ABC News: Pravda is officially more credible than the New York Times. (Ann Coulter)- In the most bald-faced lie I have ever read in The New York Times — which is saying something - that paper implied Loughner is a pro-life zealot.
PHOTOS: ABC News in pictures
This is the precise opposite of the truth.
VIDEOS: ABC News in videos
Only because numerous other news outlets, including ABC News and The Associated Press, reported the exact same shocking incident in much greater detail — and with direct quotes — do we know that the Times’ ...
New York Times wrongly suggests Tucson shooter is a pro-life
Ann Coulter, of all people, makes a heck of a catch in her latest column. So here's what ABC News reported about Loughner's time in community college: One Pima Community College Student, who had a poetry class with Loughner later in his college career, said he would often act "wildly inappropriate." "One day [Loughner] started making comments about Terrorism and laughing about killing the baby," classmate Don Coorough told ABC News, referring to a discussion about Abortions. "The rest of us were...
New York Times Tells Lie Big Enough To Earn It Another Pulitzer
Oh boy. I saw commenters posting this but I didn't know where they'd gotten it from.
In the most bald-faced lie I have ever read in The New York Times -- which is saying something -- that paper implied Loughner is a pro-life zealot. This is the precise opposite of the truth.
Only because numerous other news outlets, including ABC News and The Associated Press, reported the exact same shocking incident in much greater detail -- and with direct quotes -- do we know that the Times' rendition was ...
After the monstrous shooting in Arizona last week, surely we can all agree that we've got to pass Obama's agenda immediately and stop using metaphors.
At least I think that's what the Mainstream Media are trying to tell me.
Liberals instantly leapt on the sickening massacre at a Tucson political event over the weekend to accuse tea partiers, Sarah Palin and all Conservatives who talk out loud of being complicit in Murder by inspiring the shooter, Jared Loughner.
Of course, to make their case, ...
New York Times Lies?
In the most bald-faced lie I have ever read in The New York Times — which is saying something — that paper implied Loughner is a pro-life zealot . This is the precise opposite of the truth. Only because numerous other news outlets, including ABC News and The Associated Press, reported the exact same shocking incident in much greater detail — and with direct quotes — do we know that the Times’ rendition was complete bunk. ABC News reported: “One Pima Community ...
Off The Grid
There are many ways to transcribe political philosophies into graphical form. I am rather fond of the dual-axis model, as illustrated and explained here. On the other hand, there's a large delegation of the left thinks that second axis is kind of redundant; there's a simple left-right continuum, with "left" being synonymous with 'liberal" and "good," and "right" meaning "conservative" and "evil."
And then there's a third model. This is the one demonstrated by the Tucson shooter and his politic...
So, How Acute Is The MSM Manipulation?
I just read the below excerpt to my husband, who is not a news junkie and tells me to "text him" (he's busy working two jobs) if/when the world is on the verge of ending and he'll leave work early to make it home. Anyhow, when I read the excerpt to him his response was, "WTF?!?" ... Yeah, WTF is what all Americans should be demanding after the last near week of MSM malpractice on display. In the most bald-faced lie I have ever read in The New York Times -- which is saying something -- that paper...
Attacking Mukasey, Ridge, Townsend and Giuliani
The Post has a feature called "Taking Exception," which allows individuals to respond to opinion columns that appear in the paper -- especially when they come under personal criticism in such columns. This is based on the important journalistic principle that readers have the right to hear both sides of the story. The New York Times apparently does not share The Post's commitment to this principle. Recently, the Times published an op-ed by David Cole, who accused former Attorney General Michael...
And Never the Twain Shall Meet
[T]he truth is that we are a deeply divided nation and are likely to remain one for a long time. By all means, let's listen to each other more carefully; but what we'll discover, I fear, is how far apart we are. For the great divide in our politics isn't really about pragmatic issues, about which policies work best; it's about differences in those very moral imaginations Mr. Obama urges us to expand, about divergent beliefs over what constitutes justice. And the real challenge we face is not how...
Walk for Life West Coast Expects 35,000 Pro-Life People
Organizers expect more than 35,000 peaceful pro-life Activists for the rally at Justin Herman Plaza and walk along the Embarcadero to Marina Green at the annual West Coast Walk for Life in San Francisco. This Pacific coast companion to the March for Life will have headline speeches from the former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic and a couple who chose Abortion and regretted it. The 2010 Walk drew a massive crowd with media estimates ranging from 23,000 to 35,000 people and organizers exp...
Pro-Life Advocates Making Final Plans for March for Life
The March for Life is a somber reminder of the 37 years of the destruction of human life before birth following the 1974 Supreme Court decisions Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton that allowed virtually unlimited Abortion for any reason at any point during Pregnancy. The decisions have culminated in more than 53 million abortions that have claimed the lives of little boys and girls. In Pittsburgh, several buses will be making their way towards the nation’s capital filled with pro-life advocates...
The Week in Pictures for Jan. 14
See the Slide Show
Here is a slide show of photographs from the past week in New York City and the region. Subjects include Coptic Christmas in Brooklyn, more snow, what remains of the Deutsche Bank building downtown and more.
This weekend on “The New York Times Close Up,” an inside look at the most compelling stories in Sunday’s Times, Sam Roberts will speak with Amy Virshup, Dave Itzkoff and David W. Chen of The Times, as well as Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. Tune in at 1...
Rational Actors: Freakonomics Blog To Leave New York Times
Demand is high for inflammatory thought experiments!
The New York Times' Freakonomics blog, penned by Freakonomics authors Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, among others, will spin off into its own site,, run by the Freakonomics documentary's producer Chad Troutwine, reports Jeff Bercovici.
According to an e-mail soliciting Candidates for an editor and media Strategist, they "believe it will be a media juggernaut." "OK that may be a stretch, but we are confident in the site's ...
FBI pays visit to blogger as potential "threat"
This local ABC report out of southwest Missouri suggests a law enforcement response to the Mass Shooting in Arizona that has, until now, been conducted behind the scenes:
CHRISTIAN COUNTY, Mo. — A local blogger who was critical of Rep. Billy Long during last year's congressional campaign has been interviewed by the FBI about his encounters with the congressman.
Clay Bowler, who lives in Christian County, says he was shocked to find an agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigation at...
A Comprehensive List of All the Bars 'That Specialize in Beer' in Williamsburg
So, we've already established that Williamsburgers hate chain stores, particularly the new Duane Reade on their beloved Bedford Avenue, which is locked in a deathmatch with a mom-and-pop pharmacy across the street. We have also established that The New York Times is somehow ignorant of Brooklyn, the most populace borough in its own backyard, a place where many of its reporters now live, no less.
Today, it only got worse. Granted this story appeared in Business Day and is ostensibly about "a la...
Groupon value could be $15 billion in IPO
NEW YORK, Jan. 14 (UPI) -- Groupon, the deal-of-the-day Web site that turned aside a $6 billion offer from U.S. search giant Google, said it is proceeding with an initial public offering. Two people with knowledge of the deal said the company, which just raised $950 million from big investors, discussed a public offering with Bankers this week, a move that could value Groupon at $15 billion or more, The New York Times reported Friday. If it happens, a public offering would be a huge milestone fo...
Arizona Shooting Suspect Jared Loughner Posed in Pictures in Red G-String with Glock, Say Police
Source: CBS News
Police say Jared Loughner, the suspect in the Arizona shooting rampage that left six dead and over a dozen wounded including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, posed in photos with a Glock 9mm while wearing a red g-string, according to a report.
Walgreens turned the photos over to police, according to a police source that spoke to CBS News.
Police say Loughner had dropped the photos off to be developed.
The New York Times reports that according to police, in some photos Loughner is hold...
Afternoon Open Thread
Good Afternoon. As you go through the rest of your day, don’t forget JJP. Drop those links. Engage in debate. Give us trivia and gossip too. And continue to have a peaceful day. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. PONNURU: WE Republicans CAN’T GOVERN! AND IT’S ALL OBAMA’S FAULT (and the public’s)! I’ve said for years that Republicans can’t govern — all they r...
Loughner posed in g-string with Glock (Politico)
Police said Friday they have semi-naked pictures accused Tucson shooter Jared Lee Loughner took of himself posing with a Glock 9mm gun while wearing a g-string, police said Friday. In photos turned over to the cops by a Walgreens drug store, Loughner posed bright-red g-string underwear with the same type of gun recovered at Saturday’s shooting at a Tucson Safeway. In some photos, Loughner is holding the gun near his crotch, The New York Times reported. In others that appear to have been sh...
Jeff Kass: Jared Loughner's Diagnosis
And the verdict is... schizophrenia.
I thought it would be interesting to survey the various diagnoses to see what experts and others were saying. And I thought there would be a range of opinions, which might point up the futility of such an exercise, but also be a good starting point for comparative analysis. (Keeping in mind that snap judgement blogging isn't always the best place to start serious inquiries).
But so far schizophrenia seems to be the most common diagnosis for Loughner, who st...
Owners seek stallion for champion mare
VERSAILLES, Ky., Jan. 14 (UPI) -- The owners of racing champion Zenyatta said they will soon announce their pick of stallion to father the mare's offspring in Kentucky. Jerry and Ann Moss of California said 7-year-old Zenyatta, who won 19 of 20 starts, will be bred at Lane's End Farm in Versailles with the chosen stallion, which is expected to be announced Monday, in the hopes of creating foals with their mother's knack for speed, The New York Times reported Friday. "Maybe most important of all,...
Dont kill him
Today’s New York Times reports that San Diego Federal Judge Larry Alan Burns was appointed to oversee the Tucson Murder case. Apparently, one factor in his selection was Burns’s experience in federal death penalty cases. Until I read that, I hadn’t thought much about what would happen to Jared Loughner, who committed this atrocity. I don’t oppose the death penalty in all cases, certainly not in all cases of mass murder. I don’t know very much about Loughner’s...
Are the FTs Digital Subscribers More Global?
The $64 million question IN Media is whether readers will pay for content when it is delivered digitally. The first phase of the digitization of the media that took place during the decade that just passed was built upon the presumption that audience size mattered above all. But when digital advertising failed to generate revenue at anywhere near the rate of print.
Today, paidContent UK reports that the FT’s subscriptions are rising rapidly
“206,892 paying digital subscribers … u...
Is Mayor Bloomberg Keeping His Opinion Editors Out of the Newsroom?
David Shipley and Jamie Rubin, the co-executive editors of the new Bloomberg View editorial department, will not work in Bloomberg LP's massive Lexington Avenue offices, reports Forbes Mixed Media.
Instead, they'll be in the Upper East Side office of the Bloomberg Family Foundation.
A Bloomberg spokerson said it was merely a matter of space and they would be able to work in both, but Jeff Bercovici's insiders say it's because Bloomberg's interaction with the company is so highly regulated. Kee...
Tunisia rioting overwhelms seaside resort
TUNIS, Tunisia, Jan. 13 (UPI) -- Police largely abandoned an exclusive Tunisian beachfront town as rioters calling for the ouster of the country's president swarmed the streets, witnesses said. The town, Hammamet, is a haven for the nearby capital's rich and powerful, The New York Times reported. Violence escalated Thursday in the capital, Tunis, as nationwide Protests entered their fourth week. In Tunis, rioters defied tanks and Machine Guns, the Times reported, while several were killed, addin...
Tunisia rioting spreads to seaside resort
TUNIS, Tunisia, Jan. 13 (UPI) -- Protesters and police clashed in the Tunisian capital, with fighting spreading to a nearby tourist beachfront Thursday as anti-government Protests escalated. Officials said police used bullets and tear gas to disperse protesters in Tunis, while officers were reported overwhelmed in Hammamet, a popular tourist destination, as rioters rampaged through seaside streets, setting banks aflame, ransacking businesses and attacking a mansion owned by a member of Tunisian ...
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
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