Let's not make this something it isn't

Jared Loughner: I’ll admit that my first thought on Saturday upon hearing that Gabrielle Giffords had been shot was that it was probably the work of a politically motivated right-wing Extremist.

PHOTOS: Jared Loughner in pictures

And based on my initial conversations with colleagues and friends -- to say nothing of what I observed on Twitter -- I was hardly alone.

VIDEOS: Jared Loughner in videos

It certainly seemed logical. There have been plenty of times since the fall of 2008, when Barack Obama’s pending election as president began stirring some hysterical and oc...

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John Ross posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Jared Lee Loughner is being labled a Tea Party member .. He reads Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifesto... come on really? lol

Buz Rountree posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Jared Lee Loughner listed Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto as favorite books on MySpace. Doesn't sound Tea Party to me.

Titoxd @ Wikimedia posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Jared Lee Loughner read the Commie Manifesto & Mein Kampf . Pundits use that as a tool to blame either the Right or the Left. We never learn...

Alasdhair Campbell posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Jared Lee Loughner MySpace had Mein Kampf , Communist Manifesto as favorite books. One guy tweets "Peculiar... wasn't Hitler anti-communist?"

Steven E. Streight posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Rep. Giffords shooter, Jared Loughner likes Communist Manifesto, Mein Kampf , Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan, Animal Farm, Siddhartha.

Eddie Taylor posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Just read that Gifford's shooting was left's fault b/c Jared Lee Loughner liked Mein Kampf and was therefore "socialist". Really, guys?

Dino Krousouloudis posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Only a moron or a true believer admits their favorite books are: The communist manifesto (Marx) and mein kampf (Hitler). Jared Lee Loughner

Todd H. posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

2 of Jared Lee Loughner fav books are Mein Kampf (socialist) and The Communist Manifesto. How does that make this kook a right winger?

Robert Cook posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Jared Lee Loughner , 22, Who Shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford Yesterday Outside A Tucson Supermarket, Said Adolf Hitler's " Mein Kampf "

David McGuire posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Another highlight: someone citing Jared Loughner 's favourite book being Mein Kampf , as evidence of left-wing sympathies. Bizarre.

Donavon Cawley posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

The Right is already trying to paint Jared Loughner as a liberal loon. Apparently the proof is that his favorite book is Mein Kampf . ???

mindy trotta posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Jared Lee Loughner listed " Mein Kampf " as one of his favorite books on MySpace. What a shocker.

k_intercept posted 4 days ago (via twitter)

Jared Loughner has positioned Ayn Rand's "We, the Living" alongside Hitler's " Mein Kampf ."Mark this as a sad day in literature and progress

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