles at the bank are always relative. These are not the worries of Spain or Greece and not even the worries of this emirate's poorer cousins, which are far less than that of the now nearly bankrupt European states.
Maybe Shiekh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the present ruler of the emirate, was trying to make a statement that his duchy had no money troubles at all when he decor...
Governor Paterson Fined $62K for Accepting Yankees Tickets
I’m not one of New York Governor Paterson’s biggest fans. He’s far more liberal than I care for, and I disagree with him more than I agree. But I do believe he tried to do what’s right. Which is more than I can say for a lot of libs. That being said, he did violate the rules by soliciting World Series tickets from the New York Yankees in 2009. I just wonder if New York’s Ethics Commission would have gone easier on him if he were more of a Left Wing radical.
The Ne...
Al Sharpton Working with FCC to Shut Up Rush Limbaugh and Others
Here’s audio of Al Sharpton talking to Tom Joyner (lib talker?) about how he’s working with the FCC to haul Rush Limbaugh and others to make them explain how they justify using public airwaves to offend people. Basically, he’s accusing Rush of being a Racist, and wants the FCC to shut him up. “Free Speech for me but not for thee.”
Video below the fold. (Note: Video plays automatically)
Flashback: This is the same Al Sharpton who shouted “punk faggot” a...
NPRs Nina Totenberg Apologizes before Using the Words Christmas Party On Air Video
Here is video of National Public Radio’s Nina Totenberg actually apologizing for saying “Christmas Party” on air. She apologized ahead of using the term, as if it is wrong to say the word “Christmas” on television at the Christmas Season! Political-correctness run amok.
Via NewsBusters ...
Quote of the day
I found this quote at News Busters from Nina Totenberg of National Public Radio:
I want to say one thing about the Budget that didn’t get passed, the Omnibus Bill. You know, we talk a lot about - we just passed this huge Tax Cut in part because business said, you know, we have to plan, we have to know what kind of tax cuts we have. Well, these agencies, including the Defense Department, don’t know how much money they’ve got and for what. And I was at - forgive the expression
NPRs Nina Totenberg Apologizes before Using the Words Christmas Party On Air Video
Here is video of National Public Radio’s Nina Totenberg actually apologizing for saying “Christmas Party” on air. She apologized ahead of using the term, as if it is wrong to say the word “Christmas” on television at the Christmas Season! Political-correctness run amok.
Via NewsBusters ...
No, Haley Barbour is Not a Racist
Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour is being accused of being some sort of Jim Crow Racist for a comment he made during an interview with the Weekly Standard.
“Because the business community wouldn’t stand for it,” he said. “You heard of the Citizens Councils? Up north they think it was like the KKK. Where I come from it was an organization of town leaders. . . .”
You’ll have to follow the link above for the full quote. And if you read the entire article, you’ll no
Nina Totenberg: "I Was -- Forgive the Expression -- At a Christmas Party"
She actually felt the need to literally apologize for using this foul expression.
Does anyone think that Nina Totenberg, or anyone in the media or government or academy, would ever say, "I was -- forgive the expression -- at a gay Wedding"? No, of course not; they would never give that such a slight, classifying it as an actual vulgarity.
But Christmas? To Nina Totenberg and the alien creatures who have, V-like, infiltrated and captured our key institutions, the word "Christmas" is now on par w...
The C Word
It’s “Christmas”.
When did that become so “offensive”? Southern Illinois University abruptly cut off the music from its clock tower and issued obsequious apologies because it included “Christmas” music that was supposedly offensive to non-Christian Students. NPR’s Nina Tottenburg preemptively apologized for using the term “Christmas Party” by way of describing the location of a conversation. Over and over, throughout the country,
Embattled Christians -- If You'll Forgive the Expression
Ross Douthat has a nice column today on the plight of believing Christians at Christmas time. An excerpt: In a sense, of course, there’s no better time to be a Christian than the first 25 days of December. But this is also the season when American Christians can feel most embattled. Their piety is overshadowed by materialist ticky-tack. Their great feast is compromised by Christmukkwanzaa Multiculturalism. And the once-a-year churchgoers crowding the pews beside them are a reminder of how ...
A Merry Christmas for the Sheiks
After displaying in its lobby what was heralded as “the Most Expensive Christmas Tree in history” the Emirates Palace Hotel has apparently decided that even in the land of excess that is Abu Dhabi, this was just too much, issuing a statement regretting what it called its “attempts to overload” the tradition.
Personally, I do not think it the best reflection on the tiny emirate (like many of its neighbors, squatted for centuries upon a wasteland of sand until the advent of the m...
A Brief History Of Christmas Traditions
We do the same things every year: down copious amounts of eggnog; kill a tree and cover it in lights; send fruitcake, cards and cookies to our loved ones; kiss under a leafy branch; hang colorful socks over the fireplace and sing off-key demands for figgy pudding at the top of our lungs. Yes, these are our Christmas traditions. Much of what we today consider holiday perennials have been around for about two centuries. The Christmas Tree the king of all traditions is the most obvi...
When E Benron Scrooge awoke, it was still very foggy and extremely cold, and there was no noise of people on Wall Street. Keynes' ghost bothered him. He didn’t know whether it was a dream or not. Then he remembered that a spirit should visit him at the opening NYSE bell. So instead of having a Brazilian head and back wax, E-Benron Scrooge decided to lie awake and wait what to see what happens. Suddenly, the NYSE opening bell struck. Light flashed up on his trading screen and a small hand d...
Remember to keep Christ in Christmas
Boy, it sure does get busy this time of year. People are working, shopping, putting up decorations and Christmas Trees, buying presents, etc.
In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, we sure can lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. I am reminded that the birth of Jesus is celebrated on Christmas Day. Some people make a birthday cake for Jesus and sing "Happy Birthday."
I am so thankful that there are so many reminders there for us. Most of all, I am so thankful that "God so loved th...
When E Benron Scrooge awoke, it was still very foggy and extremely cold, and there was no noise of people on Wall Street. Keynes' ghost bothered him. He didn’t know whether it was a dream or not. Then he remembered that a spirit should visit him at the opening NYSE bell. So instead of having a Brazilian head and back wax, E-Benron Scrooge decided to lie awake and wait what to see what happens. Suddenly, the NYSE opening bell struck. Light flashed up on his trading screen and a small hand d...
Joyeaux Noel
Help to make the season bright. Will find it hard to sleep tonight. They know that Santa's on his way. To see if reindeer really know how to fly. Everybody knows this one. If you have been in a Shopping Mall any time since about Halloween, you've heard Dean Martin or Tony Bennet crooning recordings of it. Have you ever stopped to think that we don't have chestnuts to roast any more? The American Chestnut was wiped out by chestnut blight from Asia in the early 20th century. What else in the lyric...
The shameless assault on Christianity
We're losing the Christian foundations of this country, and people of faith are letting it happen. It's time for us to take a page from the Tea Party, but instead of taking our government back, we need to take our culture back.
Don't misunderstand me: America is a diverse country, and that's one of our strengths. I'm not denying that at all. However, America was founded on Christian principles; it's part of our national identity. If you go to Egypt or Saudi Arabia, you understand that the c...
Survey: For many, Jesus isn't the reason for the season
Rusty Steil enjoys the sweet side of Christmas.
His family gathers at his Denver home where there's a little tree and gifts for his wife, step-daughters and three Grandchildren. Jesus just has nothing to do with it. Steil, 47, is an atheist. He never goes to church or tells the Nativity story to the little ones.
But Christmas parties? Sure, Steil says. "Most atheists I know celebrate in some way. They will get together for solstice or holiday parties."
Come-all-ye-partiers trumps OCome, All Ye F...
Christ and Christmas
Every year, the same tired argument comes up between the overly religious and the overly cynical, basically about who owns the Holiday Season which comes around at the end of December each year. A great many things have been said which appear at first to make sense, but which lose a lot of their validity when you stop to consider them. As a result, anyone making an assertion about what the Holiday Season "should" mean tends to get ignored by a large portion of the public straight off, and some...
Happy Solstice!
The war on solstice has been underway for millennia. Partisans of solstice are fighting back.
I am not referring to the astronomical event. With the winter solstice, of course, we experience the longest night and the shortest day, and afterward, the days grow longer until the summer solstice arrives, and then grows shorter, until the next winter solstice. I am referring, instead, to solstice as a cultural phenomenon, to the ways it is celebrated, contested and invested with meaning.
For mille...
Is anti-Christian political correctness penetrating the comic strips
An analysis of last Sunday’s comic strips in Metro Detroit has caused some residents to claim politically correct bias against Christianity. Statistical approaches common in various scientific disciplines has produced data from Detroit comic strips regarding treatment of Christmas, one of the top three most important holidays on the Christian calendar. META Project ( M ankind’s E xtra T errestrial A nalysis), studies humans and cultures as alien scientists might. Described by some as...
Dmitry Medvedev Bucks Putin, Calls For Press Freedom
Holiday Shoppers Create Own Stimulus
EPA May Be Cooking Own Goose In Texas
Please Don't Call It A Lame Duck Miracle
Rahm Could Run Chicago Even Though He Was In DC
Bloomberg Payroll Exec Resigns Ahead Of Trial
Italian Anarchists Likely Culprits In Bombings
South Korea Begins Enormous War Games
Strangler On The Loose In Philadelphia
Republicans Stop Opposing 9/11 Health Deal
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