ABC News: Ann Coulter, of all people, makes a heck of a catch in her latest column.
PHOTOS: ABC News in pictures
So here's what ABC News reported about Loughner's time in community college: One Pima Community College Student, who had a poetry class with Loughner later in his college career, said he would often act "wildly inappropriate." "One day [Loughner] started making comments about Terrorism and laughing about killing the baby," classmate Don Coorough told ABC News, referring to a discussion about Abortions. "The rest of us were...
VIDEOS: ABC News in videos
NY Times Hits New Low, Keeps Digging: Shamelessly Spins Quote to Imply Giffords Shooter Was a Pro-Life Zealot
Pravda is officially more credible than the New York Times. (Ann Coulter)- In the most bald-faced lie I have ever read in The New York Times — which is saying something - that paper implied Loughner is a pro-life zealot. This is the precise opposite of the truth. Only because numerous other news outlets, including ABC News and The Associated Press, reported the exact same shocking incident in much greater detail — and with direct quotes — do we know that the Times’ ...
New York Times Tells Lie Big Enough To Earn It Another Pulitzer
Oh boy. I saw commenters posting this but I didn't know where they'd gotten it from.
In the most bald-faced lie I have ever read in The New York Times -- which is saying something -- that paper implied Loughner is a pro-life zealot. This is the precise opposite of the truth.
Only because numerous other news outlets, including ABC News and The Associated Press, reported the exact same shocking incident in much greater detail -- and with direct quotes -- do we know that the Times' rendition was ...
New York Times Lies?
In the most bald-faced lie I have ever read in The New York Times — which is saying something — that paper implied Loughner is a pro-life zealot . This is the precise opposite of the truth. Only because numerous other news outlets, including ABC News and The Associated Press, reported the exact same shocking incident in much greater detail — and with direct quotes — do we know that the Times’ rendition was complete bunk. ABC News reported: “One Pima Community ...
After the monstrous shooting in Arizona last week, surely we can all agree that we've got to pass Obama's agenda immediately and stop using metaphors.
At least I think that's what the Mainstream Media are trying to tell me.
Liberals instantly leapt on the sickening massacre at a Tucson political event over the weekend to accuse tea partiers, Sarah Palin and all Conservatives who talk out loud of being complicit in Murder by inspiring the shooter, Jared Loughner.
Of course, to make their case, ...
Ignoring the Inner Self: Roots of Inflammatory Political Hatred and Irrationality
Submitted by BuzzFlash on Sat, 01/15/2011 - 10:06am. In the wake of the Tucson massacre, President Obama has called for a new era of political civility. If we really want this reform, we need to understand something about The Roots of inflammatory discourse. Many partisans, particularly on the Right, are not interested in any resolution of political issues. The real purpose for the venom they direct at the Left is to cover up their own unresolved negativity and to discharge that negativity on t...
The War on Rhetoric
Today marks a week since an American Terrorist went on a murderous rampage in Arizona and so began the American War on Rhetoric. The lone gunman was apparently fixated on Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. He met her three years prior to the tragedy in Tucson but that hasn’t stopped political pundits from placing blame, pointing fingers and blasting accusations. The media should be ashamed for wagging their crooked fingers at anyone other than the American Terrorist who pulled the t...
Off The Grid
There are many ways to transcribe political philosophies into graphical form. I am rather fond of the dual-axis model, as illustrated and explained here. On the other hand, there's a large delegation of the left thinks that second axis is kind of redundant; there's a simple left-right continuum, with "left" being synonymous with 'liberal" and "good," and "right" meaning "conservative" and "evil."
And then there's a third model. This is the one demonstrated by the Tucson shooter and his politic...
Walk for Life West Coast Expects 35,000 Pro-Life People
Organizers expect more than 35,000 peaceful pro-life Activists for the rally at Justin Herman Plaza and walk along the Embarcadero to Marina Green at the annual West Coast Walk for Life in San Francisco. This Pacific coast companion to the March for Life will have headline speeches from the former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic and a couple who chose Abortion and regretted it. The 2010 Walk drew a massive crowd with media estimates ranging from 23,000 to 35,000 people and organizers exp...
Of Course the Assassination Attempt Was Political
In the Fort Hood shootings of November 2009, the right was quick to link Nidal Malik Hasan to Terrorism, while the left insisted he was merely deranged. The reactions to the attempted Assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the Murder of six others this weekend offered a mirror image: Many on the left blamed right-wing political Extremism, while Conservatives insisted that Jared Loughner, the alleged killer, was a lone lunatic, without political motivation. If a whiff of political...
Dateline Pakistan: "The Jewish journalists of the New York Times... refuse to Brand Jared Loughner a terrorist"
"The radicalisation of Evangelical Christians and Jewish Europeans, particularly in the United States, cannot he hidden anymore. Inflammatory language, threats and instigations to violence have become inherent to European-western political culture through their controlled media." May we now have a frank discussion on Immigration?...
So, How Acute Is The MSM Manipulation?
I just read the below excerpt to my husband, who is not a news junkie and tells me to "text him" (he's busy working two jobs) if/when the world is on the verge of ending and he'll leave work early to make it home. Anyhow, when I read the excerpt to him his response was, "WTF?!?" ... Yeah, WTF is what all Americans should be demanding after the last near week of MSM malpractice on display. In the most bald-faced lie I have ever read in The New York Times -- which is saying something -- that paper...
A Letter to Sheriff Dupnik (WARNING Right Wing Hatespeach)
It took many drafts and revisions to ensure my mind was properly represented and anything that could be distorted as a threat was removed, but i finally mailed a letter bearing my glorious signature to Sheriff KKKlerance Dupnikkk. It follows. I wrote this letter the moment I heard you spouting your heartless Leftist claptrap. You have no shame. A demented young Leftist who reads The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf kills six innocent people (including a nine-year-old girl, a Federal Judge, an...
Gun Control, Self Control, and Tone Control
I am a firm believer that the nug behind the gun is what needs controlling. I also believe that automatic weapons, street sweepers and 31 round mags should be reserved for the good guys. But one restriction always leads to another and not one gun can pull its own trigger, and no 31 round mag ever locked itself and jacked one into the chamber. Note to Sheriff Dipstik in Pima County. Yo! Dipstik, shut the hell up, step away from the camera, and keep your political dreams to your self! Do your job ...
The Tucson Massacres The Hall Of Shame: Liberals Who Used Tragedy To Smear The Right
G.I. Wood Shop Inc. Mrs. Peel Oh…My Valve! V The K’s Caption This! An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later. The massacre in Tucson was a horrendous tragedy. Everyone in the country, of every ideological stripe, should have been allowed to mourn the Victims’ deaths and injuries without the imposition of having to defend people who had nothing at all to do with it. But where normal people saw tragedy, the Far Left saw opportunity. They jumped at th...
Political speech today -- it's not Bobby Kennedy's America
No, though it's certainly more debased and lacerating than it was just a few short years ago. We've been through eras of bitterly expressed politics more often than we'd probably care to admit. The Federalists and anti-Federalists bickered ferociously. Contention over the Bank of the United States during the Jacksonian era was fierce. The political Rhetoric leading up to the Civil War was murderous. Franklin Roosevelt's policies were the target of vile opposition. And during the McCarthy period,...
Ignoring the President, Krugman doubles down on violent rhetoric narrative
A few days ago, Paul Krugman, NY Times opinion writer and Nobel Laureate - a fact no one on the left will ever let you forget - wrote what I can only characterize as a screed denouncing Republicans and the right in general for the use of violent language that he claimed led directly to the tragedy in Tuscon. Now, two days later and after the President of the United States himself has denounced Krugman’s claims by noting - rightfully so - that a lack of civility ...
Confronting Hate In Arizona
Faced with rising anger against ideological zealots who have turned the murderous atrocity in Arizona into a political circus, President Obama had to respond. In an excellent Speech eulogizing the six dead and paying respect to the critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Obama appealed to the nation to cool down and stop the nonsense. His signature line was: "What we cannot do is use this tragedy as one more occasion to turn on each other."
Unfortunately, his words came too late.
The strugg...
Robert Weller: Finally A Line Obama Won't Cross On WikiLeaks
It seemed there was nothing the Obama Administration wouldn't do to shut down Wikileaks and shut up Julian Assange.
Today we found out there is. In a somewhat curious move, the Treasury Department declined a right-wing congressman's request to blacklist WikiLeaks.
There already is a Grand Jury investigating Assange and the government has put pressure on Financial Institutions and Internet providers not to do business with the Whistleblowers. A U.S. Army private has been held in solitary for se...
The Tucson Shooter
The problem with fighting back against the (non–?) “blood Libel” is that it distracts from what we really want in moments like these: to come together to grieve, to condemn in union, to look for any possible slim act of redemption — to assert the power of life and community over death, evil, and devastation. (I wrote a column about this.) Here is what the last known best friend of the Tucson shooter (I don’t like to use the shooter’s name) had to say. Za...
Elected officials flunkU.S. Constitution quiz
In a survey of thousands of Americans, one subset – elected officials – proved particularly clueless on questions about the U.S. Constitution. In fact, fewer than half could correctly answer such basic questions as "Who can declare war?" and "What are the three branches of government?" The Intercollegiate Studies Institute reports it conducted the quiz of over 2,500 adults, asking 33 basic civics questions, many taken from nationally recognized instruments like the U.S. Citizenship...
The Arizona Shootings, Gun Violence Research and the Facts vs. The New York Times
You know you’re doing something right when two New York Times columnists, Gail Collins and Nicholas Kristof, attack your research on the same day. Kristof followed up on criticism leveled earlier in the week by others writing for The Times. I must have said something substantial enough to warrant this attention. Let us check the facts. Gail Collins worries that law-abiding citizens carrying concealed Handguns can't be trusted: "One can only hope that Saturday's horrible attack in Tucson en...
Pat Caddell Expresses His Distain for New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman
During an episode of the late late night Fox show known as “Red Eye”, former Jimmy Carter pollster and political analyst Pat Caddell expresses his distain for New York Times columnist Paul Krugman.
Daily Caller
On Fox News Channel’s Friday airing of “Red Eye,” host Greg Gutfeld wondered if the media was denial over the notion it had little to do with the actions of Jared Loughner, the suspect in the recent Tucson, Ariz. shooting.
“Here’s an interesting point R
When Even Excitable Charles Blow Thinks The Left Went Nuts With Their Blamestorming
…Then most assuredly, they did. Charles calls his op-ed The Tucson Witch Hunt, and he believes the Left was way off base, and, consider, this comes from a super liberal with his head in the sand, who says later in the article I have written about violent Rhetoric before, and I’m convinced that it’s poisonous to our politics, that the preponderance of it comes from the right, and that it has the potential to manifest in massacres like the one in Tucson. Obviously, he doesn’...
Amanda Knox defense pleased by witness conviction
ROME - A Defense Lawyer for Amanda Knox, the U.S. College Student serving a 26-year Prison sentence for the Murder of her British roommate, says a Drug Charge conviction of a prosecution witness might help the American in her appeals trial in Italy. Luciano Ghirga told The Associated Press in Rome Saturday the defense always maintained that Antonio Curatolo, a Homeless man in the university town of Perugia, isn't a credible witness. Perugia court offices were closed Saturday. Officials cou...
Students' rights weighed as colleges try to assess threats
A growing majority of colleges nationwide are keeping tabs on Students through "threat assessment teams" charged with identifying dangerous students, causing debate to erupt over how much power the schools should have as they try to flag disturbing behavior.
Two states — Virginia and Illinois — now legally require such teams and 80% of colleges nationwide have started them since the 2007 massacre at Virginia Tech that left 32 people dead. At Pima Community College in Arizona, a Behav...
Fancy Washington DC Dinners Aren't Masking China Issues
Governor Robert Bentley Apologizes For Inauguration Talk
House GOP Passes Healthcare Reform Repeal, Urges Debate
Philly Abortion Doc Killed 7 In Barbaric Fashion
Obama Orders Rules' Review To Boost Job Creation
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home
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