White House: That's the prediction by Rep.
PHOTOS: Barack Obama in pictures
Fred Upton: The new Republican-majority House will vote on repealing or changing last year's Health Care overhaul before the State of the Union address, Rep.
VIDEOS: Barack Obama in videos
Fred Upton, incoming chairman of the energy and commerce committee, said on "Fox News Sunday." Upton, a Michigan Republican, said that his party had 242 votes in favor of Repeal, and that "there will be a significant number of Democrats who will join us." If the House does manage to repeal the Health Care bill...
What 2011 Will Bring To Your Health?
Kaiser Health News has compiled nine ways the federal law overhauling Health Care could affect you. The Food and Drug Administration has a March deadline to finalize rules requiring chain restaurants to post calorie counts, though some eateries have started already. If you've got a flexible spending account at work, you can't use the money to cover over-the-counter remedies anymore. USA Today knows that almost all of us have vowed to lose weight this year, just like last year and the year ...
Democrats To Fight ObamaCare Repeal
WASHINGTON (AP) — Top Senate Democrats are warning House Speaker-elect John Boehner they’ll block any Republican effort to Repeal President Barack Obama’s Health Care overhaul. Citing better Medicare prescription coverage and other changes in the new law, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his top lieutenants say the overhaul “is too important to be treated as Collateral Damage in a partisan mission to Repeal health care.” The letter says Repeal would have “...
Senate Dems to Boehner: You shall not pass (ObamaCare repeal)!
Among the top priorities for the new Republican majority in the House will be the Repeal of ObamaCare. Speaker-to-be John Boehner has already scheduled a vote on a Repeal bill, which is expected to pass handily, at the very least on party lines. The leadership of the Senate Democratic Caucus has told Boehner not to bother:
Top Senate Democrats are warning House Speaker-elect John Boehner they’ll block any Republican effort to Repeal President Barack Obama’s Health Care overhaul...
Senate Dems to Boehner: We'll block your repeal push
Game on!
In the first official response from Dems to the House GOP plan to Repeal health reform, Senate Democrats have penned a sharply worded letter to House Speaker John Boehner vowing that Repeal is a dead letter in the Senate, the Associated Press reports.
Here's a copy of the letter itself, and it's well worth reading, because it provides the first clear glimpse of how Democrats will mount their political pushback against the GOP's Repeal campaign. The crux of the argument is that Repeal ...
Senate Democrats vow to block health care repeal
WASHINGTON — Top Senate Democrats are warning House Speaker-elect John Boehner they’ll block any Republican effort to Repeal President Barack Obama’s Health Care overhaul.
Citing better Medicare prescription coverage and other changes in the new law, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his top lieutenants say the overhaul "is too important to be treated as Collateral Damage in a partisan mission to Repeal health care."
The letter says Repeal would have "unintended consequenc...
Good News In Cancer Screening
A new blood test is now being studied that could revolutionize the treatment and screening of Cancer.
Fox News reported the exciting news.
A blood test so sensitive that it can spot a single cancer cell lurking among a billion healthy ones is moving one step closer to being available at your doctor’s office.
Boston scientists who invented the test and Health Care giant Johnson & Johnson will announce Monday that they are joining forces to bring it to market. Four big cancer centers a...
Republicans Plan ObamaCare Repeal Votes Before State Of The Union
Incoming House Speaker John Boehner pledges that the GOP "Pledge to America" will not become a worthless piece of paper, much as the "Contract with America" became. Things will change. He has already put out the new rules, and plans to take them seriously. We'll see. And one thing we'll see soon will be votes to Repeal ObamaCareSoon after the 112th Congress convenes Wednesday, Republicans in the House plan to make good on a campaign promise that helped vault many new members to victory: voting t...
New year, new them
House Republicans have a First Handful of Days strategy:
Soon after the 112th Congress convenes Wednesday, Republicans in the House plan to make good on a campaign promise that helped vault many new members to victory: voting to Repeal President Barack Obama’s Health Care overhaul.The vote, which Republican leaders pledged would occur before the president’s State of the Union address later this month, is intended both to appeal to the tea party-influenced factions of the House GOP ba...
GOP lawmaker: Go after health care piece by piece
WASHINGTON — A top House Republican says GOP lawmakers will go after President Barack Obama’s Health Care law piece by piece to see if they can make it crumble.
That effort, says Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan, will follow a vote to Repeal the Health Care law outright. Such a vote could come early in the new year after the GOP takes control of the House.
Upton is the incoming chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and he says that repealing the Health Care law is his top ...
Republican Lawmaker Wants to Go After Health Care Piece by Piece
Monday, January 03, 2011
By Staff, Associated Press
Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) seeks the chairmanship of the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee
Washington (AP) - top House Republican says GOP lawmakers will go after President Barack Obama's Health Care law piece by piece to see if they can make it crumble.
That effort, says Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan, will follow a vote to Repeal the Health Care law outright. Such a vote could come early in the new year after the GOP takes contr...
Dems threaten Boehner with blocking repeal of health reform
The Senate's top Democrats wrote incoming House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Monday, vowing to block Legislation to Repeal Healthcare Reform.
The five top Democrats in the Senate wrote Boehner in an effort to preemptively pressure the new GOP House against advancing Legislation to undo the healthcare reform law passed last year, benefits of which started to take effect on Jan. 1.
The Democrats, led by Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.), warned in specifics that if the GOP House passed a b...
House Republicans eye quick repeal of healthcare law
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the House of Representatives plan to hold a vote in January to Repeal President Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul and say they have nearly enough support to override a presidential Veto of the repeal, a top lawmaker said on Sunday.
"Unpopularity numbers are as high as 60 percent across the country," Fred Upton, the incoming chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said of the healthcare law.
"I don't think we're going to be that far off from hav...
Upton: Health Repeal Bill Coming Before State of the Union
The Hill reports:
The incoming chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee said Sunday that Republicans will bring up a healthcare Repeal measure before President Obama even delivers his annual address to Congress this month.
“As part of our pledge, we said that we would bring up a vote to Repeal healthcare early,” Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) said on “Fox News Sunday.” “That will happen before the president’s State of the Union address.”
ObamaCare Repeal Vote, Bill to De-Fund Abortion, Coming Soon
The new Republican chairman of the panel responsible for starting action on repealing the Abortion-funding ObamaCare law says a vote will take place soon. Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan, incoming chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said yesterday that a vote on the Repeal Legislation and a companion bill to ensure there is no abortion funding under ObamaCare, will take place before President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union address later this month. “As part of ou...
Kaine says he'll remain DNC chair
Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine plans to stay in his current post, the former Virginia Governor said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.” There had been speculation that White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs would take over for Kaine — one of President Barack Obama’s earliest supporters — who could move into a post within the administration. The White House, though, pushed back on that talk. “My agreement with the president is I was ...
MSNBCs Chuck Todd: Incoming GOP House Leadership Looking Backwards
On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, NBC News Chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd said he’s “curious” whether the incoming Republican leadership wants “the first impression they give, this month, (to) be about fights in the past?”
Todd-pointing out that the weekend delivered a long list of potential investigations (everything from Afghanistan to Wikileaks)-said the GOP focus on investigations might be focused in the wrong direction, at least in terms of...
This Week's Health Industry News
The 112th Congress convenes on Wednesday. Republicans who took control of the House of Representatives in the Midterm Election are shortly expected to introduce a measure to Repeal and replace the Health Care Legislation passed in March.
But with the Senate and White House controlled by Democrats, the move is not really expected to go anywhere. When the measure is brought to a vote - possibly later this month - even its supporters are predicting it will be ignored by the Senate, leaving bot...
Obama returns to Washington to face emboldened GOP
HONOLULU—President Barack Obama got what he wanted from his Hawaiian Vacation: nearly two weeks away from the spotlight before returning to Washington to face an emboldened Republican party and a major shakeup of his staff. The first weeks of the new year will be an early test of whether the president can manage a divided Congress, and build on the victories he secured during the final days of the lame-duck legislative session. And with a host of Republicans readying to run for his job, t...
House to Introduce Health Care Repeal Bill Before State of the Union
This should be interesting. Ranking House Republican Fred Upton said the GOP will introduce a bill repealing ObamaCare before President Obama’s State of the Union Speech.
The incoming chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee said Sunday that Republicans will bring up a healthcare Repeal measure before President Obama even delivers his annual address to Congress this month.
“As part of our pledge, we said that we would bring up a vote to Repeal healthcare early,” Re...
Obamacare 'Rule' Goes Missing from Government Website
Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. A few weeks ago, I wrote about a 347-page, 118,072-word ObamaCare "rule" released by Health and Human Services Secretary (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius and unconfirmed-Medicare Administrator Donald Berwick, two people whose power would increase immensely under Obamacare. I wrote, "To get a real flavor for what life and health would be like under Obamacare, check out the language contained in the "rule" itself. (I dare you.)" Now, an alert ...
Senate Democrats vow to block health care repeal
WASHINGTON (AP) - Top Senate Democrats are warning House Speaker-elect John Boehner they'll block any Republican effort to Repeal President Barack Obama's Health Care overhaul. Citing better Medicare prescription coverage and other changes in the new law, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his top lieutenants say the overhaul "is too important to be treated as Collateral Damage in a partisan mission to Repeal health care." The letter says Repeal would have "Unintended Consequences" for the ...
The Dems' Wasted Opportunity on Health Reform
Republicans have placed their assault on Health Care reform at the top of their agenda for the new Congress, planning to put a Repeal of the federal law up for a vote as soon as possible. Full-out Repeal is unlikely to go anywhere: even if the bill passed the House, it would have trouble clearing the Senate, and President Obama could always Veto it in the end. But the GOP hopes the vote will give Republicans the momentum to undermine support for the law on the state level, gut smaller provisions...
Rep. John Boehner set to repeal Obama victories
At the top of Rep. John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) list are government regulations designed to keep the public safe and healthy.The new speaker of the House is planning moves to dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency and Obama's new Health Care reform laws. “Democrats, who in many cases looked on the law as a rabid beast best avoided in the fall Elections, are reversing course, gearing up for a coordinated all-out effort to preserve and defend it. Under the law, they say, consumers ar...
GOP agenda may mean more in 2012 than now
(01-03) 04:26 PST WASHINGTON (AP) --
Even if the next two years end in congressional gridlock, Republicans hope to build a record that demonstrates to voters in 2012 that they can get it right.
The GOP is promising to use the new Congress that convenes Wednesday to cut spending, roll back President Barack Obama's Health Care overhaul and prevent unelected Bureaucrats from expanding the government's role in society through regulations that tell people what they must or can't do.
Passing their t...
Congressional Week Ahead
It might seem like members of the 111th Congress just left, but the 112th Congress arrives Wednesday, bringing with it an extensive new cast of lawmakers and Republican control of the House.
More than 90 new House members and a dozen new senators will take the oath of office when the House and Senate convene at noon on Wednesday. Shortly thereafter, Nancy Pelosi will turn over the speaker’s gavel and the management of the House to John A. Boehner of Ohio, a 20-year Congressional Veteran who w...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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