Michelle Obama: WASHINGTON—Barack Obama's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year got off to a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad start.
PHOTOS: Michelle Obama in pictures
There he was, on New Year's Day, on Vacation with his family in Hawaii, stuck on a secure phone with Counterterrorism officials, trying to figure out what screw-ups had allowed a would-be Terrorist to board a Christmas Day flight with explosives in his underwear.
VIDEOS: Michelle Obama in videos
Things only got worse for Obama when he returned to Washington in between a pair of epic winter storms...
Obama's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year
There he was, on New Year's Day, on Vacation with his family in Hawaii, stuck on a secure phone with Counterterrorism officials, trying to figure out what screw-ups had allowed a would-be Terrorist to board a Christmas Day flight with explosives in his underwear. Things only got worse for Obama when he returned to Washington in between a pair of epic winter storms. From the start, 2010 delivered a string of setbacks that built up to an electoral shellacking come November, to use the president'...
Obama's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year
There he was, on New Year's Day, on Vacation with his family in Hawaii, stuck on a secure phone with Counterterrorism officials, trying to figure out what screw-ups had allowed a would-be Terrorist to board a Christmas Day flight with explosives in his underwear. Things only got worse for Obama when he returned to Washington in between a pair of epic winter storms. From the start, 2010 delivered a string of setbacks that built up to an electoral shellacking come November, to use the president's ...
Obama's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year
(12-20) 21:11 PST WASHINGTON, (AP) --
Barack Obama's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year got off to a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad start.
There he was, on New Year's Day, on Vacation with his family in Hawaii, stuck on a secure phone with Counterterrorism officials, trying to figure out what screw-ups had allowed a would-be Terrorist to board a Christmas Day flight with explosives in his underwear.
Things only got worse for Obama when he returned to Washington in between a pair...
Democrats Inch Closer to Ratifying START
A group of Senate Republicans all but conceded Tuesday that they cant stop ratification of the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. Not a Subscriber? To continue reading, sign up for a free trial. Heard on the Hill: Whos the Flake-Out? Signs caution reporters from walking in front of TV cameras as House Republican leaders speak about earmark reform during a news conference in the Capitol Visitor Center on April 22. Featuring more than 80 pages of analysis, this essential issue pr...
Stopgap Budget Measure Passes Senate 79-16
It's almost surprising that 16 senators would vote against funding the Government until March 4, when the new Republicans in the House of Representatives will try to Cut Spending, but such is Congress in the Lame Duck session.
The major problem for the new Congress will be the Debt ceiling, which is expected to be reached on March 4th when the total Debt hits a total of $14.3 trillion. It's estimated that the new Budget will have to be much smaller than the current one, which included a $1.3 trillion Def
A Pick Now Collector of Bones
Oh baby baby. While I see Rob's point, puh-leeze. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) lashed out at fellow Republicans Tuesday for a "capitulation ... of dramatic proportions" to Democrats and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) in the lame-duck Congress. Republican senators have broken with the party's leaders on several key votes in order to advance some of President Obama's top policies during the lame-duck. GOP members defected to pass a Repeal of "Don't ask, d...
The repeal of DADT is a wake-up call for social conservatives
Darin Selnick is an independent consultant and former director of Center for Faith Based and Community Initiatives within the Department of Veterans Affairs. Last Saturday, social Conservatives received a wake-up call when Democrats once again imposed their left-wing San Francisco values on America by voting to Repeal the Military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy (DADT) in a lame-duck Senate session. This delivered a tipping-point blow to our armed services and will...
Healthcare Reform and the Public
Tue Dec. 21, 2010 5:13 PM PST I guess I shouldn't care too much about stuff like this, but it bugs me when I get egregiously misquoted. Here is Tevi Troy in the Wall Street Journal today writing about the political disaster of Healthcare Reform: Obama told wavering Democrats [that HCR] would suddenly become acceptable or even popular with the American People once it was passed. As Mother Jones's Kevin Drum put it in March, "once people get a taste of universal healthcare, they like what th...
Obamas terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year
WASHINGTON (AP) — Barack Obama’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year got off to a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad start. There he was, on New Year’s Day, on Vacation with his family in Hawaii, stuck on a secure phone with Counterterrorism officials, trying to figure out what screw-ups had allowed a would-be Terrorist to board a Christmas Day flight with explosives in his underwear. Things only got worse for Obama when he returned to Washington in between a pair of ...
Obama assures Hispanics immigration reform a top goal
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama sought to assure Hispanics on Tuesday that their goal to overhaul U.S. Immigration policy would remain a top priority, despite the recent failure of Congress to advance reforms.
The issue is important for many Democrats and could help Obama mend fences with the Left Wing of his party, which is unhappy at his pact with Republicans to extend Bush-era Tax Cuts for richer Americans that he signed last week.
Immigration may also play a role in the 2012 pr...
I Gag At Huckabee
For all you folks who thought Mike Huckabee was the one for president of the United States, I hope you have been watching him on Fox News and listening to what he says very closely. He's a RINO, he's a "can't we all get along", he's a "try to please everybody" type person, and he is NOT presidential material. Case in point:
Huckabee on child nutrition: I must side with Michelle Obama over Sarah Palin, Hot Air and The Radio Equalizer:
Analysis: A political rebound, but can it hold?
(12-21) 17:33 PST WASHINGTON (AP) --
President Barack Obama is rebounding from his party's midterm drubbing with the kind of lame-duck victory list any White House would want: a tax deal, a landmark Repeal of the ban on Openly Gay Military service, and the prospect of a major Nuclear Treaty with Russia.
Each represents a different approach at deal-making, but none alone offers a clear path to governing in a divided capital over the next two years.
In the seven weeks since the election, Obama n...
Congress clears federal spending budget
The US Congress approved a temporary spending bill that will fund the Federal Government for another 10 weeks through March 4 in order to avoid a government shutdown. The Senate adopted the stopgap measure 79-16 followed by the House of Representatives 193 to 165 before the continuing resolution -- a law funding the Federal Government -- was set to expire Tuesday at midnight. President Barack Obama must now sign the bill into law. It freezes the Budgets of government agencies at current levels...
Senate poised to pass nuclear treaty, giving Obama a major victory
Source: LA Times
A new arms reduction treaty between the United States and Russia seemed headed for certain Senate ratification after Republican opposition crumbled Tuesday beneath a torrid campaign of White House pressure.
Eleven Republican senators joined Democrats in cutting off debate over the treaty, and more could join when the Senate votes on the treaty Wednesday, giving the White House a major Foreign Policy victory.
The Republican support for the agreement, known as the New START Treaty...
Lame Duck Madness
By Jon A. Underwood, CBPO, Ret.
Why the all fired Damn rush????
Why do we have to approve this nuclear limiting Agreement with Russia, that may also limit our Anti-missile development program, NOW, THIS SECOND????
Did we not learn anything with the TARP and STIMULUS actions that wasted non- existent monies and forced us further into Debt?
Seems like the Obama Administration is always trying to force us into immediate actions instead of learning what is in bills before, they are signed… Slipp...
FCC Passes Net Neutrality
Article I Section 1 of the US Constitution states very clearly “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” Article I Section 7 explains the lawmaking process very clearly. Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; If he approve he shall sign it, but if not ...
Are Obama's Job Approval Numbers Bouncing Back?
Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. The latest CNN/Opinion Research poll of national adults finds Barack Obama's Job Approval split -- 48 percent approve and 48 percent disapprove. This is up substantially from September, when the poll found 42 percent of adults approving and 54 percent disapproving The shift was enough to prompt a short item from Politico, with this opening: "President Barack Obama may be staging a comeback in the eyes of the American People ." So, i...
Richard (RJ) Eskow: Obama's Enablers, Obama's Adversaries, and the Fight to Save the New Deal
The Democratic Base seems to have coalesced around two opposing realities: Either President Obama is inept - if not an enemy of all things good and true - or he's doing the best any human being could possibly do. Both of these seemingly opposing positions lead to the same outcome. They encourage inaction, either through trust or through hopelessness, at a time when action is urgently needed.
Whatever his motives, reports suggest the President's about to make a terrible mistake by announcing c...
Sarah Palin levels more criticism at Michelle Obama and child nutrition bill
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, also known as the child nutrition bill that was sponsored by First Lady Michelle Obama and signed into law earlier this month, is not Sarah Palin's cup of tea. Sarah Palin, leader of the Tea Party movement and possible Republican Candidate for president in 2012, has missed no opportunity to criticize Michelle Obama for her tremendous efforts to combat child Obesity and hunger. Recently, Sarah Palin showed her Disapproval of government intervention...
Ex-Black Panther wants to keep "Walmart plantation" out of Brooklyn
The state of New York will lose two Congressional Seats because of decennial reapportionment. With public officials like New York City councilman Charles Barron, a former Black Panther, serving the public, it's easy to see why people are leaving the Empire State. Walmart, the nation's largest Private Employer, hasn't even committed to building a store in a new Brooklyn shopping center, but that hasn't stopped Barron from using emotionally-charged words like "plantation." Several local lawmakers...
Worst in the country? Springs tops list of hardest places to find a job
Here’s a lump of coal in the city’s Christmas stocking: Colorado Springs tied for the worst job outlook in the country for the winter, according to a Forbes list based on the quarterly Manpower employment outlook survey. The Forbes.com report said that the Springs faces a 3-percentage-point Deficit in employment outlook for the First Quarter of 2011, meaning more employers are planning to cut staff than are planning to hire. Sharing a three-way tie with Colorado Springs at the bottom...
Pols cast wary eye on plan to redistrict
The looming prospect of redrawn state House and Senate districts has Bay State Republicans casting a jaundiced eye at the Democrats who will oversee the high-stakes redistricting.
“Everyone is going to be super-careful this time, given what happened the last time,” said outgoing state Sen. Richard Tisei, (R-Lynn-field). “And with all the technology that’s available now, there’s a lot less ability for shenanigans.”
The federal Census Bureau yesterday announced...
John Boehner's House Republicans Finally Find Something They're For: Salmonella
The U.S. Senate voted unanimously for the Food Safety Modernization Act, a sweeping measure that gives the Federal Government broad new powers to inspect processing plants, order recalls of contaminated products and apply U.S. standards to imported foods. No surprise there. After recent contamination scares involving peanuts, eggs and produce, Democrats and Republicans, liberals and Conservatives, should be able to be able to put aside differences and agree that its important to assure that what...
Pols cast wary eye on plan to redistrict
The looming prospect of redrawn state House and Senate districts has Bay State Republicans casting a jaundiced eye at the Democrats who will oversee the high-stakes redistricting.
“Everyone is going to be super-careful this time, given what happened the last time,” said outgoing state Sen. Richard Tisei, (R-Lynn-field). “And with all the technology that’s available now, there’s a lot less ability for shenanigans.”
The federal Census Bureau yesterday announced...
DADT Repeal Isn't Law Yet, But Republicans Are Already Trying to Repeal It
President Obama is scheduled to sign the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act into law on Wednesday morning. But that’s not stopping supporters of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in Congress from strategizing on how to kill the repeal and maintain the U.S. code barring gay men and women from serving openly in the Military. According to the New York Times’ Caucus blog, supporters of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” are already working to amend th...
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
Murkowski Certified as Official Senate Race Winner
Self-Proclaimed King of Birthers to Run for President