Political Speech: This week President Obama helped the nation mourn in Tucson.
PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures
Today let's celebrate American Democracy and the freedoms we enjoy and not let a nut with a gun in any way interfere with a full-throated, passionate dialogue that is as American as apple pie.
VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos
For in order for Democracy to thrive it's imperative that we resist the impulse to tell opinionated people who are exercising Political Speech that its their fault for inciting deranged people from acting out their darkest fantasies. On the contr...
On Arizona Shooting, Jon Stewart Skirts the Edge of Reason
Walter Hudson is a political commentator and co-founder of Minnesota's North Star Tea Party Patriots, a statewide educational organization. He runs a blog entitled Fightin Words. He also contributes to True North, a hub of Minnesotan conservative commentary. Follow his work via Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. This popular post was originally published January 12, 2011. Most of us know a disingenuous Apology when we hear one. The sincerity of a mea culpa is generally revealed by whether it is fo...
Angels in Arizona.....
Christian Gilmour decided that the Funerals needed protection when she heard that the Westboro Church had planned to Protest Christina Green's funeral and the others funerals. Even though a law was passed this week to protect the Funeral of the youngest Victim, the Westboro Baptist Church had still planned their hate filled Vigils. So she organized people to stand and protect the Funeral Processions and the Grievers from this Hateful group. So they made Angel Wings and others came wearing whit...
Sunday Talk - The Power of Words
In the immediate aftermath of last Saturday's horrific shooting in Tuscon, critics were quick to assign blame to the violent Rhetoric and imagery employed by Sarah Palin and her Tea Party compatriots.
But to hear Palin tell it in a video posted on Facebook Wednesday morning, not only is the charge bloody ridiculous, it's also bloody libelous. In her view, she was not a cause of the shooting; rather, she is a Victim.
Meanwhile, later that same day, President Obama delivered what was arguably the...
Test for pols: Can they behave after the Tucson shooting?
House Republicans delayed a vote planned last Wednesday on rolling back the Health Care overhaul while Giffords is being treated in a Tucson Hospital. When they turn back to the health law on Tuesday, Republicans will focus on moderating their tone, Strategists said, in contrast with some lawmakers' stronger language from last year's campaign.
"There's going to be a natural cautiousness," said pollster David Winston, who advises GOP leaders. "Members a...
The right never admits to being wrong
Amid all the defensive whining from the past week of accusations stemming from the Tucson shooting, the Right Wing faction of America (you know, the RWFA), seems to think they are being treated unfairly. why? I guess they might be worried people think that the Hate Speech, lies, distortions and just plain weird fabrications which eminate daily from these sceeching hounds might be the root cause of some armed lunatic to go off, half cocked, as it were. No, we don't really know if the looney tune ...
J. Eric Fuller, Tucson Shooting Victim Arrested at Town Hall Meeting For Threatening GOP Rep Terri Proud & Tea Party Spokesman
One week after the Tucson, AZ tragedy and there is an arrest at a town hall meeting for death threats … So much for that call for peace, calm and tranquility in the aftermath of the shooting last week at the hands of Jared Loughner.
Tucson Shooting Victim J. Eric Fuller threatened Trent Humphries, the Pima County Tea Party Leader, stood up to speak during the event. He was being very respectful. Trent told the audience that before we start placing blame on individuals we need to get al...
ABC World News omits threat was made against Tea Party leader
Newsbusters reports Saturday evening that ABC World News Saturday failed to mention the target of an alleged threat at a taped townhall meeting was a Tea Party Leader. Another note tonight on today's town hall meeting, one of the Victims of the shooting who was in the audience became agitated and was detained by security. It happened toward the end of the conversation. James Fuller who was shot twice last week, took offense at what another audience member was saying and mumbled what seemed to be...
Youre Dead! Tucson Shooting Victim Threatens Tea Party Leader at Town Hall
One of the Arizona Shooting Victims was arrested Saturday and then taken for a psychiatric evaluation after authorities said he took a picture of a tea Party Leader at a televised town hall meeting and yelled: "you're dead."Members of the Activist left had held up Mr. Fuller as a symbol of righteous anger against Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and members of the conservative media....
Most endangered species in America? Reality.
Let’s also face another tragedy: The only two civic reforms that might have actually stopped him — tighter Gun Control and an effective Mental Health safety net — won’t materialize even now.
Gun and ammunition sales spiked last week, especially for the specific varieties given the Loughner imprimatur. No editorial — or bloodbath — will move Congress to enact serious Gun Control (which Giffords herself never advocated and Obama has rarely pushed since 2008). Enhanced Men
Tuscon Shooting Victim Arrested, Shouting Death Threats To Tea Partier
James Eric Fuller was one of the 19 people that were shot in Tuscon when a madmen unloaded his gun on Congress woman Giffords and many of her supporters. Within hours of the senseless Shooting Spree, many on the Left (including Fuller) decided to blame the Right for stirring up the violence even though the shooter had absolutely no connections to conservative beliefs. Sadly the blame game has led to Fuller being arrested Saturday for shouting out death threats to a Tea Party member. Saturday, at...
Arizona shooting survivor in custody after allegedly making threat
(CNN) - A man who was shot but survived last Saturday's massacre in Tucson, Arizona, was taken to a county mental services unit Saturday after making a threatening comment at a town hall event, Pima County Sheriff's Department spokesman Jason Ogan said. James Eric Fuller, 63, was involuntarily committed after he made threats against a Tea Party member at the Tucson event sponsored by ABC News, Ogan said....
Improving mental health system gains traction after Arizona tragedy
Washington In the wake of last weekend’s attack on Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, which killed six and injured 14, including Giffords, lawmakers are discussing numerous ways to ensure an incident like that doesn’t happen again.
Some ideas have been written off as either political ploys to fix some of the blame on enemies or legislative long shots. But at least one idea — improving the nation’s Mental Health system — appears likely to gain some traction.
One proposal ha
This Jared Kid (Part One)...
It's been a week since Jared Lee Loughner went completely off his nut and shot twenty people, killing six. When I first heard about that, I initially thought it was some good-for-nothing lay-about who spent more time reading articles from the Whirled Nut Daily website in his mother's basement than he did looking for a job to pay for room and board. Then I heard about that cross-hairs map Sarah Palin tried to erase from everyone's memory, and even though there was, and is, no evidence that Loughn...
Season of the Witchhunt
The last week has been the greatest learning experience in modern America for those who ever questioned the wretched excess of Leftism in practice. Not since Pol Pot sought out its Victims has a political philosophy so demonstrated its willingness to single out its foes, attack its opponents credibility and criticize the opposition as standing in the way of social progress. And not since the Reichstag fire has a political philosophy been so willing to use a terrible event as an excuse for the wo...
Arizona shooting victim arrested after alleged death threat to Tea Party leader
Fuller was subsequently escorted away by deputies. He is set to be charged with threats, intimidation, and disorderly conduct. It is unclear if ABC News has footage of the incident, or if they will be airing the footage if they have it. For his part, Fuller has made Tea Partiers upset by directly blaming Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and Sharron Angle for the shootings. Fuller is age 61, a Military Veteran, and an avid supporter of Congresswoman Giffords. Examiner.com is looking for...
Eric Fuller, Tucson shooting victim, threatens Tea Party leader Humphries
Eric Fuller, Tucson, Arizona Shooting Victim, was arrested Saturday after threatening Arizona Tea Party Leader Trent Humphries. James Eric Fuller, 63, was arrested after yelling "you're dead" at Humphries while taping a special edition of ABC's "This Week" with Christiane Amanpour. Fuller was arrested on Misdemeanor disorderly conduct and threat charges and taken for a psychiatric evaluation. Fuller, along with Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, was one of 19 people shot by Ja...
Bill Maher: Tea Party wrong - Founding Fathers were liberal elites (Video)
The season premier of HBO's “Real Time” with comedian Bill Maher closed Friday night with a sharp critique of Tea Party members for their admiration of the Founding Fathers. Maher made the argument that the Tea Party is far from what the Founding Fathers were: forward thinking, intelligent, tolerant of all religion, and men who read books. “Now that they’ve finished reading the Constitution out loud,” Maher said to ...
Ben Ali Is Out Now What?
Ben Ali, Tunisia’s long time dictator is now out of the picture. Following weeks of unrest in the country, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali fled yesterday to Saudi Arabia, leaving in his wake jubilant Protesters. During the weeks that preceded, Ben Ali’s long-standing regime had been suffering under the weight of Protests. Anger over Unemployment, Corruption and a state stifled by authoritarianism boiled over, but largely out of the Mainstream Media’s eye. Media reports about Tunisia we...
The Top 10 Most Ridiculous Left-Wing Attacks on U.S. Conservatives Following the Arizona Shootings
From Nile Gardiner, at Telegraph UK, "A Shameful Week for America's Liberal Elites": This has been a hugely shameful week for sections of the American Left, who have exploited a horrific tragedy that claimed six lives, in order to advance political attacks upon some leading conservative politicians and media commentators, as well as an entire political movement in the form of the Tea Party. The vitriolic and hate-filled attacks have marked a low point for liberal media elites in America in the 2...
The Top 10 Most Ridiculous Left-Wing Attacks on U.S. Conservatives Following the Arizona Shootings
From Nile Gardiner, at Telegraph UK, "A Shameful Week for America's Liberal Elites": This has been a hugely shameful week for sections of the American Left, who have exploited a horrific tragedy that claimed six lives, in order to advance political attacks upon some leading conservative politicians and media commentators, as well as an entire political movement in the form of the Tea Party. The vitriolic and hate-filled attacks have marked a low point for liberal media elites in America in the ...
SNL spoof 'Fox News Embracing Civility' - Sean Hannity foams at mouth
Saturday Night Live opened this week's show with a spoof on Fox News attempting to embrace a new civility after last weeks tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona. The skit spoofed Fox News on air personalities Greta van Susteren, Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin and Glenn Beck. The skit did not directly address the tragic shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and others, but instead focused on recent pleas for civility in political discourse, and the m...
Arizona shooting victim arrested for death threat against tea party leader
ABC affiliate KGUN-TV reports that one of the Victims of last Saturday's shooting in Tucson was arrested Saturday morning for making a threat against a local tea Party Leader at a town hall meeting scheduled to be televised Sunday morning. According to a report by Forrest Carr, the meeting was taking place at Tucson's St. Odilia's Catholic Church and was attended by local dignitaries, witnesses to the shooting and the First Responders. Tucson mayor Bob Walkup, Congressman Raul Grijalva and...
ABC's David Muir sanitizes AZ Town Hall 'You're Dead' death threat report
Only hours after a Victim of the Tucson tragedy was arrested for making what was perceived as a 'Death Threat' directed towards a tea Party Leader during a town hall style meeting filmed by ABC - Fox News, ABC and MSNBC each have made video reports of the shocking turn of events. Especially interesting is that ABC's David Muir, mentioned the arrest almost as an inconsequential footnote. Contrasted with the the lede for MSNBC's report which was "A Tucson Mass Shooting vict...
Mission accomplished, Markos Moulitsas.
The Left gets its violent responder to Hate Speech, after all: the only problem is, from their point of view he’s aimed the wrong way.
I started following the saga of J. Eric Fuller a couple of days ago: the short version is that he was one of the Victims of the Tucson attack of last week that killed six people and nearly killed Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Despite the fact that the consensus is, from the President on down, that harsh political Rhetoric had nothing to do with the ...
Tunis not the only place impacted by general uprising of the Arab Street
Image via Wikipedia
While the impact of the unrest on Tunisia is uncertain, its impact on the region is already apparent.
Arabs identified with the young Tunisian because his problems - Unemployment, Corruption, autocracy, the absence of Human Rights - are their problems.
Throughout the region there is a dignity Deficit.
What is more, in an age of globalisation, regimes can no longer cut their citizens off from news.
The Arab media - even in countries where they are constrained - coul...
Fancy Washington DC Dinners Aren't Masking China Issues
Governor Robert Bentley Apologizes For Inauguration Talk
House GOP Passes Healthcare Reform Repeal, Urges Debate
Philly Abortion Doc Killed 7 In Barbaric Fashion
Obama Orders Rules' Review To Boost Job Creation
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home
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