Renewable Energy news


Jeff Rivera: Mark Victor Hansen says U R the Solution (AUDIO)

The Huffington Post - 7 days ago

He is co-author of the biggest selling book series of all time. Bigger than Twilight, yes, even bigger than Harry Potter. And although Mark Victor Hansen has sold over 150 million copies of his Chicken Soup for the Soul books, jet-sets around th…


Bilbray plans to produce commerce solutions - 7th Jan 2011

San Diego representative Brian Bilbray (CA-50) enters the commerce front lines, ready to vote on Republican plans to make business expedient and The Economy jobs productive. The Democrats' Health Care plan and energy production Regulations ar…


Gas Prices Under President Obama in Pictures

The Foundry - 7th Jan 2011

Fact: President Barack Obama’s Energy Secretary Steven Chu wants to “figure out how to boost the price of Gasoline to the levels in Europe.” At the time he made the statement, gas cost $7 - $8 a gallon in Europe. Fact: Si…


Mo. lawmakers seek to limit minimum wage increases

Washington Examiner - 7th Jan 2011

Some State Legislators want to limit the growth of Missouri's Minimum Wage. A 2006 law approved by Missouri voters requires the state's minimum wage to be adjusted annually with Inflation. But if the federal minimum wage is higher, then that is us…


Ezra Klein: A very smart speech by Speaker Boehner

Washington Post - 5th Jan 2011

If you spent the afternoon watching C-SPAN, as I did, you heard applause. A lot of it. Over and over again. And when John Boehner took the podium to be sworn in as Speaker of the House of Representatives, it swelled back up, and stayed there. No…


Late Night: How Sharper Than a Minnows Gums

FDL News Desk - 5th Jan 2011

In his even younger blog-days, young Ezra Klein supported the Iraq War. Then he stopped supporting the Iraq war. L’Education sentimentale of Ederic Klein is not something I have studied in any particular detail, and damned if I’ll Go…


Flashback: John Boehner says on ABC: The idea that carbon dioxide is a carcinogen that is harmful to our environment is almost

Climate Progress - 5th Jan 2011

Now that John Boehner has become Speaker of the House, it’s worth reposting an extended interview he gave on the subject of energy and climate in April 2009. Boehner is a traditional anti-science conservative — or at least traditiona…


California Governor Jerry Brown sworn in, asking for courage and sacrifice - 4th Jan 2011

Jerry Brown was inaugurated as California’s new Governor on Monday, replacing Arnold Schwarzenegger .  In his Speech lasting a little over 15 minutes, Brown called upon California lawmakers of both parties to “rise above ideology …