Discrimination news


Court rejects appeal over DC gay marriage law

Washington Examiner - 1hr 3mins ago

The Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from opponents of same-sex marriage who want to overturn the District of Columbia's Gay Marriage law. The court did not comment Tuesday in turning away a challenge from a Maryland pastor and others who are …


White House Steps Up Defense Of Health Care Reform

TPMDC - 1hr 48mins ago

With the GOP-controlled House of Representatives set to vote to Repeal Health Care reform this week, the Obama Administration is intensifying a public campaign to reframe the fight over the law: making it one in which Republicans are villains, t…


Up to half in US. .have pre-existing conditions: study

Breitbart - 6hrs 6mins ago

The Department of Health and Human Services is scheduled to release the study on Tuesday, the Post said, the same day the House of Representatives is expected to begin considering a Republican bill to Repeal President Barack Obama's healthcare ov…


U.S.: 129M have pre-existing conditions

UPI - 8hrs 44mins ago

WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 (UPI) -- As many as 129 million people may have Pre-existing Conditions that make getting Insurance difficult, a U.S. government report indicates. The Health and Human Services Department found that one-fifth of those under age…


Where do we go from here? (Race part 3)

Examiner.com - 1day 19hrs ago

It might have taken thousands of years, but we are as close to the full equality of the races, what was most likely God’s original intent, in modern America as anywhere in history.  There will always be Racist fringe groups, but in mode…


One voice in south Sudan

BBC News - 2 days ago

Over the past week, citizens of Southern Sudan have been voting in a Referendum that is widely expected to result in Africa's largest country being split in two, after years of conflict between north and south. Picking up fresh cow dung with your …


Tim Pawlenty is not running for president, yet

CNN Political Ticker - 4 days ago

Washington (CNN) - Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty is not running for President, yet. The potential Republican Candidate is still weighing his options he told a group of Journalists at a National Press Club luncheon Thursday. During the qu…


Show or Tell-Title VII in Metro Government Contract Agreements

Examiner.com - 4 days ago

      The Tennessean this morning has an article on how a Williamson County lawmaker plans to take on the government of Nashville, TN in its attempts to keep Discrimination against anyone with a so-called "alternative" lif…