Larry David: The Qatar Model: A New Way Forward for the Middle East? Derek Thompson - Derek Thompson is an associate editor at The Atlantic, where he writes about economics, business, and technology.
PHOTOS: Larry David in pictures
Derek has also written for BusinessWeek, Slate and The Daily Beast.
VIDEOS: Larry David in videos
Derek Thompson is a blogger at and an associate editor for the Business Channel, where he writes about Economic Policy, technology, and the media industry. He is also a visiting research fellow at the Committee for a Responsible ...
Larry David "praises" tax cuts for rich in NY Times
The liberal television icon took to the editorial pages of the New York Times on Tuesday to declare -- sarcastically -- that his life was finally getting better now that the Obama administration has extended Bush-era Tax Cuts for two years.
"There is a God! It passed! The Bush Tax Cuts have been extended two years for the upper bracketeers, of which I am a proud member, thank you very much ... This is a life changer," David wrote in a missive headlined "Thanks for the Tax Cut!"
Forbes Magazine ...
How to curb Larry David's enthusiasm for high taxes
Larry David, Seinfeld co-creator and Curb Your Enthusiasm star, has an op-ed today in the New York Times. I hope you like sarcasm: THERE is a God! It passed! The Bush Tax Cuts have been extended two years for the upper bracketeers, of which I am a proud member, thank you very much. I’m the last person in the world I’d want to be beside, but I am beside myself! This is a life changer, I tell you. A life changer! To begin with, I was planning a trip to Cabo with my kids for Christmas v...
Larry David Takes On The Tax Cut Deal In Satirical NYT Column
Waiting in line at a Chinese Restaurant, giving money to too-old trick or treaters, and breaking up with a friend. These are just some of the annoyances of modern day life that have been skewered by the writing of Larry David , he of Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm fame. Well, we can now add “letting the Richest Americans keep exorbitant Tax Cuts even at a time of great economic disaster” to the list. David’s written a column in today’s New York Times in which he’...
Larry David: A Sarcastic "Thanks" for the Tax Cut
Larry David has an op-ed in the New York Times today expressing gratitude for the just passed Tax Cut Compromise --- which will extend the breaks for upper income earners like him. He writes, "To begin with, I was planning a trip to Cabo with my kids for Christmas Vacation. We were going to fly coach, but now with the money I’m saving in taxes, I’m going to splurge and bump myself up to first class. First class! Somebody told me they serve warm nuts up there, and call you “...
Larry David Takes to The Times to Thank Dems For Tax Cuts
Because of Seinfeld's ultra-lucrative syndication, it's safely assumed that creator Larry David resides in the highest income bracket. And once that's established, there's nothing stopping him from admitting that, yes, he is benefiting greatly from the Tax Cuts that his liberal political affiliation requires him to despise.
Just how greatly, you ask? Conveniently, the Curb Your Enthusiasm star/subject was granted an op-ed in The New York Times where he riffed for a few hundred words on how gre...
Larry David: A Sarcastic "Thanks" for the Tax Cut
Larry David has an op-ed in the New York Times today expressing gratitude for the just passed Tax Cut Compromise --- which will extend the breaks for upper income earners like him. He writes, "To begin with, I was planning a trip to Cabo with my kids for Christmas Vacation. We were going to fly coach, but now with the money I’m saving in taxes, I’m going to splurge and bump myself up to first class. First class! Somebody told me they serve warm nuts up there, and call you “...
Larry David: Thanks For The Tax Cut!
New York Times:
There is a God! It passed! The Bush Tax Cuts have been extended two years for the upper bracketeers, of which I am a proud member, thank you very much. I'm the last person in the world I'd want to be beside, but I am beside myself! This is a life changer, I tell you. A life changer!
Read the whole story: New York Times
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UK minister declares war on Rupert Murdoch
LONDON (AP) — A senior British minister had to step aside from media policy issues after telling undercover reporters he had “declared war” on media mogul Rupert Murdoch. Business Secretary Vince Cable was taped by Daily Telegraph Journalists posing as constituents saying “I have declared war on Mr. Murdoch and I think we are going to win.” Murdoch’s News Corp. owns several British Newspapers and has a 40 percent stake in broadcaster BSkyB. Its bid to buy the ...
Mortgage applications fell last week
NEW YORK (AP) — The number of people applying for a Mortgage fell last week as higher rates discouraged borrowing. The Mortgage Bankers Association says its overall Mortgage application index decreased 18.6 percent from the previous week. The refinance index dropped 24.6 percent, marking the sixth decline in a row. The purchase index slipped 2.5 percent last week. Rates on fixed mortgages continued to edge up last week, remaining at the highest levels in six months. They are rising because...
Heathrow boss gives up bonus amid snow chaos
LONDON (AP) — The boss of London’s Heathrow Airport says he will forego his Bonus this year, after the airport came under heavy criticism for snow-related disruptions. Colin Matthews, chief executive of airport operator BAA, says Wednesday he has decided to give up his Bonus and his focus is on “keeping people moving and rebuilding confidence in Heathrow.” Heathrow, the world’s busiest International Airport, has been criticized for its inability to cope with the rec...
Robots gives restaurant futuristic feel in China
JINAN, China (AP) — Service with a smile also comes with a mechanical voice at the Dalu Robot restaurant, where the hotpot meals are not as famous yet as the staff. The restaurant is touted as China’s first robot hotpot eatery, where “Star Wars”-like droids circle the room carrying trays of food in a conveyor belt-like system. More than a dozen robots entertain, serve, greet and receive customers. The eatery opened this month in Jinan in northern Shandong province. The se...
Economy grew at 2.6 pct. pace last summer, aided by stronger business spending on inventories
British Cabinet Secretary: ‘I have declared war on Mr. Murdoch’ Is an internship the new entry-level job? Did a CNBC reporter not get his contract renewed for anti-Obama statements? Click here to cancel reply. You must be logged in to post a comment. Harsh winters caused by Global Warming? Larry David: Thanks for the Tax Cut! Ask Matt Labash Vol. XLIII: Christmas in Haiti, and an essential Christmas music playlist...
Mystery over release of wealthy Mexican politician
Provide feedback to the multimedia producers. Thank you. Your feedback was successfully sent. Video will begin in 5 seconds. What type of connection do you have? Your video format settings have been saved. Diego Fernandez de Cevallos, a prominent former Mexican Presidential Candidate, has been released seven months after being kidnapped. Mexico City: A one-time Mexican presidential Candidate has been freed seven months after being kidnapped from his ranch in what was then described as a stunning...
A mineral fund for Afghanistan
Afghanistan has long been thought of as more a natural wasteland than a natural resource treasure chest. But after a preliminary study by the US Geological Survey in 2007, Afghan Mines Minister Wahidullah Shahrani recently claimed that Afghanistan has $3 Trillion worth of untapped mineral deposits. These untapped resources will have more transformational impacts on Afghan society than a century of Military occupation and aid disbursements. The dynamics of industrial development and internation...
FCC Passes Compromise Net Neutrality Rules
FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski presiding over an open Internet meeting in March 2010. Photo Credit: Greg Elin In a closely watched vote, the FCC approved Compromise Net Neutrality rules Tuesday that would forbid the nation’s largest cable and DSL Internet service providers from blocking or slowing online services, while leaving wireless companies with much more latitude. After five years of contentious debate that polarized the tech policy world, FCC chief Julius Genachowski made good on ...
FCC Passes Net Neutrality Rules
The Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 today to pass new Net Neutrality rules intended to block Broadband companies from interfering with their customers' Internet access, The Associated Press reports. The new rules - a Compromise measure following years of debate - "require Broadband providers to let subscribers access all legal online content, applications and services over their wired networks" but give Broadband providers the flexibility to manage data as long as they pub...
New START on the Verge
After 10 months of debate, 19 hearings, over one thousand questions answered, and Endorsements from everyone from the last six Republican Secretaries of State to seven commanders of U.S. nuclear forces, the New START agreement could finally be ratified by the Senate, perhaps as early as tomorrow.
The last resort of treaty opponents -- that there is not enough time to thoughtfully consider New START before the end of the Lame Duck session -- has been laid to rest. As Jonathan Landay has noted ...
Curb Your Enthusiasm
You're welcome, Larry David:
THERE is a God! It passed! The Bush Tax Cuts have been extended two years for the upper bracketeers, of which I am a proud member, thank you very much. I’m the last person in the world I’d want to be beside, but I am beside myself! This is a life changer, I tell you. A life changer!
To begin with, I was planning a trip to Cabo with my kids for Christmas Vacation. We were going to fly coach, but now with the money I’m saving in taxes, I’m goin...
The Poisoned Fruits of Appeasement Come Home to Roost
By Barry Rubin
The U.S. weakness in countering Iran and other radical forces in the Middle East is beginning to bear poisoned fruits. Jordan is already moving toward getting on Iran’s good side; Lebanon has been captured by the Iran-Syria camp; Turkey has moved into its orbit, becoming an ally of Iran and Syria, while the Obama Administration only emphasizing how important the relationship is with that country despite differences (that is, the Turkish regime sabotaging U.S. interests rep...
The Poisoned Fruits of Appeasement Come Home to Roost
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VIDEO from Asian Development Bank Available on ADB, Partners to Help Manage Pacific's Marine Resources Agains
NEW YORK, Dec. 22, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- See video from Asian Development Bank at: The Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) are helping five Pacific countries manage their marine resources in the Coral Triangle. The project is part of ADB's commitment to the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) - a regional effort to preserve and manage Asia-Pacific's marine resources. ADB is coordinating the mobilization of financi...
Is the Nasdaq Chart Bullish?
A few weeks ago I sent out a note highlighting that the NASDAQ was approaching its post 1974 trend line from which the average movement has been 24.06% in the subsequent couple of months. At the time I said that whilst the chart theory would sell the rally, I would favour a breakthrough and suggested buying the S&P Jan 1250 calls @ 9.6 The trend line comes in today at 2670.73, so just 10 points away. The only time the trend has been broken was October 2008 when it subsequently fell 30.3%. T...
Republican John Engler to Head Powerful Business Group With White House Ties
Former Michigan Gov. John Engler has been named head of the Business Roundtable, a group of CEOs of the nation's biggest firms that often advises the White House on Economic Policy. Engler, a Republican, has been president of the National Association of Manufacturers since 2004. He served three terms as Governor, and before that spent two decades in the Michigan Legislature. "Respected in Washington on both sides of the aisle, John has spurred NAM to grow in both size and influence, even as its...
America COMPETES: Pass It, Nevertheless
So it’s time to get this done. Late last Friday the Senate passed a severely edited version of the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 to continue funding for a number of science, education, and technology programs and agencies. That means HR 5116 now heads back to the House for a vote as early as today—a vote that, while in some ways frustrating, remains essential. The bottom line: House members and metropolitan stakeholders should work hard to pass this imperfect, ...
B.C. Liberal leadership rivals square off on tax cuts
Last updated Monday, Dec. 20, 2010 10:52PM EST Kevin Falcon says Christy Clark, one of his rivals for the leadership of the B.C. Liberals, has fallen prey to NDP thinking on Tax Cuts. Mr. Falcon, who stepped down as health minister to seek the leadership, made the comments Monday as Ms. Clark issued a video on Economic Policy that said promised tax cuts must be accompanied by an explanation of how revenue would be replaced. Although she did not name him in the video, Ms. Clark, a former deputy p...
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
Murkowski Certified as Official Senate Race Winner
Self-Proclaimed King of Birthers to Run for President
Maine Lift Had Problems Other Than Wind
Cop Fatalities up in 2010