Larry David: Larry David, Seinfeld co-creator and Curb Your Enthusiasm star, has an op-ed today in the New York Times.
PHOTOS: Larry David in pictures
I hope you like sarcasm: THERE is a God! It passed! The Bush Tax Cuts have been extended two years for the upper bracketeers, of which I am a proud member, thank you very much.
VIDEOS: Larry David in videos
I’m the last person in the world I’d want to be beside, but I am beside myself! This is a life changer, I tell you. A life changer! To begin with, I was planning a trip to Cabo with my kids for Christmas v...
Curb Your Enthusiasm
You're welcome, Larry David:
THERE is a God! It passed! The Bush Tax Cuts have been extended two years for the upper bracketeers, of which I am a proud member, thank you very much. I’m the last person in the world I’d want to be beside, but I am beside myself! This is a life changer, I tell you. A life changer!
To begin with, I was planning a trip to Cabo with my kids for Christmas Vacation. We were going to fly coach, but now with the money I’m saving in taxes, I’m goin...
Larry David: A Sarcastic "Thanks" for the Tax Cut
Larry David has an op-ed in the New York Times today expressing gratitude for the just passed Tax Cut Compromise --- which will extend the breaks for upper income earners like him. He writes, "To begin with, I was planning a trip to Cabo with my kids for Christmas Vacation. We were going to fly coach, but now with the money I’m saving in taxes, I’m going to splurge and bump myself up to first class. First class! Somebody told me they serve warm nuts up there, and call you “...
Larry David "praises" tax cuts for rich in NY Times
The liberal television icon took to the editorial pages of the New York Times on Tuesday to declare -- sarcastically -- that his life was finally getting better now that the Obama administration has extended Bush-era Tax Cuts for two years.
"There is a God! It passed! The Bush Tax Cuts have been extended two years for the upper bracketeers, of which I am a proud member, thank you very much ... This is a life changer," David wrote in a missive headlined "Thanks for the Tax Cut!"
Forbes Magazine ...
Larry David Takes On The Tax Cut Deal In Satirical NYT Column
Waiting in line at a Chinese Restaurant, giving money to too-old trick or treaters, and breaking up with a friend. These are just some of the annoyances of modern day life that have been skewered by the writing of Larry David , he of Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm fame. Well, we can now add “letting the Richest Americans keep exorbitant Tax Cuts even at a time of great economic disaster” to the list. David’s written a column in today’s New York Times in which he’...
Larry David Takes to The Times to Thank Dems For Tax Cuts
Because of Seinfeld's ultra-lucrative syndication, it's safely assumed that creator Larry David resides in the highest income bracket. And once that's established, there's nothing stopping him from admitting that, yes, he is benefiting greatly from the Tax Cuts that his liberal political affiliation requires him to despise.
Just how greatly, you ask? Conveniently, the Curb Your Enthusiasm star/subject was granted an op-ed in The New York Times where he riffed for a few hundred words on how gre...
Larry David: A Sarcastic "Thanks" for the Tax Cut
Larry David has an op-ed in the New York Times today expressing gratitude for the just passed Tax Cut Compromise --- which will extend the breaks for upper income earners like him. He writes, "To begin with, I was planning a trip to Cabo with my kids for Christmas Vacation. We were going to fly coach, but now with the money I’m saving in taxes, I’m going to splurge and bump myself up to first class. First class! Somebody told me they serve warm nuts up there, and call you “...
Mortgage applications fell last week
NEW YORK (AP) — The number of people applying for a Mortgage fell last week as higher rates discouraged borrowing. The Mortgage Bankers Association says its overall Mortgage application index decreased 18.6 percent from the previous week. The refinance index dropped 24.6 percent, marking the sixth decline in a row. The purchase index slipped 2.5 percent last week. Rates on fixed mortgages continued to edge up last week, remaining at the highest levels in six months. They are rising because...
US doing 'everything' possible to prevent terror attack
Christmas shoppers in New York City on December 17. A top US anti-terror of... A top US anti-terror official said Wednesday that US intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies were doing everything they could to prevent a terror attack over the Christmas holidays. "As we enter the peak of another Holiday Season, the Homeland Security, Law Enforcement and intelligence communities are collectively focused on doing everything they can do to prevent Terrorists from disrupting the safety and security ...
Extra, Extra
Photograph by stoone on Flickr
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From the Gothamist Newsmap: An all-hands in 132nd St & South Conduit Ave in Queens, an MVA overturn on Staten Island, and a Suspicious Package at E 170st & Findlay Ave in The Bronx.
A NJ man rubbed deer meat on his car to cover up hit-and-run. (Why does this remind us of Goodfellas a little?)
Larry David uses the NY Times Op-Ed platform to express his joy at the Bush Tax Cuts extension.
Cherry Lane...
White House: Intel director should have been briefed on terror arrests in Britain
Click here to cancel reply. You must be logged in to post a comment. Harsh winters caused by Global Warming? Larry David: Thanks for the Tax Cut! Ask Matt Labash Vol. XLIII: Christmas in Haiti, and an essential Christmas music playlist...
Turkish man goes on trial for plot to kill rabbis
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — A Turkish news agency says a court has released a man whom prosecutors accuse of plotting to Murder Jewish rabbis and the Istanbul-based leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians. The Anatolia agency says suspect Ismet Recber was freed pending the outcome of the trial following the first hearing Wednesday. Recber, a carpenter, faces up to 15 years in Prison if found Guilty of plotting to kill Patriarch Bartholomew I. He denies the accusations. Anatolia says the ...
U.S. judge awards Islamic charity damages
Published: Dec. 22, 2010 at 9:28 AM San Francisco, Dec. 22 (UPI) -- A Federal Judge ordered the U.S. government to pay $40,800 in damages and $2.5 million in legal fees for illegally Wiretapping an Islamic organization. Even though the government had classified Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation as a Terrorist organization, Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker said the group's lawyers achieved a "vindication of Civil Rights" by challenging the warrantless Wiretapping that was part of President Ge...
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Victor Davis Hanson writes of the about face of the Obamaites in which we see even the most vehement leftistism now fully accepting nonchalantly what it not long ago so ardently demonized, and in doing so puts the absurdity of the leftists' agenda in its well-deserved perspective of ridiculousness: Californians have been experiencing ten days of the wettest, snowiest weather in recent memory. In the usually arid San Joaquin Valley, Flooding is ubiquitous. The high Sierra passes are locked in sno...
If Every Rich Person Were Larry David, I'd Feel Better About Cutting Their Taxes
The Qatar Model: A New Way Forward for the Middle East? Derek Thompson - Derek Thompson is an associate editor at The Atlantic, where he writes about economics, business, and technology. Derek has also written for BusinessWeek, Slate and The Daily Beast. Derek Thompson is a blogger at and an associate editor for the Business Channel, where he writes about Economic Policy, technology, and the media industry. He is also a visiting research fellow at the Committee for a Responsible ...
If Every Rich Person Were Larry David, I'd Feel Better About Cutting Their Taxes
The Qatar Model: A New Way Forward for the Middle East? Derek Thompson - Derek Thompson is an associate editor at The Atlantic, where he writes about economics, business, and technology. Derek has also written for BusinessWeek, Slate and The Daily Beast. Derek Thompson is a blogger at and an associate editor for the Business Channel, where he writes about Economic Policy, technology, and the media industry. He is also a visiting research fellow at the Committee for a Responsible ...
Larry David: Thanks For The Tax Cut!
New York Times:
There is a God! It passed! The Bush Tax Cuts have been extended two years for the upper bracketeers, of which I am a proud member, thank you very much. I'm the last person in the world I'd want to be beside, but I am beside myself! This is a life changer, I tell you. A life changer!
Read the whole story: New York Times
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New York Times Lawsuit Hopes to Make NYPD Open Up
The New York Times is suing the New York Police Department for their alleged violation of the State Freedom of Information Law (FOIL), says the Times.
The Lawsuit describes four requests for information which were delayed or denied: the addresses of NYC residents who had gun permits, the database on Hate Crimes, the database on crime incident reports and the tracking log on FOIL requests.
The New York Times vice president and General Counsel general counsel David E. McCraw said these denials m...
Never Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste
Washington — New START moved one step closer to ratification Tuesday, as the Senate voted 67–28 to end debate. A . . . Go EEOC vs. Kaplan The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has sued the Kaplan Higher Education Corporation for using credit history in its hiring process. . . . Go Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour issues a statement about the recent Controversy: Dec. 21, 2010 GOV. BARBOUR'S STATEMENT REGARDING Weekly Standard ARTICLE "When asked . . . Go Enjoy. . . . ....
Jilted Ex Blasts NY Times Over 'Vows' Story: 'Revisionist History'
Yesterday I asked whether The New York Times made any attempt to get both sides of the Controversial story of two married parents who left their spouses for each other — a question the Times refused to discuss. Now we have our answer. “No, I wasn’t contacted or interviewed or given any opportunity to opine on any of it, including having my seven-year-old daughter’s picture in the paper,” says Bob Ennis, former husband of TV reporter Carol Anne Riddell. It hardly nee...
Haley Barbours Civil Rights Airbrush
It’s too bad for Haley Barbour that he’s not in my book group. Sure, the Mississippi Governor and potential Presidential Candidate might feel a little out of place. He would be the only man—and, as it turns out, the only Republican. But Barbour might have saved himself a heap of trouble if he had been with us Sunday night to talk about “The Help,” Kathryn Stockett’s novel about white women and their black maids in Mississippi during the 1960s. Barbour is a s...
Haley Barbour Criticized for Praising Segregationist Group
(Credit: AP Photo/Nicole LaCour Young)
A spokesperson for Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour is pushing back against criticism from liberal pundits today over the Governor's praise for a segregationist group.
Here's the backstory: Over the weekend, the conservative magazine the Weekly Standard published profile of Barbour, a major GOP operative and potential 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate. The profile highlighted Barbour's ties to his hometown of Yazoo City, Mississippi, where schools wer...
Capehart: Haley Barbour's race blinders
Despite his just-released statement of contrition, Gov. Haley Barbour (R-Miss.) has a blind spot the size of the Confederate Flag when it comes to race. I'm not saying that this son of the South is a Racist. I am saying that, for the second time this year, Barbour has displayed a stunning lack of insight, knowledge or even sensitivity to the role race played and continues to play in his own backyard. Note that I said this year. Greg Sargent yesterday pointed to some of Barbour's race missteps ...
Mississippi Gov. Barbour backtracks on racial remarks
Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R) is trying to quell the political storm kicked up over Controversial comments he made about the struggle for Civil Rights in his state.
In a Weekly Standard magazine profile published Monday, Barbour said he didn't remember it "being that bad" and referred benignly to white groups called Citizens Councils, which were known to enforce segregationist policies throughout the South.
His office released a statement Tuesday morning backtracking from thos...
Defending Barbour
After Haley Barbour's tactical retreat yesterday, Clarion-Ledger political columnist Sid Salter mounts a full-throated defense:
I don't presume to know what Haley Barbour remembers about Mississippi's tortured Civil Rights past or the role of the Citizens Council in it. What I do know is that Barbour was 14 when James Meredith integrated Ole Miss, 15 when Medgar Evers was assassinated in Jack...
Haley's Way Out.
As you probably know by now, Haley Barbour -- Governor of Mississippi, former chair of the RNC and tobacco Lobbyist, and potential Presidential Candidate -- is in a whole heap of trouble over some comments he made in an article in the Weekly Standard, particularly concerning his odd assertion that in his town, the White Citizens Council (known colloquially as the "uptown Klan") was actually a force for racial justice, running the Klan out of town. Needless to say, this is absurdly false.
I supp...
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LOL-"Who do you think has more freedom: the married man in America or the single man in Communist China?"~ Larry David / Curb Your Enthusiasm
Watching curb your enthusiasm ...I love Larry david
Fantastic show, gotta love Larry David ... "@GarethCliff: Watching a marathon of Curb Your Enthusiasm tonight..."
Just started watching Curb Your Enthusiasm . Amazing. Larry David /is/ Awkward Penguin.
"Are all black men who ear bow ties Muslim" - Larry David ( Curb your Enthusiasm ) hahaha
Ted Danson is not gay. I did not realise this. The things Curb Your Enthusiasm teaches me. Thank you, Larry David !
finished Woody Allen's "Whatever Works". OK film, not huge fan. Couldn't get Larry David 's " Curb Your Enthusiasm " character out of my head.
the Larry David -blister packaging scene in this season's Curb Your Enthusiasm was hysterical.
Always funny: Curb Your Enthusiasm ... Can't go wrong w/ Larry David
Tom Hooper director of The King's Speech says he learned Hollywood etiquette from [YES! The masterpiece] Larry David 's Curb Your Enthusiasm .
Genius Sopranos moment! Junior flicks the TV channel to Curb Your Enthusiasm , sees Larry David . "The fuck...? Why am I on there?"
Doing some editing while watching the Curb Your Enthusiasm marathon.... Larry David is hilarious!
I often worry that as I grow older, I will slowly turn into Larry David from Curb your Enthusiasm .
"I DON'T WATCH WIZARDS OF WAVERLY PLACE," Larry David ( Curb Your Enthusiasm )
curb your enthusiasm is the stupidest show in the universe, I can't even stand one minute of it >:C Larry David should be shot
Curb Your Enthusiasm is the best show on TV... Larry David 's a genius.
He looks like Larry david from Curb your enthusiasm and when I say he was as pale as the whitest white
I'm watching my dvd collection of Curb Your Enthusiasm I looooooooooove Larry David !
'i'm Larry David and i happen to enjoy wearing womens panties' LOL i love Curb Your Enthusiasm
Watching series 2 curb your enthusiasm . Me and Larry David - like soul brothers or some such shit.
"@WhereucantB: Larry David is a fool with it."{he sure is. I love curb your enthusiasm }
I think Larry David 's life on curb your enthusiasm is more unfortunate than Chris Rock's life on everybody hates chris
Watching " Curb Your Enthusiasm " till I K.O.... Larry David is that nigga lol
I feel like a theme of Curb Your Enthusiasm is little kids blaming Larry David for stuff they did.
Watching Curb Your Enthusiasm . Larry David is a genius..