Protester news



Politico - 2hrs 53mins ago

The cause of Belarus has never stirred much American interest. One flawed election, in 2001, was immediately overshadowed by 9/11, and another, in 2006, passed with little international coverage. Recently, the U.S. has maintained a fairly hard l…


White House Looks To Avoid Gaffes During Chinese Visit

The Caucus - 8hrs 30mins ago

Jim Bourg ORG/Reuters President George W. Bush reaches out and pulls Chinese President Hu Jintao back by his suit jacket as the President of China prepared to walk down the wrong set of steps on April 20, 2006. When China’s President Hu Jin…


Arizona Tea Party leader speaks out on threat from shooting victim - 1day 15hrs ago

Trent Humphries, the co-founder of the Tucson Tea Party, expressed surprise when Eric Fuller, a Victim of the Tucson shootings, photographed him and said "you're dead." According to an article at Fox News, Humphries is worried about the threats he…


I do not want civil discourse

Don Surber - 2 days ago

For a decade, from the election of Bush 43 forward, the Left has lied and cheated as it tried to return to power. Al Gore made a mockery out of the American electoral system by being a spoilsport over Florida, which Bush indeed won by 537 votes.…


NYT columnist blasts Left for witch hunt after Tucson shooting

Hot Air - 3 days ago

It’s not Ross Douthat or David Brooks, either, but Charles Blow — the same writer who once called black Tea Party Activists a “political Minstrel Show.”  Blow admits that the temptation to lay the blame for the shoot…


Paranoid Narratives

Andrew Sullivan - 3 days ago

David Frum zeroes in on the sort of Rhetoric that's worth worrying about: The problem is not Military metaphors. It's not Glenn Beck joking about poisoning Nancy Pelosi's wine or Paul Krugman hanging Joe Lieberman in effigy at a part…


Tunisian PM assumes power after anti-govt riots

The Daily Caller - 4 days ago

TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) — Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi has gone on state television to say he is assuming power in Tunisia. The announcement Friday came after thousands of Protesters mobbed the capital of Tunis to demand the ouster of Pres…


US rights group accuses Rumsfeld of torture (AFP)

Yahoo! News - 4 days ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) – A US rights group Thursday appealed to a court in the case of former Prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan who accuse ex-defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld of being to blame for their Torture. The case, which dates back to De…