ObamaCare : The new liberal talking point appears to be that the term "ObamaCare" is really meant as a derogatory, partisan attack word.
PHOTOS: Barack Obama in pictures
If that's true, then why did the Obama Administration buy GoogleAds directing "ObamaCare" search traffic to the government's Health Care web site?...
VIDEOS: Barack Obama in videos
The Problem With Entitlement
Ready for some scary numbers? According to AARP (the organization which lobbied so aggressively on behalf of ObamaCare), 7,000 Baby Boomers will become Medicare beneficiaries in 2011 … each day. That’s a total of 2.5 million new beneficiaries … part of an impending onrush that not only threatens the solvency of the program but the fiscal U.S. government itself. By 2030, an estimated 80 million Americans will be enrolled in Medicare, up from 47 million today. Meanwhile, en...
MMA Fighter Volkmann Calls Out Obama After UFC 125 Win
Sports and politics are very similar, which explains why the jargon of one often crosses over into the lexicon of the other. Think about it. We see political campaigns as "races" with clear-cut "winners" and "losers." Professional politicians are paid obscene sums, just like professional athletes, and most of the time what happens off the field and behind closed doors determines the outcome of the game or campaign. Sports also provide valuable political lessons (and clichés). Perseverence, ...
Obamacare 'Rule' Goes Missing from Government Website
Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. A few weeks ago, I wrote about a 347-page, 118,072-word ObamaCare "rule" released by Health and Human Services Secretary (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius and unconfirmed-Medicare Administrator Donald Berwick, two people whose power would increase immensely under Obamacare. I wrote, "To get a real flavor for what life and health would be like under Obamacare, check out the language contained in the "rule" itself. (I dare you.)" Now, an alert ...
Conservatives First Attack: Obamacare
Upton, whose committee will play a key role in the GOP’s effort to roll back the law, said that he believes the House may be near the two-thirds majority required to override a presidential Veto. “If we pass this bill with a sizeable (sic) vote, and I think that we will, it will put enormous pressure on the Senate to do perhaps the same thing,” he said. “But then, after that, we’re going to go after this bill piece by piece.” If Tea Party House Conservatives w...
Obama Administration Takes Control of Insurance Prices
WND: Feds take control of Insurance prices (emphasis mine): Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and her staff are implementing a new 136-page federal Regulation which, for the first time ever, gives the Federal Government the power to set Health Insurance premium prices, a regulatory role traditionally reserved for the states, health policy experts are telling WND. The new price control rule centralizes Regulation of Insurance policy premiums -- and coverage -- in Washington, D...
What's even safer than a SmartCar? Why drop-top SmartCar, of course!
Nothing says safety like a Topless SmartCar.
We aren't quite sure what Daimler is working on here, but these Patent drawings of what appear to be a Smart Fortwo-based roadster were submitted for Trademark approval on November 16, 2010. The folks at Carscoop suggest that this could be a redux of the automaker's Crossblade cabriolet, sold in the early 2000s with very limited production (just 2,000 were made). Us? We aren't so sure.
While the design of this recent Patent submission looks like it ...
Washington Week
President Obama’s administration issued 16,200 Regulations the previous year as compared to 28,400 in the period from April 1996 through Dec. 31, 2000. If this doesn’t get your jaw dropping, a 57 percent increase in the staffing and the federal Budget monies devoted to developing and enforcing federal Regulations should have you shaking your head. Also, in order to get an accurate picture of Regulators run amok, you need to add to these 16,200 regs the thousands of Regulations ...
Senate Dems to Boehner: You shall not pass (ObamaCare repeal)!
Among the top priorities for the new Republican majority in the House will be the Repeal of ObamaCare. Speaker-to-be John Boehner has already scheduled a vote on a Repeal bill, which is expected to pass handily, at the very least on party lines. The leadership of the Senate Democratic Caucus has told Boehner not to bother:
Top Senate Democrats are warning House Speaker-elect John Boehner they’ll block any Republican effort to Repeal President Barack Obama’s Health Care overhaul...
Democrats To Fight ObamaCare Repeal
WASHINGTON (AP) — Top Senate Democrats are warning House Speaker-elect John Boehner they’ll block any Republican effort to Repeal President Barack Obama’s Health Care overhaul. Citing better Medicare prescription coverage and other changes in the new law, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his top lieutenants say the overhaul “is too important to be treated as Collateral Damage in a partisan mission to Repeal health care.” The letter says Repeal would have “...
Good News In Cancer Screening
A new blood test is now being studied that could revolutionize the treatment and screening of Cancer.
Fox News reported the exciting news.
A blood test so sensitive that it can spot a single cancer cell lurking among a billion healthy ones is moving one step closer to being available at your doctor’s office.
Boston scientists who invented the test and Health Care giant Johnson & Johnson will announce Monday that they are joining forces to bring it to market. Four big cancer centers a...
Reason Morning Links: New Year's Edition
The 9/11 Health and Compensation Act is now law.
House Republicans plan a vote on repealing ObamaCare.
Joe Miller finally concedes defeat in Alaska.
Hungary adopts sweeping new restrictions on the press.
Is China preparing for a crackdown on Skype?
Dave Barry looks back at 2010.
And Let The Games Begin
Congress comes back to session this week with the newly-emboldened Republicans all set to do battle with the Obama Administration. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) is planning on trying to prove what he said in October on Rush Limbaugh's show; that the Obama administration is "the most corrupt president in modern times." Except he told CNN yesterday that he really didn't mean that and Rush Limbaugh forced him into saying that, and hey, look at the kitty.ISSA: I corrected -- what I meant to say -- you k...
Right-Wing Media Kick Off 2011 By Dusting Off "Death Panel" Lie
Right-Wing Media Seize on CMS Rule Change to Revive False "Death Panel" Myth
Knight: "The Dreaded 'Death Panels' Are Back." Following news that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved payment for voluntary end-of-life counseling, Robert Knight wrote in a Washington Times op-ed:
Finally, the dreaded "death panels" are back. Recall that on Christmas Eve 2009, Nevada Democratic Sen. Harry Reid's U.S. Senate rammed through the national Health Care system takeover. They ignor...
Economic Illiterates Tout Benefits of Obamacare
Medicare is bumping up payments for Primary Care by 10 percent from Jan. 1 through the end of 2015 Medicare enrollees will be able to get many preventive health services - such as vaccinations and Cancer screenings - for free starting in January. For those of us who know there is no such thing as a free lunch and that these ‘benefits’ will have to be paid for somehow are wondering where is the money coming from? Oh yeah, that’s right! Our Insurance Premiums will be ...
ABC News Warns Republicans Against Repealing Obamacare
If Pres. Obama's signal fight in the coming year will be preserving ObamaCare, he can count on at least one ally in his struggle with Republicans: ABC News and in particular its Political Director, Amy Walter. On GMA today, Walter issued a stern warning to Republicans who might have the audacity of hoping to Repeal ObamaCare. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress fre...
Obamacare's Medicare Cuts in the New Year
With the flipping of the calendar to January, we've now moved into the first year in which ObamaCare will cut funding for the popular Medicare Advantage program. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that, in 2011, ObamaCare will cut Medicare Advantage by $2 billion. According to the CBO, that $2 billion is the first part of the $638 billion that Obamacare, if not repealed, is poised to cut from Medicare and related federal programs over the next decade. As everyone except for the Obama...
A Story of Political Self-Destruction
Today’s New York Times reports that the Democrats are planning an all out effort to turn ObamaCare from a political liability into a plus. Color me skeptical. At least the Times acknowledges that ObamaCare is a major negative for Democrats. I did a radio appearance yesterday with a Democratic operative who insisted that The Economy had been the only factor in the Democrats’ defeat. Health Care had nothing to do with it, he vehemently maintained....
CBS Touts Obamacare Provisions Many Seniors Will Probably Like, But Warns of Longer Wait Times
On Friday’s CBS Evening News, correspondent Sharyl Attkisson filed a report previewing how new Health Care reform provisions are expected to effect seniors. After beginning her piece by predicting that "a lot of them will probably like" the first changes that take effect, she recounted a number of benefits that will be offered to Medicare recipients at a substantially lower cost, and featured a soundbite of a reform advocate who claimed that the new benefits would actually lead t...
Video: A 10-second explanation on what happened to Democrats after passing ObamaCare
This isn't a new video as I'm positive I've posted it before, but today I saw it and it hit me (just like the guy in the vid) that this perfectly illustrates what happened to Democrats after they passed ObamaCare earlier this year with threats, bribes and the Nuclear Option in the Senate - Reconciliation:
Gun Recoil Knockout - Watch more Funny Videos
Do You Want to Keep Your Penis? Thank a Republican.
Last week we learned that a Swedish man’s penis was amputated due to a misdiagnosis, in part because it took five months before he was able to schedule an appointment at the Hospital. When he finally got in, he was told he had Cancer and would no longer have a penis. Nice, huh?
Then, at the bottom of the paper, called The Local (“Sweden’s News in English”), there’s a headline that reads “Swedish Society — Democracy, Equality, and Tolerance.” Below...
ABC News Political Director Advises GOP Not to Try and Repeal ObamaCare Video
Here is video of ABC News Political Director Amy Walter essentially warning Republicans not to pursue a Repeal of ObamaCare in the new Congress, saying ominously she does not think that would “set well with the electorate.”
In the first place, isn’t it odd that the “Political Director” of a major news network would be making statements like this - especially since they like to put forth the facade of being impartial and independent?
Beyond that, Republicans ...
Video: Democrats scramble to re-brand ObamaCare
As usual, to the liberal ObamaCare is tanking in the polls (Poll: Support for ObamaCare Repeal At 60%) not because the Legislation sucks, but because of messaging. They're dead wrong. It's not the messaging, it's the message. They haven't quite figured that out yet:
"The Left Has Nowhere to Go'
There is no major difference between a McCain administration, a Bush and an Obama Administration. Obama, in fact, is in many ways worse. McCain, like Bush, exposes the naked face of corporate power. Obama, who professes to support core liberal values while carrying out policies that mock these values, mutes and disempowers liberals, Progressives and leftists. Environmental and anti-war groups, who plead with Obama to address their issues, are little more than ineffectual supplicants.
Obama, li...
GOP agenda may mean more in 2012 than now
(01-03) 04:26 PST WASHINGTON (AP) --
Even if the next two years end in congressional gridlock, Republicans hope to build a record that demonstrates to voters in 2012 that they can get it right.
The GOP is promising to use the new Congress that convenes Wednesday to cut spending, roll back President Barack Obama's Health Care overhaul and prevent unelected Bureaucrats from expanding the government's role in society through regulations that tell people what they must or can't do.
Passing their t...
GOP Agenda May Mean More in 2012 Than Now
WASHINGTON — Even if the next two years end in congressional gridlock, Republicans hope to build a record that demonstrates to voters in 2012 that they can get it right.
The GOP is promising to use the new Congress that convenes Wednesday to cut spending, roll back President Barack Obama's health care overhaul and prevent unelected Bureaucrats from expanding the government's role in society through regulations that tell people what they must or can't do.
Passing their top priorities may ...
Fancy Washington DC Dinners Aren't Masking China Issues
Governor Robert Bentley Apologizes For Inauguration Talk
House GOP Passes Healthcare Reform Repeal, Urges Debate
Philly Abortion Doc Killed 7 In Barbaric Fashion
Obama Orders Rules' Review To Boost Job Creation
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home
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