Rush Limbaugh: America's most listened to Talk Show host, Rush Limbaugh had some very profound thoughts on what it means to be 60 years old that he opined on today's show.
PHOTOS: Rush Limbaugh in pictures
RUSH: Ah, jeez! I knew it.
VIDEOS: Rush Limbaugh in videos
STAFF: Happy Birthday to you! RUSH: No matter what I do, no matter how many admonitions. STAFF: Happy 60th! RUSH: It's a birthday cake that has been presented here just now, and those look like... They look Shari's Berries strawberries on top of a chocolate cake. What kind of cake is it? Chocolate icing I know. ...
Happy 60th Birthday Rush Limbaugh!
One of my favorite, most surreal phone calls ever was from my friend Abbey in Cleveland back in October 2008. I answered the phone and heard Abbey, in shock, try to explain to me how she thought she’d driven her car through some tear in the fabric of reality, careening into a BizarroWorld where up was down, cats chased dogs, and rain was never wet. “Rush Limbaugh is on the radio right now. He’s talking about you. He’s reading things you’ve written. ...
Rush Limbaugh Billboard in Arizona
What kind of Mad Men are in Arizona at that Radio Station that would promote bullets for a radio Talk Show personality that lives on Hate Speech and that defies the government? Especially after the shootings on January 8th, 2011 of a democrat US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords who lies in a Hospital fighting for her life from a bullet hole to her head from an insane young man who had a certain target and who thought the government was brainwashing him. What message does this radio station...
Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh!...60th!
Rush Hudson Limbaugh III was born January 12, 1951 in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
Happy Birthday, Rush. You have no idea how much you've done for us.
May God watch over you, and bless you!
Mega dittos, El Rushbo!
Rush when he was in Afghanistan to thank our Troops.
Alex Pattakos: Betty White: Proving It's Never Too Late To Live
It is not unusual to find me in bookstores where I still enjoy browsing through aisles and shelves more than I do exploring the virtual space of or other online booksellers. Just yesterday, after indulging myself in one of my other favorite past-times, spending time in an Apple Store, I found myself in a neighboring Borders bookstore doing my usual scouting for what's new in the world of books. Right past a prominent display of the Kobo Wireless eReader (not to be confused with the ...
Happy Birthday Mr. Pinko!
As you can see, the candles were fired.
A Fifth Star for General Petraeus?
A pair of combat vets argue in this morning's Wall Street Journal (subscription required) that it's time for Congress to award Army General David Petraeus an extraordinary fifth star. Four stars are the highest standard rank in the U.S. Military; nine five-stars were awarded during World War II to officers like Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall and Nimitz. Gen. John Pershing held the rank during World War I. George Washington also got it -- in 1976. Pete Hegseth and Wade Zirkle are directors of th...
Defeat in Afghanistan Wouldn't be Cheap
Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. Max Boot corrects the false narrative that Grover Norquist seems to be pushing, which suggests that America could save a lot by leaving Afghanistan. Boot writes: If you want any further evidence of conservative support for the War Effort in Afghanistan, look no further than Grover Norquist’s laughable effort to organize a “center-right” coalition against the war. Apparently, Grover wants to pull out of Afghanistan ...
Whats Wrong With This Picture? Rush Limbaugh Edition
A billboard advertising Rush Limbaugh's Radio Show, from his Tucson affiliate: Ummm, okay I realize this ad went up before Saturday but is the message it...
Rush Limbaugh's Tucson Billboard
Copyranter notes: "It's actually been there for quite some time. I know, because my girlfriend's mother lives in Tucson. It's of course via the Radio Station, not Limbaugh. Though, I'm sure he—or his "people"—had to approve it before it was erected."
(Via - Towleroad)
Labels: advertising, Arizona, Copyranter, Gabrielle Giffords, Rush Limbaugh, Tucson
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ABC's George Stephanopoulos Knocks Rush Limbaugh for His 'Man Crush' on Chris Christie
According to Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has "a man-crush" on New Jersey's Chris Christie. The GMA host interviewed the Governor on Thursday and hit the Republican on not cutting Unemployment fast enough and on his handling of December's blizzard. Regarding the state of New Jersey's turnaround, Stephanopoulos touted the talking points of the state's Democrats: "But some of your critics, some of the top Dem...
Rush Limbaugh v. the Volt, Cont'd
As you may have heard by now, the Chevy Volt took top honors at the North American Auto Show this week, winning "Car of the Year." The show takes place in Detroit and the voters are all American or Canadian Journalists, so you can be forgiven for suspecting the honor reflects a little favoritism. Domestic cars win the award more often than not. But it's not like this is the first time we've heard good things about the Volt. After all kinds of fretting that the electric car would be a ...
Latest Lefty Outrage: Rush Limbaugh Billboard Has Bullet Holes In It
Oh the humanity! (Robot Celeb)- Rush Limbaugh is under scrutiny after his “Straight Shooter” billboard in Tucson, Arizona went viral on the Internet. It turns out after the recent Arizona shooting, people are looking for anything and everything to blame for the tragedy. First it was the Sarah Palin poster and blood Libel video, then Glenn Beck‘s gun toting website malfunction and now this Limbaugh bullet hole ridden billboard. This is exactly why I don’...
Rush Limbaugh Characterizes Tucson Memorial as More a Pep Rally than a Memorial Audio 1/13/11
Here is audio of Rush Limbaugh today giving his take on last night’s Tucson Memorial Service, which he described as having a “pep rally” tone rather than a “memorial.” He also disagreed with the Fox All-Stars effusive praise of Obama’s Speech, describing their praise as “slobbering.”
Rush Limbaugh Billboard Promises People of Tucson More Shooting
Sure, the people of Tucson love getting shot. But did they know they can also get shot on the radio? It’s true! They just have to listen to Rush Limbaugh on their radio, according to this billboard that’s “down the street where Giffords was shot.” If you think about it, that shooter really wasn’t very good. His kill count could have been higher. His aim was actually a littler gay, if you ask us. Whereas Rush, who is fueled by beef fat and pills, shoots straight. In...
Former Judge to AZ Sheriff: Shut Up Before You Do Any More Damage to the Prosecutions Case
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
By Nicholas Ballasy
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas)
( - Rep. Louis Gohmert (R.-Texas), a former prosecutor and judge and a current member of the House Judiciary Committee, is offering some advice to Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who has gained national attention since Saturday for his suggestions that radio and television Talk Shows were somehow responsible for the shooting attack in Tucson that took the lives of 6 people and wounded 14 ot
Jared Loughners Above Top Secret Posts
Are detailed here at the Volokh Conspiracy: That Erad3 and Loughner are one and the same is indicated by his cross-posting of some of the same material on both YouTube and ATS. In searching through Loughners posts as Erad3, several stand out.
On July 7, 2010, Loughner posted his assertion that the war(s) in Iraq and Afghanistan is a war crime from the Geneva Convention articles of 1949:There was help with cleaning the Uranium from the Iran and Iraq War in the 1980s?
Article 33 of t
Conservatives Turn Against Afghanistan War, Max Boot Goes Insane
I am the Afghanistan Blogging Fellow for Brave New Foundation. You can read my work on Firedoglake or at Rethink Afghanistan. The views expressed below are my own. Something very interesting has been happening with Conservatives lately. They’re turning against the War in Afghanistan. Sure, the majority of Americans have been opposed to the war for some time now, predominantly made up of Democrats and Progressives. But there was always that nagging little problem of the Repu...
Boston Rob and Russell returning to Survivor
LOS ANGELES (AP) — “Boston” Rob Mariano and Russell Hantz are getting another shot at $1 million. The Veteran “Survivor” bad boys will join 16 new contestants for the 22nd edition of the CBS Reality TV competition, the network announced Thursday. It will be the fourth time competing for Mariano (“Marquesas,” ”All-Stars,” ”Heroes vs. Villains”) and the third for Hantz (“Samoa,” ”Heroes vs. Villains”). Neithe...
Lawmakers Calling for Civil Discourse Havent Always Been Civil
Lawmakers Calling for Civil Discourse Haven’t Always Been CivilThursday, January 13th, 2011
Yet another reminder of why we aren’t supposed to be watching or reading Fox News. It seems you’re not supposed to be holding the powerful accountable unless you’re doing it the same way some other powerful people are also holding the powerful accountable.
“Violence has no place in our Democracy,” [Congressman Pete] Stark said in a statement shortly after the shooting...
Biden Chokes Up with US Troops
NBC News reports:
Vice President Joe Biden appeared to become briefly overcome with emotion during a Speech in Iraq Thursday as he praised the dedication to duty of wounded service personnel.
Biden, who held talks with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, began his Speech at the U.S. Forces-Iraq headquarters in Baghdad’s Al Faw Palace by saying the Armed Forces had made “incredible sacrifices.”
He spoke of the 32,000 Americans who have been wounded in the conflict, but said h...
Queensland premier says rebuild will need post-war effort
The task of rebuilding communities in Queensland submerged by floodwaters would reach that of "post-war proportions", the state's premier warned today, as the Brisbane river continued to surge through the city, and the death toll rose to 15, with around 60 still missing. The Queensland premier, Anna Bligh, referred to the flood crisis in Australia as the worst Natural Disaster the state had experienced and warned that clean-up and rebuilding costs could reach an estimated A$5bn (£3.1bn). "Q...
The War in Afghanistan
A prominent conservative thinker is calling on Republicans to begin a serious debate about the War in Afghanistan, its costs and what Ronald Reagan would do in the same circumstances.
And while Grover Norquist stopped short of personally calling for a rapid withdrawal, he made it clear Tuesday night that he thinks an honest conversation on the right would inevitably lead to that conclusion.
“I’m confident about where that conversation would go,” he told attendees of a dinner ...
Clock starts ticking on Sir John A. Macdonald bicentennial
Happy birthday, Jean Chrétien: The former Liberal Prime Minister celebrates his 77th birthday Tuesday, sharing it with Canada’s first leader, Sir John A. Macdonald. There is more, however, about Macdonald’s birthday than the fact that he would be 196 years old today. A group in his hometown of Kingston, spearheaded by historian Arthur Milnes, wants the bicentennial of Sir John A.’s birth to be a national celebration. And it’s only four years away. “We all agr...
GOP Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson To Retire
Three-term moderate GOP Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson (Texas) told supporters today that she will not seek Reelection in 2012. Hutchinson was trounced in her 2010 bid to unseat Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Hutchison is one of the Republican Party's brightest stars, often appearing on political Talk Shows to press the GOP agenda. Still, she broke ranks during the Health Care debate and opposed an attempt to stall the bill in the Senate. But on most issues, she stands by her party. Just last month, she s...
I Blame Jared Lee Loughner
The man who should burn for the crimes of Jared Lee Loughner is Jared Lee Loughner. Not Rush Limbaugh, who said yesterday that Democrats are supporting the man who shot a Democratic congresswoman in the head: "What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full support of a major political party in this country. He's sitting there in jail. He knows what's going on, he knows that... the Democrat party is attempting to find anybody but him to blame . He knows if he plays his cards right, he's just a v...
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Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
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Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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