Health Care: WASHINGTON—Rule One of politics: When you have the advantage, don't allow your opponents to turn the tables.
PHOTOS: John Boehner in pictures
House Republicans violated this rule when they decided to make Repeal of the Health Care law their first major act in the 112th Congress.
VIDEOS: John Boehner in videos
The mistake will haunt them for years. It's a surprising error from a leadership that showed shrewd judgment and exceptional discipline during President Obama's first two years. John Boehner is now Speaker of the House because he and his party fo...
Barack Obama and the New Republican Challenge
Steadily declining popularity, and disillusionment culminating in the loss of control of the House, marked the President's first two years in office. A somewhat humbled Barack Obama seemed determined to try a more Bipartisan approach. Will this tactic, in the new session, help in getting his policies through Congress, or is he facing a Republican mindset of pure obstructionism?
After an aggressive two years on the legislative front, President Obama starts today to play defense. While Republica...
From Falls Creek Camp To Congress
Earlier this year, when I reported on the race to succeed Republican Rep. (now Gov.-elect) Mary Falin as congressman from Oklahoma ’s 4th District, I mentioned just about every Republican in the seven-candidate GOP primary except one: James Lankford, who wound up winning the all-important nomination and is now congressman-elect.
“So you were just like the rest of the political reporters and overlooked me? the 42-year-old Lankford said with a big smile when he dropped by HUMAN EVENT...
House action postponed next week
(CNN) - Following the shootings Saturday in Tucson, Arizona, all Legislation on the House schedule for the coming week is postponed, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor announced in a statement. Cantor said the decision was made by leaders of both political parties in the House so that "we can take whatever actions may be necessary in light of today's tragedy." The schedule change means the House will not vote next week on the Repeal of Health Care reform. "I couldn't agree more with (House) Speak...
Obama's Health Care Cop-Out
Republicans say most Americans want a full Repeal of health-care reform. In fact, the opposite is true—but Kirsten Powers says the White House refuses to engage the fight or inform voters....
Obama: Economy Moving in Right Direction
(WASHINGTON) President Barack Obama sees a clear and encouraging trend on The Economy, citing fresh reports showing private-sector job growth and lower Unemployment.
He used his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday to discuss the latest economic news and press for Bipartisan action in the newly divided Congress on measures to spur growth. Obama presented the December jobs report in a positive light even though it fell short of what Economists had been looking for and even though t...
Majority of Virginians oppose gas-tax increase
A majority of Virginians oppose increasing the state's Gasoline tax or adding tolls to pay for transportation but support privatizing the state's liquor stores. Transportation ranks among Virginians' top priorities, but also lands at the top of places to cut the state Budget, according to a Christopher Newport University statewide survey of 1,097 adults called between Dec. 14-19. Transportation, ABC privatization and amendments to the state's two-year budget will be among the key issues as legis...
Legislative fireworks, not protest drama, expected for this health vote
A week into the new Congress, Democrats and Republicans have sharpened their messages on the Healthcare Reform law as House Republicans prepare to Repeal the overhaul next week.
Democrats, who have been criticized by party members for not defending the law before the Midterm Elections, have assembled an offense portraying the Repeal effort as a time-waster, a promise-breaker and dangerous to Americans.
Republicans argue they were swept into office with a mandate to Repeal the reform law, which...
Hunter local governance
The conventional Duncan Hunter (CA-52) will testify to the local governance of schools and jobs development he stands for on the House Education and The Workforce Committee. The committee began their work for the 112th Congress this week with strong action on the Republican agenda that sat on the shelf. The representative for east and north counties who paid for his education with work creating websites and programming databases and e-commerce systems for high technology companies plans on givin...
More Businesses Insuring Workers Because Of Obamacare
How significant is the impact? While we won’t have full national numbers until small businesses file their 2010 tax returns this April, the anecdotal evidence is as meaningful as it is unexpected. United Health Group, Inc., the nation’s largest Health Insurer, added 75,000 new customers working in businesses with fewer than 50 employees. Coventry Health Care, Inc., a large provider of Health Insurance to small businesses, added 115,000 new workers in 2010 representing an 8% jump. Blu...
Members Seek to Curtail Their Own Paychecks
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Is Shot in Arizona 1:53 p.m. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Is Shot in Arizona 1:53 p.m. Speaker John Boehner (right) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor arrive on Jan. 6 for their first joint news conference in the Capitol since Republicans took control of the House. They addressed issues such as the National Debt and their plan to Repeal the Health Care overhaul law that was passed last year. Whether you're looking for a new job or looking to hire the perfect Candidate, tur...
Quinn tax hike in trouble
State Rep. Frank Mautino (D-Spring Valley) said Friday “I don’t think there are enough votes” for the tax-hike agreement Gov. Quinn struck with leading Democrats in the Legislature. SPRINGFIELD — As the Illinois House returns to the Capitol Sunday, the Income Tax-hike agreement Gov. Quinn struck with the Legislature’s ruling Democrats faces serious questions with time running out. Top allies to House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) said Friday the “framew...
A very strange man
A very strange man did something yesterday. Here’s what he wrote in the New York Times:
A Democratic Congresswoman has been shot in the head; another dozen were also shot. We don’t have proof yet that this was political, but the odds are that it was. She’s been the target of violence before. And for those wondering why a Blue Dog Democrat, the kind Republicans might be able to work with, might be a target, the answer is that she’s a Democrat who survived what was otherwise a GOP sw
Bryian R.: In the Tank for Liberalism?
Commentary by Julie: Today, of all days, in the wake of the violence against a Democratic Congresswoman in Arizona, Gabrielle Giffords, it's time to reflect. It's throwdown time: Which side do you fall on? Liberals have long-been known for their "bleeding heart" mentality, their "give away the store" mentality, their "Political Correctness." All of this is defined, to me, with one word: Compassion. I listen to the Arizona Tea Party group which defiantly stated they would not temper their rhetori...
We the People
Jan 17, 2011, Vol. 16, No. 17 • By TERRY EASTLAND Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. Whether House Republicans will succeed in limiting the national government is a question raised by a simple rule adopted on their first day in the majority. Under the rule, every bill when introduced must be accompanied by a statement citing the specific authority granted to Congress by the Constitution under which it may pass the proposed law. Lacking such a statement, the bill...
How'd That Work Out Then
Of course, they may not have a choice. Republicans have made Repeal a top priority, so the fight is going to take place whether or not Democrats want it. But I think it also reflects a changing dynamic, as well. According to Greg Sargent, who was among the first to spot the shift, House Democrats in particular are aware of the opportunity they missed last year, while the party and most of its leaders were trying so hard to save endangered Incumbents.
When will Democrats learn that runnin...
Dishonesty the Name of Horners Game
This fall’s campaign taught me, repeatedly, that Tom Horner’s logic for running was built on dishonest premises. Having gotten defeated, things haven’t changed with Mr. Horner. Mr. Horner’s op-ed in Saturday’s St. Cloud Times offers another bit of proof of Horner’s Intellectual Dishonesty:
Republicans, who won majorities in both houses, are convinced Minnesotans want all solutions to fixing the state’s Deficit to come from the spending side of the ledger. D...
Capitol Notes: 33 governors seek health care flexibility
Gov. Bob McDonnell is one of 33 governors and governors-elect asking President Barack Obama and the House and Senate leadership to ease requirements placed on State Governments through the health-care overhaul. "In these difficult fiscal times, we understand that the Federal Government cannot provide new sources of Taxpayer Dollars to assist the states," reads the letter circulated by the Republican Governors Association, of which McDonnell is vice chairman. "Therefore, our only option is to req...
Health Care Repeal Vote Postponed After Arizona Shooting
ABC's John R. Parkinson reports:
In his second written statement today, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., has announced that the House will delay its efforts to Repeal the Health Care law next week as well as other legislative business "so that we can take whatever actions may be necessary in light of todays tragedy."
Lawmakers voted last week to schedule debate and a vote on repealing Health Care reform on Wednesday. Repeal was expect to pass in the House, but...
The unseemly rush to blame Sarah Palin, the Tea Party and Republicans for murder in Arizona
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, by all accounts an outstanding public servant and person, is battling for her life in Hospital after being shot by a 22-year-old man at close range at a “Congress On Your Corner” event in her home district. Six people are dead, including a judge and a girl of nine, and a dozen others are being treated for their wounds.
It is, as President Barack Obama said, an “unspeakable tragedy”. It is also, as he added, “a senseless...
What Congressional Republicans are dead set against
A successful Repeal of Health Care reform would revert us back to the old system for financing and delivering Health Care and lead to substantial increases in total medical spending. The consequences of this spending increase would be far reaching. It would hurt family incomes, jobs, and Economic Growth.
Repealing health reform would:
· Increase medical spending by $125 billion by the end of this decade and add nearly $2,000 annually to family Insurance Premiums
· Destroy 250,000...
Gabrielle Giffords Shooting: Latest Updates
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords survived a gunshot to the head on Saturday afternoon after a single gunman opened fire at her and others at a congressional event outside a Grocery Store in Tucson, Ariz. Get the latest on the breaking story here.
5:56PM Flowers at Giffords D.C. office as staff gathers
Nearly all of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' Washington staff huddled Saturday in the Longworth House Office Building, coping with the tragic news unfolding in their boss’s Arizona district.
Continue Re...
Political world stunned by Giffords shooting (The Ticket)
The political world is reacting with shock and sadness over the shooting of Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords today in Arizona.
President Obama called the shooting an "unspeakable tragedy." "We do not yet have all the answers," he said in a statement. "What we do know is that such a senseless and terrible act of violence has no place in a free society."
House Speaker John Boehner said he was "horrified by the senseless attack" on Giffords and her staff and called it a "sad day in our country....
Obama: Giffords Shooting "A Tragedy for Our Entire Country"
(Credit: AP)
President Obama said today that this morning's shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others in Tuscon a "tragedy for our entire country."
At least five people were killed in the shooting, including Federal Judge John Roll and a nine-year-old girl. The gunman, allegedly 22-year-old Jared Loughner, opened fire at a Supermarket where Giffords was meeting with constituents.
Giffords was shot in the head, but doctors said this afternoon that she had come through surgery and that the...
Boehner on Giffords: "Attack on All who Serve"
House Speaker John Boehner today said he was "horrified by the senseless attack" on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and her staff today in Tucson, Ariz. "An attack on one who serves is an attack on all who serve," Boehner, a Republican, said in a statement. At least five people were killed in the shooting, including Federal Judge John Roll and a nine-year-old girl. The gunman, identified as 22-year-old Jared Loughner, opened fire at a Supermarket where Giffords was meeting with constituents, b...
Giffords among lawmakers getting threats last year
FILE - In this Jan. 5, 2011 file photo, House Speaker John Boehner reenacts... People gather at the scene of a shooting involving Rep. Gabrielle Giffords,... WASHINGTON (AP) - The wounding of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson, Ariz., Shooting Spree that killed at least five people, including one of her aides and a federal judge, follows a dramatic increase in threats against members of Congress over the past year. In the first three months of 2010 alone, officials reported 42 threats to feder...
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
The Unemployment Rate's Not Going Down Anytime Soon
More Threats To Congress Keep Popping Up
Obama To Arizona, Congress In Mourning
Sarah Palin Does Exact Wrong Thing After Giffords Shooting
U.S. Budget Gap Narrows, Deficit Still High