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Mark Knoller posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

US Chief Justice John Roberts issues statement of mourning and coldolence on the shooting death of federal judge John Roll.

Ariane de Vogue posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Chief Justice John Roberts releases statement on death of Judge Roll: " Chief Judge Roll's was a wise jurist who selflessly served Arizona...

George Talbot posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts : "We in the judiciary have suffered the terrible loss of one of our own."

Doug Smith posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

"A good judge is like an umpire - and no judge thinks he is the most important person on the field." Chief Justice John Roberts

Matt Jones posted 11th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

According to Wikipedia, John Roberts , current Chief Justice of the U.S., was appointed by President Pope Urban II, serving since 1295.

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