House Republican: As the first major legislative act with their new majority, Republicans are planning to hold a futile vote next week to Repeal President Obama’s Health Care law.
PHOTOS: The Washington Post in pictures
The laughably named “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act” has an equally laughable chance of becoming law, as the Democratic majority in the Senate will inevitably block it.
VIDEOS: The Washington Post in videos
President Obama has also confirmed that he’ll Veto it. Nonetheless, House Republicans are rushing headlong into inevitable defea...
House GOP targeting key health reform component, the medical loss ratio
The House GOP knows that while they have enough members to vote to Repeal the Affordable Care Act this week, the effort dies in the Senate. Even if it could get through the Senate, it would be vetoed by President Obama. So they're working on individual pieces to chip away at the provisions of the bill, including a critical one that went into effect January 1: requiring that insurers spend at least 80 percent of the premium dollars they take in on actual health services, rather than overhead or ...
House GOP Prepares to Override Wishes of 70%+ of Americans on Health Care
This week, House Republican'ts are planning to vote on repealing Health Care reform Legislation. Of course, the whole thing's a charade, for two reasons: 1) it has no chance of getting through the Senate or being signed into law by President Obama; 2) Republicans have no Health Care plan of their own (not counting the one they're about to vote on, which is largely modeled after the Republicans' 1993/94 alternative to what they called "Hillarycare"). But be that as it may, Republicans are moving...
Public support for health care repeal plummets: AP poll
A survey by Gallup found that on Jan. 7, one day before the shootings, Americans supported Repeal by a margin of 46 to 40 percent. But the nation remains deeply divided over the law. Overall, 40 percent in the AP-GfK poll said they support it, while 41 percent were less than pleased, some of whom thought it doesn't go far enough. The shift in Public Opinion doesn't appear likely to sway the outcome of a Repeal vote slated for this week. The GOP bill, titled "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care...
GOP lacks clear health-care plan
With the House preparing to vote this week on whether to Repeal the health-care law, the chamber's new Republican majority is confronting a far more delicate task: forging its own path to expand medical coverage and curb costs.
This Story
GOP lacks clear health-care plan
Democrats mount second sales pitch on health-care law as Republicans seek repeal
House clears way for health-care Repeal vote
GOP outlines plan to Repeal Health Care overhaul
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ObamaCare repeal vote set for Wednesday
After putting off the vote for a week in the wake of the tragic shooting in Tucson, Republicans are set to take up Repeal of ObamaCare on Wednesday:
The House of Representatives will resume action next week on repealing President Barack Obama’s landmark healthcare overhaul, a House Republican spokesman said on Thursday.
“As the White House noted, it is important for Congress to get back to work, and to that end we will resume thoughtful consideration of the Health Care bill...
Health care opponents' passion cools, poll finds
(01-17) 04:00 PST Washington - --
As lawmakers shaken by the shooting of a colleague return to the Health Care debate, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds raw feelings over President Obama's overhaul have subsided.
Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the Lowest Level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009.
The nation is divided over the law, but the strength and intensity of the opposition appear d...
Paul Krugman, Logician
Fresh from falsely accusing Conservatives of inciting mass Murder with metaphors, Paul Krugman has now taken to accusing us of launching a war on logic. He has come to this conclusion, he notes in today’s column, because Conservatives insist that the health-care bill enacted last year will not reduce the Deficit, and that repealing it will. Krugman points to a House Republican analysis of the costs of the health-care bill and then insists that the first and foremost argument in that analys...
Health Care and the New Civility
WASHINGTON — President Obama’s call for “a more civil and honest public discourse” will get its first test much sooner than we expected.
Having properly postponed all legislative action last week out of respect for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other Victims of the Tucson shootings, the House Republican leadership decided it could abide no further delay in a vote on its “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act.” And so, as a spokesman for House Majori...
Health Care and the New Civility
President Obama’s call for “a more civil and honest public discourse” will get its first test much sooner than we expected. Having properly postponed all legislative action last week out of respect for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other Victims of the Tucson shootings, the House Republican leadership decided it could abide no further delay in a vote on its “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act.” And so, as a spokesman for House Majority Leader Eric Canto...
Public opinion on health care law rises
Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the Lowest Level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009. The nation is divided over the law, but the strength and intensity of the opposition appear diminished. The law expands coverage to more than 30 million Uninsured, and would require, for the first time, that most people in the United States carry Health Insurance. The poll finds that 40 percent of those surve...
Repeal And Replace Without The Replace
GOP leaders have been calling to "Repeal and replace ObamaCare" for nearly a year now, and over the weekend they revealed they still have absolutely nothing to replace the PPACA with. On Fox News Sunday today, conservative Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol could offer only the vaguest of promises about the replacement. When Fox News contributor Juan Williams challenged Kristol to explain “what are you going to replace it with?”, Kristol told Williams not to worry, because there wou...
Ten benefits Americans will lose if health care reform is repealed
This week the Republicans in the House of Representatives are expected to vote on a bill that would Repeal all of the Health Care reform package passed last year by the Democrats. The Republicans have offered nothing to replace the Affordable Care Act, saying they will instead figure out new solutions in the coming months. While the prospects for Repeal grow much dimmer in the Senate, anything that passes out of the House at least has to be considered seriously. In addition, Re...
Jim Worth: An Unhealthy Debate: Again
The Repeal of the Healthcare Bill will add $230 billion to the Deficit!
House Republicans are threatening to repeal the HealthCare Bill--and replace it!
At the end of their first week in office the new majority will, as they've promised in their Pledge to America, vote to repeal ObamaCare--the Healthcare Bill that took a long and difficult year to pass. Unfortunately, what finally emerged was a weakened Compromise; a skeleton of real reform, forced upon the American People by the Obstructionis...
AP/GfK poll: Support for expanding health reform stronger than for repeal
Following quickly on the heels of a Marist poll that found that more respondents want to see the health reform law expanded than repealed, AP/GfK reports:
The poll finds that 40 percent of those surveyed said they support the law, while 41 percent oppose it. Just after the November congressional Elections, opposition stood at 47 percent and support was 38 percent.
As for Repeal, only about one in four say they want to do away with the law completely. Among Republicans support for repeal has dro...
HCR Repeal?
While the Right is in an uproar, screaming for News Media to correct the “error” that the Right’s paranoid, eliminationist Rhetoric might have been an influence in the Tucson shooting, as well as several others — this is what Orwell would call a “thought crime,” I believe — they are silent about some of the actual and verifiable lies reported IN Media everywhere.
For example, regarding the recent CBO report that said repealing Health Care reform would...
In the House, a medical liability debate
In the House, a medical liability debate
The absence of any substantive medical liability limits in last year's Health Care Legislation will undoubtedly come up in this week's House of Representatives debate on H.R. 2, the bill to Repeal the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Still, the real discussion of Tort Reform will probably not occur until afterward.
After the Health Care vote, the House will also consider H.R. 9, which requires four committees to report on changes to exis...
The New Civility
Washington—President Obama’s call for “a more civil and honest public discourse” will get its first test much sooner than we expected.
Having properly postponed all legislative action last week out of respect for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other Victims of the Tucson shootings, the House Republican leadership decided it could abide no further delay in a vote on its “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act.” And so, as a spokesman for House Majority...
House Dems to hold hearing on reform law's protections
As House Republicans plan to Repeal the Healthcare Reform law this week, their Democratic counterparts are staging a hearing on Tuesday where individuals will testify in favor of consumer protections included in the reform law.
The House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee is billing the hearing as the only one in which “parents of young Children and young adults, Americans with pre-existing medical conditions, Small Business owners and seniors will have the opportunity to testify abou...
Political truce ends as Republicans eye health fight
Ending a political truce decreed after a bloody attack on one of their own, lawmakers plunge back into the fray this week with Republicans taking on the White House on Health Care and spending. US President Barack Obama's foes have set the stage for a vote Wednesday to Repeal his signature Health Care overhaul and were to step up their efforts to tighten the government's belt even as they agree to raise the US Debt ceiling. Republican House Speaker John Boehner, speaking to his party's annual ...
Public opposition to health overhaul seen as easing
WASHINGTON — House Republicans plan this week to fulfill a Tea Party movement priority: trying to Repeal the Health Care law passed by Democrats last year. But the pace and Rhetoric of the drive have cooled in recent days, with lawmakers shaken by the attack on a colleague who backed the new law.
GOP leaders acknowledge that the Senate is certain to block a Repeal of the health overhaul championed by President Obama, but they vowed to make good on their resolution to challenge it in the R...
The Week Ahead: New sense of civility to be tested in House health debate
Welcome to New York on the Potomac’s “The Week Ahead,” a preview of events to come on Capitol Hill and at the White House this week.
This week’s report was written by William K. Moore of ViaNovo.
• • •
In the City of Tucson on Wednesday, President Obama spoke of those murdered in the attack on US Representative Gabrielle Giffords and told a grieving audience that more civility in our public discourse will “help us face up to our challenges as a n...
GOP lawmaker targets key health reform provision
A powerful House Republican is setting in motion a congressional challenge to a key provision of the Healthcare Reform law.
Republican Conference Secretary John Carter (R-Texas) is trying to build momentum for a Congressional Review Act (CRA) challenge to a recent Regulation that requires insurers to spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars (85 percent in the large group market) on healthcare services.
The House GOP majority is expected to approve Legislation Wednesday that would re...
Only 1 In 4 Americans Want Health Care Repeal; 43% Want Stronger Reform
The poll finds that 40 percent of those surveyed said they support the law, while 41 percent oppose it. Just after the November congressional Elections, opposition stood at 47 percent and support was 38 percent. As for Repeal, only about one in four say they want to do away with the law completely. Among Republicans support for repeal has dropped sharply, from 61 percent after the elections to 49 percent now. Also, 43 percent say they want the law changed so it does more to re-engineer the healt...
Public Health Care Reform Opposition Withers
Opposition to the law remains strongest among Republicans: 71% say they are against it, compared with 35% of Independents and 19% of Democrats. Republicans won control of the House partly on their promise to Repeal what they call "ObamaCare." But as the House prepares to vote on Repeal this week, public support for that has flagged. Only about 1 in 4 respondents said they wanted to do away with the law completely. Even among Republicans, Repeal draws markedly less support than it did a few week...
AP-GfK Poll: Opposition to health care law eases (AP)
WASHINGTON – As lawmakers shaken by the shooting of a colleague return to the Health Care debate, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds raw feelings over President Barack Obama's overhaul have subsided.
Ahead of a vote on Repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the Lowest Level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009.
The nation is divided over the law, but the strength and intensity of the opposition appear diminished...
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