Postal Service news


Make the Big Green Buy

Los Angeles Times - 3 days ago

Now that anti-science Republicans have taken control of the House, and the Cancun climate summit made only modest progress, pessimism about fighting Climate Change is fast congealing into conventional wisdom. Those on both sides of the issue say t…


WikiLeaks avoids shutdown as supporters worldwide go on the offensive

Washington Post - 9th Dec 2010

Over the past several days, the anti-secrecy Web site Wikileaks has been hit with a series of blows that have seemed to threaten its survival. Its primary Web address was deactivated, its PayPal account was frozen, and its Internet server gave i…


GOP outraged over criminals DREAMing - 8th Dec 2010

Republicans launched another salvo against the DREAM Act today by emphasizing that it would provide a path to Citizenship for immigrants with criminal records.  There is truth to the claim, but the emphasis and outrage is overblown. DREAM wou…


Despite Obama pay freeze, federal workers to receive $2.5 billion in raises...

Drudge Report - 6th Dec 2010

President Obama spoke of the need for sacrifice last week when he announced a two-year pay freeze for federal employees. But feds won't be too terribly deprived in 2011 and 2012. Despite the freeze, some 1.1 million employees will receive more tha…


Five myths about federal workers

Washington Post - 4th Dec 2010

Federal workers are America's new favorite target. Last week, President Obama proposed freezing their pay for two years. "Getting this Deficit under control is going to require some broad sacrifices," he said, "and that sacrifice …


Chaffetz calls Postmaster Generals retirement package ridiculous (Daily Caller)

Yahoo! News - 30th Nov 2010

Rep. Jason Chaffetz called the $5.5 million Retirement package for outgoing Postmaster General John Potter absurd and unfair in the wake of the United States Postal Service’s announcement that it had lost $8.5 billion this year. “Tha…


A different direction

Balloon Juice - 27th Nov 2010

Recently, I’ve been wondering if the upcoming Republican investigative regime may focus more on welfare queens driving Cadillacs and less on Whitewater/Lewisnky type things. The Times (via PoliticalWire): Mr. Issa has already drawn up a li…


A plan to take the government back from the corporations - 27th Nov 2010

The country is awash in the political Rhetoric of taking our country back.  The problem is, the cries are to take it back from the Democrats, and previous to that, to take it back from the Republicans.  All of which would be fine, but ne…