Chief Justice: 2011 Prediction: Media to Hit New ‘Warming’ Low - I was taken aback by this paragraph in a Politico story by someone a colleague of mine styles as the best reporter in DC on these issues.
PHOTOS: ABC News in pictures
It reveals the me... ABC News Continues Lobby Effort for ObamaCare - ABC News continues to behave like they are working hand-in-hand with the Obama Administrations’ Health Care take-over message machine.
VIDEOS: ABC News in videos
The latest effort c... National Security Reporting and the Internet - From a rec...
Is Anarchy the Next In Thing?
Instapundit linked to a piece by Richard Fernandez called “The Crusade of the Innocents.” It’s all about Anarchists. You know, those useful idiots who can’t make a name for themselves, so they suck off the fruits of others while trying to make sure the gravy train never ends. They have no goals, other than the next score. They’re hearts are filled with jealousy and rage. I have to say, I’m with Moe Lane, these people are not innocents.
I happen to be related...
Chief Justice Roberts to parties: Quit bickering, fill judicial vacancies
Stumble This! Republicans and Democrats must find a long-term solution to selecting Federal Judges, Chief Justice John Roberts says, while blaming both sides for the political gridlock of Judicial Nominations in the Senate. "Each political party has found it easy to turn on a dime from decrying to defending the blocking of judicial nominations, depending on their changing political fortunes," Roberts said Friday in his year-end report. "This has created acute difficulties for some judicial dist...
Blaming both parties, Chief Justice Roberts decries judicial vacancies
Chief Justice John Roberts is blaming both parties for the political stalemate that's prevented dozens of federal judicial nominees from filling their seats at the bench.
In his annual State of the Judiciary report, Roberts said the partisan bickering has led to "acute difficulties" in "critically overworked districts." He urged policymakers to come up with a long-term solution to the perennial problem.
"Each political party has found it easy to turn on a dime from decrying to defending the ...
Chief Justice Roberts Calls for End to Senate Obstruction of Judges
Nearly one in nine federal Judgeships are currently vacant, a vacancy rate that is leaving many courts barely able to function. Indeed, the problem has become so severe that Republican Chief Justice John Roberts used his annual year-end report on the federal judiciary to call upon the Senate to end this logjam:
Over many years, however, a persistent problem has developed in the process of filling judicial vacancies. Each political party has found it easy to turn on a dime from decrying to defe...
Chief Justice Roberts, a Bush appointee, urges approval of more Obama nominees
Today Chief Justice John Roberts, who was nominated and confirmed under the Bush Administration, urged the Senate to allow for confirmation of more judicial nominees. Both Democrats and Republicans have used their Filibuster power over the previous decade to keep judicial nominees from being confirmed, though liberals claim that Republicans have taken the practice to a whole new level with President Obama. In his statement, Chief Justice Roberts argues that the entire judicial system...
Chief Justice John Roberts Urges Progress Naming Judges, Takes Aim At Gridlock Obstructing Process
WASHINGTON — Republicans and Democrats must find a long-term solution to selecting Federal Judges, Chief Justice John Roberts says, while blaming both sides for the political gridlock of Judicial Nominations in the Senate.
"Each political party has found it easy to turn on a dime from decrying to defending the blocking of judicial nominations, depending on their changing political fortunes," Roberts said Friday in his year-end report. "This has created acute difficulties for some judicia...
Chief Justice Roberts calls for judicial confirmations
SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts raised some eyebrows in The Village with his annual report that criticized the slow pace of judicial confirmations, noting only 62 out of 96 vacancies on the federal bench have been filled in the last two years.
“There remains,” the chief justice wrote, “an urgent need for the political branches to find a long-term solution to this recurring problem.” Roberts' critique echoes a similar complaint made by former Chief Justice Rehnquist during the Clinton
2011: Cant We All Just Get Along?
President Obama and Chief Justice Roberts are calling for Bipartisanship in the New Year....
Chief justice urges progress naming judges
WASHINGTON — Republicans and Democrats must find a long-term solution to selecting Federal Judges, Chief Justice John Roberts says, while blaming both sides for the political gridlock of Judicial Nominations in the Senate.
"Each political party has found it easy to turn on a dime from decrying to defending the blocking of judicial nominations, depending on their changing political fortunes," Roberts said Friday in his year-end report. "This has created acute difficulties for some judicial...
Chief Justice Says 'Urgent' Need for Senate Action on Judicial Nominees
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts says there's an "urgent need" for the political parties to put aside their differences and quickly confirm more of President Obama nominees to the federal judiciary. "Each political party has found it easy to turn on a dime from decrying to defending the blocking of Judicial Nominations depending on their changing political fortunes," Roberts said in a year-end report released on New Year's Eve. "This has created acute difficulties for some judiciary dist...
The Chief Justice on the President's State of the Union Address
Chief Justice Roberts has issued his 2010 Year-End Report on the Federal Judiciary. Among the topics the Chief Justice addresses is the "persistent problem . . . in the process of filling judicial vacancies," a problem that has "created acute difficulties for some judicial districts." The Chief deems the cause of the problem to be that "each political party has found it easy to turn on a dime from decrying to defending the blocking of Judicial Nominations, depending on their [sic] changing polit...
Roberts Asks Senate to Confirm Judges
The New York Times reports:
Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. called on President Obama and the Senate on Friday to solve what he called “the persistent problem of judicial vacancies.”
The plea, in the chief justice’s annual year-end report on the federal judiciary, was an echo of one from his predecessor, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, who made front-page news on New Year’s Day in 1998 by criticizing the Senate for failing to move more quickly on President Bill Clinton’
Chief Justice Roberts urges end of bickering over judicial nominees
WASHINGTON — There is an "urgent need" for Senate Democrats and Republicans to put aside their bickering and fill federal judicial vacancies, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote Friday in his annual State of the Judiciary report.
It was his first comment about the partisan gridlock on judges that affects President Obama's nominees. Roberts noted that Democratic and Republican presidents have been frustrated by the "persistent problem" of senators from the opposing party blocking action on n...
Chief justice urges progress naming judges (AP)
WASHINGTON – Republicans and Democrats must find a long-term solution to selecting Federal Judges, Chief Justice John Roberts says, while blaming both sides for the political gridlock of Judicial Nominations in the Senate.
"Each political party has found it easy to turn on a dime from decrying to defending the blocking of judicial nominations, depending on their changing political fortunes," Roberts said Friday in his year-end report. "This has created acute difficulties for some judicia...
Chief justice urges progress naming judges
FILE - In this Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2010 file picture, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts speaks during a lecture series at Canisius College in Buffalo, N.Y. The Supreme Court will join Congress and the president next year in cutting costs to reduce the federal Deficit, Chief Justice John Roberts said Friday, Dec. 31, 2010 in his year-end report. Republicans and Democrats must find a long-term solution to selecting Federal Judges, Chief Justice John Roberts says, while blaming both side...
Chief justice urges progress naming judges
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans and Democrats must find a long-term solution to selecting Federal Judges, Chief Justice John Roberts says, while blaming both sides for the political gridlock of Judicial Nominations in the Senate. “Each political party has found it easy to turn on a dime from decrying to defending the blocking of judicial nominations, depending on their changing political fortunes,” Roberts said Friday in his year-end report. “This has created acute difficul...
Here Comes The Push To Repeal Obamacare
. Politico chimes in: "We have 242 Republicans. There will be a significant number of Democrats, I think, that will join us. You will remember when that vote passed in the House last March, it only passed by seven votes." Of course, this is just more of the same theatrical BS that has made all of America sick and tired with the charade that is "democratic" governance. "Republicans reason that the voters who gave them the House majority in November expect them to at least go on record against the...
DNC Chair Admits Obama Was Too Busy With Wars and ObamaCare to Care About American Jobs
You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation. Out With the Old, In With the New Year. ewerickson: Yes, the machete will defend you against the ethereal disembodied spirit you moron. The Constitution cannot protect us unless we protect the Co...
New Talking Point: ObamaCare is Partisan Attack Word; But Look Whos Buying Advertising On That Word
The new liberal talking point appears to be that the term "ObamaCare" is really meant as a derogatory, partisan attack word. If that's true, then why did the Obama Administration buy GoogleAds directing "ObamaCare" search traffic to the government's Health Care web site?...
House Will Vote to Repeal Obamacare Before the State of the Union
That's the prediction by Rep. Fred Upton:
The new Republican-majority House will vote on repealing or changing last year's Health Care overhaul before the State of the Union address, Rep. Fred Upton, incoming chairman of the energy and commerce committee, said on "Fox News Sunday."
Upton, a Michigan Republican, said that his party had 242 votes in favor of Repeal, and that "there will be a significant number of Democrats who will join us."
If the House does manage to repeal the Health Care bill...
StupidiNews, New Year's Weekend Edition!
Joe Miller has resolved to accept Sen. Lisa Murkowski's win as Alaska senator...for now. A University of Cincinnati Student resolved to go through Airport Security, stripped to his underwear, and had the Fourth Amendment written on his chest. Chief Justice John Roberts wants Democrats and Republicans in the Senate to resolve to fill dozens of vacant Federal Judge appointments. Estonia resolves to do the best it can joining the countries using the euro today. Japan resolves to warn parents not to...
John Roberts: Stop Bickering, Confirm Federal Judges
Even John Roberts thinks the Republicans should stop blocking the approval of Federal Judges. He pretends it's a Bipartisan problem -- but it isn't: There is an "urgent need" for Senate Democrats and Republicans to put aside their bickering and fill federal judicial vacancies, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote Friday in his annual State of the Judiciary report. It was his first comment about the partisan gridlock on judges that affects President Obama's nominees. But Roberts noted that D...
Roberts: Stop Blocking Judicial Nominees
Like this Story? Share it: History, traditions and key cases, plus what it takes to get on the bench. (AP) WASHINGTON - Republicans and Democrats must find a long-term solution to selecting Federal Judges, Chief Justice John Roberts says, while blaming both sides for the political blockage of Judicial Nominations in the Senate. There are more than 90 judicial vacancies in U.S. district and appellate courts. But only 60 nominees have been confirmed by the Senate for U.S. appellate and district c...
Upton Claims Veto-Proof Votes for Healthcare Repeal
Politico reports:
The new Republican-controlled House plans to schedule a vote to Repeal the sweeping Health Care overhaul before President Barack Obama delivers his annual State of the Union address late this month, incoming House Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) said Sunday.
“We have 242 Republicans,” he said on “Fox News Sunday.” “There will be a significant number of Democrats, I think, that will join us. You will remember when that vote passed in th
Chief Justice John Roberts issues yearly report on the state of the Judiciary
ABC News’ Ariane de Vogue reports:
In his yearly report on the state of the Judiciary released at 6 pm on New Years Eve, Chief Justice John Roberts expresses concern that budgetary constraints due to the economic down turn and the "persistent problem" of judicial vacancies are hampering the work of the Judicial Conference to plan for the future.
The Conference--the federal judiciary's policy-making body-- is made up of all the chief judges of the Federal Court of appeal...
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US Chief Justice John Roberts issues statement of mourning and coldolence on the shooting death of federal judge John Roll.
Chief Justice John Roberts releases statement on death of Judge Roll: " Chief Judge Roll's was a wise jurist who selflessly served Arizona...
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts : "We in the judiciary have suffered the terrible loss of one of our own."
"A good judge is like an umpire - and no judge thinks he is the most important person on the field." Chief Justice John Roberts
According to Wikipedia, John Roberts , current Chief Justice of the U.S., was appointed by President Pope Urban II, serving since 1295.