Hate Speech: Yesterday morning, UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert J.
PHOTOS: UC Berkeley in pictures
Birgeneau e-mailed the campus community with regard to the horrendous Mass Shooting in Arizona that killed a Federal Judge, a 9-year-old girl, and several others while gravely injuring Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the apparent target of the attack.
VIDEOS: UC Berkeley in videos
Like many others in the News Media and on blogs and Twitter, Birgeneau chose to put the blame for the shooting on the "climate" of Speech in Arizona, while lamenting what he sees as similar problems at...
UC Berkeley Chancellor Interjects Politics Into Arizona Tragedy
Leave it to a city known nationally more for protesting Marines and debating whether to honor a Wikileaks' leaker than being home to a world class public university to turn the tragedy in Arizona into a political issue.
UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert Birgeneau has come out and sent an e-mail to his campus linking the attacks in Arizona, that killed six people and seriously injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, to "Discrimination against undocumented persons."
The San Francisco Chronicle's Ma...
UC Berkeley Chancellor Blames Ariz. Shooting on Hateful Speech
Yesterday morning, UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert J. Birgeneau emailed the campus community with regard to the horrendous Mass Shooting in Arizona that killed a Federal Judge, a 9-year-old girl, and several others while gravely injuring Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the apparent target of the attack. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expres...
University of California, Berkeley Chancellor comments on Arizona shootings
Dear members of our campus community:
This weekend's shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the deaths and injuries of many others in the horrific event in Tucson, Arizona have shocked our nation. We here at UC Berkeley offer our sincere condolences to everyone who has been personally affected by this tragedy.
Such a brutal and violent attack on an individual who has devoted herself to public service is deeply regrettable. It calls upon us as an academic community to stop...
THE FOUNDATION FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS IN EDUCATION responds to Berkeley Chancellor Robert J. Birgenea
THE FOUNDATION FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS IN EDUCATION responds to Berkeley Chancellor Robert J. Birgeneau.
Birgeneau’s e-mail, if taken to its logical conclusion, seems to imply that minority groups and undocumented Students at UC Berkeley might become violent if people in the campus community do not support the DREAM Act and if other examples of “hateful Speech” go unchallenged on campus. While he avoids an outright call for Censorship of certain opinions—such as opposition to...
Cal's Robert Birgeneau talks about Tucson shooting
UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert Birgeneau has come out swinging over the Shooting Spree that wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed six people, linking it to Arizona's "Discrimination against undocumented persons" and a "climate in which demonization of others goes unchallenged and hateful Speech is tolerated."
In a campus-wide e-mail message, Birgeneau said: "It is not a coincidence that this calamity has occurred in a state which has legislated discrimination against undocumented persons."...
UC Berkeley chancellor ties AZ immigration law to Giffords shooting (Daily Caller)
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UC Berkeley chancellor ties AZ Immigration law to Giffords shooting
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Tea Party Express raising money in aftermath of Arizona shooting
In an official e-mail to the University of California at Berkeley campus community, chancellor Robert Birgeneau said th...
UC Berkeley Chancellor Says Arizonas Immigration Law to Blame For Giffords Shooting
So what’s he saying, it wasn’t Palin’s map? Doesn’t he know that’s the official leftist line? In an official e-mail to the University of California at Berkeley campus community, chancellor Robert Birgeneau said that it was no “coincidence” that Saturday’s tragic shooting of Ariz. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others at a public event in Tucson occurred in a state that recently enacted what he suggested was a discriminatory Immigration law. ̶...
Greens, Libertarians Re-Affirm Commitment to Non-Violence in Wake of Arizona Shooting
The Arizona Green Party is both saddened and outraged in response to the acts of Domestic Terrorism that plagued not only the City of Tucson this weekend, but our whole nation. Our hearts go out to Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords as well as all the Victims and their families, friends, and communities affected by this senseless tragedy. Our sincerest condolences to those lives that were lost devastatingly on Saturday and we hope for a speedy recovery to those beginning their healing process. Non...
Genius California Educator Explains the Arizona Shooting
Another alleged educator, on the Payroll of the beleaguered California Taxpayer, has weighed in with Solomon-like wisdom on the matter of the Arizona shooting. Although why the chancellor of the University of California, one Robert J. Birgeneau, feels the need to pontificate on the issue remains a mystery. Perhaps his taxpayer-funded use of office time could have been better spent considering how to extricate his campus from the clutches of union-represented Professors who are angry at having ...
Palin's Pogrom
Breaking my Palin embargo, but not to pile on about her tasteless use of "blood Libel" to criticize the media for criticizing her. I'm pretty sure she's so uninformed she had no idea about the genesis of the phrase and simply used it because others already did and she liked the sound of it. But since I forced myself to read about Palin's latest gibberish, I'll address a couple of other points.
Ms. Palin quoted former President Ronald Reagan as saying that society should not be blamed for the ...
Obama to be nation's consoler at memorial service
WASHINGTON—Searching for unity out of tragedy, President Barack Obama will honor the Victims of the Arizona Mass Shooting in personal terms and remind those in grief that an entire nation is with them. The president is again stepping into his role as national consoler, a test of leadership that comes with the job.
His mission at Wednesday's memorial is to uplift and rally, not to examine political Incivility.
Set to speak during an evening gathering in Tucson, Ariz., Obama will remember t...
Palins Blood Libel Inspires Breitbart to Invoke Gang Rape
No one should be surprised that Andrew Breitbart would equate deserved criticism of former Governor Sarah Palin with Gang Rape. This is the type of Hate Speech from the Right, especially towards women, that is common. Remember their depictions of Speaker Pelosi, Hillary Clinton before she became Secretary of State? “Instead of dialing down the Rhetoric at this difficult moment, Sarah Palin chose to accuse others trying to sort out the meaning of this tragedy of somehow engaging in a ‘...
Officer stopped suspect on day of Ariz. shooting
WASHINGTON (AP) — Leading the nation in mourning, President Barack Obama flew to Arizona Wednesday to pay tribute to the six people killed in the weekend shootings and to the fighting spirit of wounded lawmaker Gabrielle Giffords, the target of the first Assassination attempt on a member of Congress in decades. Searching for the right tone, Obama sought to console the country, not dissect its politics. Obama and his wife, Michelle, headed for a nighttime service in Tucson with a Bipartisan...
Chilling Effect 101
If you’re a Student at UC-Berkeley and you thought the DREAM Act wasn’t such a hot idea, then you probably contributed to “the same mean-spirited xenophobia” that led to the Tucson shootings. At least that’s what your chancellor, Robert J. Birgeneau, seems to think. Oh, and by the way, he also thinks that “a climate in which demonization of others goes unchallenged” can lead to tragedy....
McCain returns for Ariz. memorial
TUCSON — As Arizona mourns what many here are calling the greatest tragedy in state history, one very familiar face has been missing from the scene: Sen. John McCain.
McCain, the 2008 GOP presidential nominee and Arizona’s most prominent politician, has been on a congressional fact finding trip in South America since Friday. He announced he would come home two days early from the planned week-long trip to attend a memorial service in Tucson Wednesday — his first stateside pub...
John Boehner AZ tribute: 'Holy & uplifting strength' Full transcript & video
We are called here to mourn. An unspeakable act of violence has taken six innocent lives, left several more, including our colleague, Gabrielle Giffords, battling for theirs. These are difficult hours for our country. Among the fallen is Gabe Zimmerman, a member of Congresswoman's Giffords staff, a public servant of the highest caliber - one of our own. And even in our shock, we are composed and determined to fulfill our colleagues and represent our constituents. This is the great cause for whic...
Officers Stopped Suspect on Day of Arizona Shooting
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
By Amanda Lee Myers, Justin Pritchard, Associated Press
Tucson, Ariz. (AP) - In the hours before the Assassination attempt against Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Jared Loughner went to Walmart, was pulled over for running a red light and ran from his father after an angry confrontation.
Investigators are piecing together the timeline of Loughner's frenzied morning before the attack that killed six.
"What he did and the morning before the shooting, we're just trying to ...
Look beyond the rubble
Tons of uncleared debris. Tent cities filled to overflowing. Tens of thousands of Children in need of protection. Such harsh images of Haiti -- and stark assessments of the on-going crisis there -- are likely to dominate our thoughts this week, as we mark the somber anniversary of the Earthquake that struck one year ago Wednesday. In an emergency of such tragic magnitude, it is natural that we look for villains -- and much harder to look for heroes. But as we frankly assess and learn from what's...
MHA of Southeastern PA Responds to Arizona Tragedy With a Call to Repair the Broken Mental Health System
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 12, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Mental Health Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania (MHASP) (https://www.mhasp.org) joins the nation in grieving for those whose lives were ended or forever altered by the tragedy that occurred in Arizona on January 8, and in wishing Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the others who were injured a swift and complete recovery. "This terrible incident, which reports indicate was the act of an individual with mental Health Problems,...
Former Bush speech writer blames marijuana for mass shooting in Tucson
Stumble This! Marijuana has been used as a scapegoat for many awful events in US history, with the political class blaming the drug for driving Mexican immigrants insane, filling black men with a bloodlust for white women and driving good girls into dens of iniquity. In the year 2011, such claims ring no more true than any event depicted in the 1936 anti-drug Propaganda film "Reefer Madness." Yet still, echoes of that madness remain. David Frum, a former Speechwriter for President George W. Bu...
California lawmaker revives bill to give undocumented students access to financial aid
A bill that would grant undocumented California Students access to Financial Aid is being revived in the State Legislature this week.
The California DREAM Act would allow Students who are Illegal Immigrants to benefit from the same Financial Aid as other California Students attending the state's public colleges and universities.
Assemblyman Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles, introduced the bill Tuesday based on one he first proposed as a State Senator in 2006. The previous version passed in the state S...
The Arizona Shooting and the Left
The Deployment of power isn't always necessarily illegitimate, of course, but when that power is used, as the left unfailingly uses it, to compel autonomous individuals to pursue ends that are not of their own choosing, then violence has been done. Can we not, with good cause, claim that the left's governance has promoted a culture of violence? The recent Mass Shooting at a Democratic event in Arizona is nothing less than a massacre. Any remotely decent human being can only be overwhelme...
Congressman Pete King to Introduce Gun Safety Bill After Arizona Shooting
Rep. Peter King said Tuesday he plans to introduce a new gun safety bill in Congress in the wake of the Mass Shooting in Arizona that killed six people and wounded 14 others, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz....
McDonnell's security tightened following Arizona shooting
Officials have tightened security for Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell following the Mass Shootings in Tucson. Reporters covering a McDonnell news conference this week were told they would no longer be able to approach the Governor after he had started speaking to place recorders or microphones on his lectern. McDonnell, however, told reporters that the shooting that killed six people and severely injured a congresswoman had not changed his security. When told of the changes, McDonnell said "I had n...
Fitting Memorial For Arizona Shooting Victims
President Obama, will speak at tonight’s public memorial service for the Victims of last weekend’s shootings in Arizona. The service and Speech will be carried live on Cable News networks, online, and elsewhere, beginning at 8PM EST. As he grieves with and consoles thousands in person at the University of Arizona’s McKale Center in Tuscon, the president will also be reaching out to the entire nation, helping with the healing process, and framing this terrible tragedy as the tea...
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