Repeal : Following quickly on the heels of a Marist poll that found that more respondents want to see the health reform law expanded than repealed, AP/GfK reports: The poll finds that 40 percent of those surveyed said they support the law, while 41 percent oppose it.
Just after the November congressional Elections, opposition stood at 47 percent and support was 38 percent.
As for Repeal, only about one in four say they want to do away with the law completely. Among Republicans support for repeal has dro...
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Opposition to reform law dips ahead of repeal vote
Welcome to The Hill's evening roundup of the day's health policy news and advance look at tomorrow's schedule.
On the agenda for Tuesday:
Repeal debate begins: The House on Tuesday will kick off seven hours of debate on a bill to repeal the Healthcare Reform law a day before the chamber is scheduled to vote on the measure. The debate and vote were delayed by a week in the wake of the Arizona shooting. Lawmakers have called for toned-down Rhetoric in ligh...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
There is exactly one hope that Democrats have to not get bogged down in partisan morass for the next two years, and it has nothing to do with their own Party. In fact, it's a day of the week, the Tuesday Group.
Made up of moderate Republicans, they actually got voted into office along with all the Tea Party candidates, according to the Washington Post. While the profile of Charles Bass of New Hampshire and Charlie Dent is for the Post to get some needed sources, it does represent a significant portion o
With repeal vote imminent, opposition to health reform law softens
As House Republicans plan to Repeal the Healthcare Reform law this week, strong opposition to the law fell to the Lowest Levels in more than a year, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.
While Americans remain divided on the reform law, strong feelings against one of President Obama’s key achievements appear to have diminished, the poll said. Thirty percent strongly oppose the reform law, the lowest percentage since September 2009, while Congress was still crafting the Legislation.
GOP lawmaker targets key health reform provision
A powerful House Republican is setting in motion a congressional challenge to a key provision of the Healthcare Reform law.
Republican Conference Secretary John Carter (R-Texas) is trying to build momentum for a Congressional Review Act (CRA) challenge to a recent Regulation that requires insurers to spend at least 80 percent of their premium dollars (85 percent in the large group market) on healthcare services.
The House GOP majority is expected to approve Legislation Wednesday that would re...
What to expect from this weeks vote to repeal the health care law
Chris Moody is a political reporter for the Daily Caller from San Diego, California. Before joining the Daily Caller, Moody was the Manager of New Media at a Think Tank in Washington DC, a freelance writer and a commercial Fisherman in Alaska. He is currently a graduate Student at Johns Hopkins University and lives in downtown Washington DC. A warning to C-SPAN junkies: With a House vote coming this week on Health Care reform Repeal, prepare to relive a year’s worth of Health Care speeches...
Only 1 In 4 Americans Want Health Care Repeal; 43% Want Stronger Reform
The poll finds that 40 percent of those surveyed said they support the law, while 41 percent oppose it. Just after the November congressional Elections, opposition stood at 47 percent and support was 38 percent. As for Repeal, only about one in four say they want to do away with the law completely. Among Republicans support for repeal has dropped sharply, from 61 percent after the elections to 49 percent now. Also, 43 percent say they want the law changed so it does more to re-engineer the healt...
AP cooks the books in poll on Obamacare
Image via CrunchBase
Jeffrey Anderson:
When the AP/GfK poll screened for Likely Voters a couple of weeks before the election, it estimated that 48 percent of voters leaned Republican and that 42 percent leaned Democratic (which the election showed to be about right). In its latest survey -- the one that serves as the basis for the AP story -- AP/GfK didn't screen for Likely Voters and didn't screen for Registered Voters. Instead, it merely surveyed 1,001 adults. The result? The percentage ...
Does new debate give Dems a second chance to sell health care reform?
WASHINGTON--Rep. Joe Courtney recently found himself testifying before a House committee about a family physician from Hebron who, thanks to small-business Tax Credits included in the Health Care reform law, will be getting a $4,000 break this year.
Rep. Rosa DeLauro was at the Milford Senior Center last week highlighting the health overhaul's benefits for seniors, including free access to preventive care and a $250 rebate for prescription drug coverage.
It is the Republicans who have pushed h...
AP Caught Inflating Support for ObamaCare in New Poll
No low is too low for the MSM. (Weekly Standard)- A widely reprinted AP story, based on a recent AP/GfK poll, is entitled, “Opposition to Health Care law eases.” Don’t believe it. What has eased isn’t the level of opposition to Obamacare, but rather the level of effort that AP/GfK has made to ensure that its polling sample is representative of American voters. When the AP/GfK poll screened for Likely Voters a couple of weeks before the election, it est...
Daschle, Frist join forces on reform
Former Senate Majority Leaders Tom Daschle and Bill Frist are hoping to achieve at the state level what federal lawmakers weren’t able to do: Bipartisan health reform.
“We realize that the bulk of the work has to be done at the state level,” Daschle told Politico. “We want to work in a constructive way to ensure all the tremendous challenges, including the creation of the exchanges and the availability of the new Insurance possibilities for millions of Americans, can be...
Is health care law really a 'job killer'? Experts doubt it
WASHINGTON — Despite what Republicans say, the 2010 Health Care law isn't necessarily a job killer.
Republicans have titled their effort to overturn the law the "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act," and that's their favorite talking point against it. The House of Representatives will start debate on Repeal Tuesday and probably vote Wednesday.
Saying that the law is a job killer doesn't necessarily make it one, however, and independent experts say that suc...
GOP seeks alternatives to Obama health care law
WASHINGTON -- Preparing to re-engage with President Barack Obama, House Republicans have set themselves a more ambitious goal than simply wiping out the sweeping Health Care overhaul signed into law last March. When they take up the much-anticipated Repeal resolution Tuesday and Wednesday, GOP lawmakers also will begin crafting an alternative with the goal of reducing Insurance Premiums, expanding coverage, preserving Medicare and holding down taxes. Although they will be mindful of the call f...
Preview of the New Civility
Out of respect for Tuscon Victims, House Republicans have downgraded their designation of Health Care reform from "job-killing" to "job-crushing" and "job-destroying."
But with this new verbal sensitivity, John Boehner is insisting, "No act of violence is going to keep us from doing our jobs and representing the will of our constituents. The American People have made it clear they want us to focus on cutting spending and removing barriers to job creation."
This would be impressive if it were no...
Good morning Panama City, its all about priorities
Our nation is in a mess. The federal Debt is shooting upward like the Space Shuttle, our economy is in a slump, Inflation is starting to flicker a bit, and almost 15 million of our fellow citizens are out of work. On top of that we are importing almost seventy percent of our Oil, and borrowing money from China to pay for it. Congress is working to Repeal the Health Care bill Obama and the Democrats spent two years passing. I think repealing this bill would be one of the b...
UK plans to make major health care reforms
Prime Minister Cameron, plans on making changes to their Healthcare System. Why? Because they are going broke. The plans will be released on Wednesday. This will be something to watch. Don’t you just love the start of the piece: “The Conservative Leader said”.. yes it is the nasty Conservatives who have to figure out how to save Great Britain after the Liberals have driven the Country into the ground. Here tis: The Conservative leader said he would save money and cut red ...
Healthcare Law a Jobs Killer?
TM NOTE: Texan4Hillary offers his perspective as a movement progressive Activist, weeknights 6 pm EST. Sorry Mr. Speaker, no. The healthcare law is very flawed. The mandate making Americans buy from a cartel is abhorrent. But it does have some redeeming qualities bundled in it and the Right Wing lies on the law must be debunked. The Right’s effort to Repeal the entire thing is outlandish, especially since the mandate is based on the GOP’s own plan for healthcare coverage back in the...
Rep. Steve King: No Compromise On Repeal, Obamacare Is A Malignant Tumor
Congressman Steve King appeared on Fox News today and was adamant that he wants President Obama’s entire Healthcare Reform bill repealed. When host Bill Hemmer suggested Democrats were demonstrating a willingness to Compromise and adjust certain provisions, King quickly dismissed the idea, emphatically declaring Repeal is the only option he would accept.
King said the vote in November was evidence that Americans want to be rid of Obamacare, therefore, “it’s all got to go -...
Picking apart Obamacare
I admit to a love-hate relationship with the subject of Healthcare Reform. Back when I was a naive liberal I waved around the words Universal Healthcare quite a bit, and with good reason. Going Uninsured in this country is a recipe for disaster, and there are indeed people who fall between the cracks in the healthcare status quo. Typically these are people who are either just a little too old to get good private Insurance, or who are just a little too well-to-do to qualify for Medicaid - but sti...
Senate Dems indicate willingness to 'break apart,' fix health reform
Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) on Sunday said House Republicans remain determined to Repeal the Healthcare Reform law, but one Democratic lawmaker urged her colleagues to instead focus only on reforming flawed provisions.
Republicans this week will move ahead with plans to Repeal the healthcare overhaul, Flake said during an appearance on “Face the Nation” on CBS. And while he expects the Jan. 8 Mass Shooting in his home state will cause lawmakers to “tone down the Rhetoric” during the
Lawmakers Mindful of Tone Ahead of Health Care Repeal Debate
House Republicans, toning down their Rhetoric slightly, plan to reset the debate over the health law Repeal Tuesday on Capitol Hill, building a strictly economic case against Obamacare after pausing for a week out of respect for the Victims of the Tu......
Ten benefits Americans will lose if health care reform is repealed
This week the Republicans in the House of Representatives are expected to vote on a bill that would Repeal all of the Health Care reform package passed last year by the Democrats. The Republicans have offered nothing to replace the Affordable Care Act, saying they will instead figure out new solutions in the coming months. While the prospects for Repeal grow much dimmer in the Senate, anything that passes out of the House at least has to be considered seriously. In addition, Re...
Democratic activists resume fight against health reform repeal
Democratic Activists are resuming their campaign to fight back against Republicans' attempt to Repeal the Healthcare Reform law after a one-week hiatus following last weekend's shooting in Tucson.
Organizing For America, an offshoot of President Obama's 2008 campaign, announced Sunday it will hold Press Conferences in "key districts" across the country to urge members of Congress to vote against repeal. The Press Conferences will highlight "people in their communities who have been positively ...
Paul Krugman, Logician
Fresh from falsely accusing Conservatives of inciting mass Murder with metaphors, Paul Krugman has now taken to accusing us of launching a war on logic. He has come to this conclusion, he notes in today’s column, because Conservatives insist that the health-care bill enacted last year will not reduce the Deficit, and that repealing it will. Krugman points to a House Republican analysis of the costs of the health-care bill and then insists that the first and foremost argument in that analys...
Herrera plans to scrap healthcare reform
Jamie Herrera is the Tea Party’s new congresswoman in the 3rd district. This district covers southwest Washington including Thurston County. She replaces Brian Baird who did not run. Denny Heck gave her a good fight but could not keep up with the barrage of negative ads that Herrera’s very well funded campaign was throwing at him. The first significant action she intends is to Repeal the Health Care Reform Legislation which the Democrats passed in the previous...
Obama health care reform: Is it really 'job killing'?
More than a year’s worth of GOP scare tactics about Health Care reform now appear to be unfounded, partisan politics. There were no Death Panels, as Sarah Palin claimed. It is not a ‘job killing’ bill, as House Speaker, John Boehner claims. In reality, Health Care reform will actually create jobs in the Health Care industry. Furthermore, Congressional Budget Office data finds that Obama care will reduce the federal Deficit. Politico reports health Insurance Industry insiders ar...
Feds Arrest 119 Mafia Operatives; Claim Major Breakthrough
Tunisia Opposition Strikes And Ex-Ruler's Relatives Arrested
California Financial Emergency Renewed - Budget Gap Now $25 Billion
20 Years After The Gulf War - Leaders Reminisce
Common Cause: Why No Recusals By Supreme Court?
Hu Jintao Notes Human Rights Issues; Ignores Tibet, Taiwan
Regular Army Cheers, Reservists Pose Worry: Military Suicide Stats
Gov. Rick Snyder Throws Weight Firmly Behind DIRC Project
Improvement Continues: Giffords Stands, Operates Her iPad
Gunshots On Consecutive Days Create Panic In LA Schools
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