Katie Couric: Instapundit linked to a piece by Richard Fernandez called “The Crusade of the Innocents.” It’s all about Anarchists.
PHOTOS: Katie Couric in pictures
You know, those useful idiots who can’t make a name for themselves, so they suck off the fruits of others while trying to make sure the gravy train never ends.
VIDEOS: Katie Couric in videos
They have no goals, other than the next score. They’re hearts are filled with jealousy and rage. I have to say, I’m with Moe Lane, these people are not innocents. I happen to be related...
Preferring style to substance
There are times when the IQs of readers are tested by news coverage. Are you, the reader, savvy enough to pick up on attempts to manipulate? Such is the case with the recent snowstorm and obvious attempts by Governor Christie's critics to score political points based on the Governor being on Vacation when the storm struck. Ginger Gibson reported that, PR experts say Gov. Christie mishandled response during, after huge Snow Storm. Gibson reports Christie's explanation that he had good people in p...
Couric Wants Little Mosque on the Prairie?
Katie Couric believes America needs a Cosby-like American Muslim family show on television to combat Islamophobia. In other words to carry on the myth of Islam as the religion of peace and American Muslims as happy-go-lucky Americas. Canada has just such a show, Little Mosque on the Prairie,” and it is “wildly popular.” Amusingly, in the video segment below, you will see women openly worshipping in the same room with Muslim men - something you will seldom, if ever see in ...
Canada 's 'Little Mosque on the Prairie' - Couric's dream sitcom (Trailer)
CBS News Anchor, Katie Couric, recently yearned for a solution to for the image of Muslims. Couric thinks the American Muslim community needs a tv show of their very own - a "Cosby Show" format - that would generate understanding and endearment for Muslims. No doubt it is no surprise to Couric that such a show is already live and going strong in Canada, available each Monday night at 8:30, on CBC. Not a new show; actually it's already in its fifth season, a r...
New MI AG Bill Schuette: The first responsibility of government is the safety and security of Michigans families... we needed to
The Granholm approach. Something I have posted on recently:
Video: Victim's family outraged after Granholm commutes sentence of rapist murderer
Legacy: Granholm commutes sentence of rapist/murderer of teenage girl
Legacy: Granholm commutes sentence of 1st degree murderer serving life without Parole; family of victim outraged
Detroit Free Press: Granholm should be proud of her true legacy - pushing murderers, rapists, child molesters out of jail early to save money
Granholm on pace to commute m...
Obama signs health bill for September 11 responders
Honolulu | Sun Jan 2, 2011 7:33pm EST
Honolulu (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Sunday signed into law a bill that funds medical care for Firefighters and other responders to the September 11 attacks in 2001.
The five-year, $4.3 billion measure will provide medical treatment for emergency responders sickened by toxic dust inhaled at the World Trade Center site in New York in the days following the attacks.
It also includes a health program for responders sickened by the toxic debris and ...
Obama signs 9/11 health bill
President Barack Obama signed the 9/11 health bill into law in Hawaii on Sunday, White House spokesman Bill Burton said. Obama signed the bill during his Hawaiian Vacation, with no signing ceremony held. In a statement issued later, the president said he was "honored" to sign the bill, which pays for Health Care for responders believed to have been sickened by Pollution at the ruins of the World Trade Center in New York. "We will never forget the selfless courage demonstrated by ...
Obama signs health bill for September 11 responders
HONOLULU (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Sunday signed into law a bill that funds medical care for Firefighters and other responders to the September 11 attacks in 2001.
The five-year, $4.3 billion measure will provide medical treatment for emergency responders sickened by toxic dust inhaled at the World Trade Center site in New York in the days following the attacks.
It also includes a health program for responders sickened by the toxic debris and establishes a Victims' compensation fund....
Obama signs health bill for September 11 responders
HONOLULU (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Sunday signed into law a bill that funds medical care for Firefighters and other responders to the September 11, 2001 attacks.
The five-year, $4.3 billion measure will provide medical treatment for emergency responders sickened by toxic dust inhaled at the World Trade Center site in New York in the days following the hijacked plane attacks.
It also includes a health program for responders sickened by the toxic debris and establishes a Victims' compe...
Obama facing more backlash on health care law
Phoenix lawyer and Chicanos Unidos Arizona Vice President Cecilia Maldonado believes Obama’s Health Care plan is one of the best pieces of Legislation ever passed. “It is good for Latinos. It is good for the rest of the country. People need to give it a chance.” However, the new Republican-controlled House plans to schedule a vote to Repeal the Health Care overhaul before President Barack Obama delivers his annual State of the Union address late this month, incoming House...
Katie Couric: We need a Muslim version of the Cosby Show
Katie Couric: “We need a Muslim version of the Cosby Show”
Yea! Now there’s an idea. Katie Couric’s whos raiting cratered nearly as badly as Keith Olbermann’s in 2010 had a “2010 year in review” show. Not only did it feature her, but also Politico’s official Journolister Jonathan Martin and some comedian named Mo Rocca who I’ve never heard of. The webshow was your typical Katie Couric masterpiece, bashing Americans for having “short a...
Airhead Katie Couric: Maybe We Need a Muslim Version of The Cosby Show
Katie Couric: Maybe We Need A Muslim Version Of The Cosby Show
Katie Couric, in her CBSNews.com review of 2010, highlighted the Controversy surrounding the Park51 project. “The Bigotry expressed against Muslims in this country has been one of the most disturbing stories to surface,” she told her panel. In that media narrative, she saw “a seething hatred many people feel for all Muslims,” which she theorized could be remedied by another, more lighthearted narrative:
Katie Couric Wants Muslim Cosby Show
CBS anchor Katie Couric has proposed creating a Muslim version of the hit 80′s family Sitcom, The Cosby Show, in an effort to improve American attitudes about Islam. The idea popped into Couric’s head while discussing the biggest news stories of 2010 on her show. After bringing up “the Bigotry against Muslims in this country [the United States],” which she called “one of the most disturbing stories to surface this year,” comedian Mo Rocca said that he really d...
Top ten posts of 2010
Chris Blattman inspired me to look up my top ten posts of 2010 (by traffic on this blog) -- here they are in case you missed them:
1. The fallacy of insufficient Extremism (10/1/10)
2. How much are Tea Party Candidates hurting the GOP? (10/21/10)
3. The Obama Tax Cut misperception (2/15/10)
4. A preview of post-election storytelling (11/1/10)
5. Unsupported Democratic allegations against Chamber (10/11/10)
6. New Pew poll: Obama Muslim myth on the rise (8/19/10)
7. Pundits blame the Victims o...
Would You Watch A Muslim Version Of The Cosby Show?
Sitcoms are the spoonful of sugar to the American medicine of acceptance. How many midwestern ladies all of a sudden became cool with gay men after Queer Eye For the Straight Guy hit the screen? Or more willing to accept a minority holiday like Festivus after watching Seinfeld? Katie Couric thinks that TV could work the same magic for Americans' views of Muslims. Couldn't they just film a reality show of our Muslim president?
Couric said on her web show, "Maybe we need a Muslim version of 'The...
What We Can Learn from Justin Bieber
No, before this Controversy, I didn't really know who he was either. It seems that Justin Bieber is a sweet, harmless boy singer who plays upon the heartstrings of tween and teen girls across the Dar al Harb with chipper love songs and winsome smiles. As a middle-aged man, it's just as well that I wasn't fully versed in Bieber's oeuvre; if I knew too much, it might signal that something was wrong with me. I learned about Master Bieber from the teapot-tempest tossed through the careless pen of ...
Infidel Bloggers Alliance
The Last Crusade:
Posted on December 31st, 2010
Proof that history repeats itself comes with the news that Muslims have initiated their re-conquest of Spain.
The number of Muslims in Spain has climbed from 100,000 in 1990 to over 1.5 million in 2
Ground Zero Mosque Imam Rauf kicks off speaking tour at banquet of Hamas-linked Islamic supremacist group ISNA
More evidence of Rauf's sterling moderation. "Ground Zero imam kicks off tour at Hamas conspirator banquet," from WorldNetDaily, January 2 (thanks to David):
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the Muslim cleric behind a plan to build an Islamic center two blocks from the site of the 9/11 attacks, is kicking off a nationwide speaking tour by addressing the banquet of a group that is an unindicted co-conspirator in a scheme to raise money for Hamas.
Rauf's first appearance is scheduled for Detroit, the ci...
Christie returns to NJ; finds himself on the defensive
As reported on last week, there was more than just a blizzard that hit New Jersey last week as political debates sprung up in Governor Chris Christie's absence. Normally, it would not have been a Big Deal if Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno had not chosen to also leave the state at the same time. Senate President Stephen Sweeney was able to manage the state and guide it through the blizzard and ensure everything was taken care of. However, Christie was still out of the state and for too many he ...
What's even safer than a SmartCar? Why drop-top SmartCar, of course!
Nothing says safety like a Topless SmartCar.
We aren't quite sure what Daimler is working on here, but these Patent drawings of what appear to be a Smart Fortwo-based roadster were submitted for Trademark approval on November 16, 2010. The folks at Carscoop suggest that this could be a redux of the automaker's Crossblade cabriolet, sold in the early 2000s with very limited production (just 2,000 were made). Us? We aren't so sure.
While the design of this recent Patent submission looks like it ...
Some Funny Posts From 2010
Not a lot of funny stuff this year. Again. But here are three.
A Top Ten on Michelle Obama's claim that she had to depart the US on her husband's birthday to go celebrate in a glamorous Spanish Riviera resort with her gal-pals, because, see, one of her friends' dad had just died. She had to go party it up out of respect for the dead.
On Christopher Buckely -- who'd termed Obama a "rara avis" (rare bird), one of those few politicians to write his own books, and write them incredibly well -- gush...
Coptics protesting bombing clash with Egypt police
By Sarah Mikhail and Sherine El Madany Cairo (Reuters) - Angry Coptic Christians clashed with police on Sunday as they demanded more protection for Egypt's Christians following a New Year's Day church bombing that killed 21 of their brethren. Hundr... Pope: Egypt attack was vile gesture. Coptic Orthodox Christians demonstrate against Saturday's Bomb Attacks in front of the Sharq al-Madina Mosque near the Church of the Two Saints where the attack took place, in Alexandria January 2, 2011. CAIRO...
Mourning in Alexandria: Egypt's Christians Worship and Worry
Grief quickly transformed into anger on Sunday as a couple of hundred Christians returned to the church in Alexandria that had been bombed on New Year's Day. At the morning mass, women sobbed against each other in the pews as the priests chanted. Afterward men and women gathered in the church lobby, screaming angrily about a government that they say has repeatedly failed them. The bodies and tangled wreckage of cars had already been cleared from the street outside, where 21 people were killed ...
Christians, Muslims clash in streets...
ALEXANDRIA, Egypt – Christians clashed with Egyptian police in the northern city of Alexandria on Saturday, furious over an apparent Suicide bombing against worshippers leaving a New Year's Mass at a church that killed at least 21 people. It was the worst violence against the country's Christian minority in a decade. The Interior Ministry blamed "foreign elements," and the Alexandria Governor accused al-Qaida, pointing to the terror network's branch in Iraq, which has carried out a string ...
The Sunday Early Bird News Round-Up
On this day in history, January 2nd 1776 , the Continental Congress published the “Tory Act” which described how colonies should deal with those Americans who remained loyal to the British and King George. ~Those silly Tea Partiers are already angry with the new GOP Congress. One of the most difficult choices for the Democrats will be how to handle this- they are going to have to figure out when they should go on the offense while determining when it would be prudent to just sit back...
9/11 Health Bill Signed Into Law by Obama
President Obama took time out of his Hawaiian Vacation on Sunday to sign into law one of the surprise accomplishments of the lame-duck Congress: a measure covering the cost of medical care for Rescue Workers and others sickened by toxic fumes and dust after the 2001 Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center. Read more …
Fancy Washington DC Dinners Aren't Masking China Issues
Governor Robert Bentley Apologizes For Inauguration Talk
House GOP Passes Healthcare Reform Repeal, Urges Debate
Philly Abortion Doc Killed 7 In Barbaric Fashion
Obama Orders Rules' Review To Boost Job Creation
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home