It's not Sarah Palin's fault that some guy went and shot some people in Tucson, any more than it's Taxi Driver's fault that some guy went and shot Ronald Reagan to impress Jodie Foster. For one, there are no accounts whatsoever of Sarah Palin's …
Read more >>NEW YORK (AP) — In her latest Music Video, R&B singer Marsha Ambrosius tackles Gay Bashing, Suicide and homophobia. Her song, “Far Away,” is one Ambrosius wrote after a friend attempted suicide. In the clip, a man seen with A…
Read more >>Trail Mix Even Carl Paladino's dog is getting in on the campaign madness. A "Duke Paladino" Twitter page has been tweeting updates, but it's a safe BET the page isn't being written by the GOP gubernatorial nominee's Staffers. After Carl's Anti-…
Read more >>What is Newser? Face it, there's too much news. Newser cuts through the clutter, selects the best stories from hundreds of sources, and reduces them to two paragraphs. More » Follow Newser: …
Read more >>When Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston broke off their second engagement this summer, some speculated that the split was caused by news that Johnston may have impregnated his ex-girlfriend . Alaska’s former first daughter, though, had a d…
Read more >>Tweet I saw this guy sing at the Sarah Palin event in Kansas City, but since I was relegated to the cheap seats about 100 yards away, I couldn’t get Video of the song. FreedomWorks has a lot more respect for bloggers, and I could go where I…
Read more >>Levi Johnston is obviously a huge famewhore, as made evident by his on-off relationship with Bristol Palin and his spread in Playgirl . he showed up to the Teen Choice Awards earlier this week, and we all just rolled our eyes. Levi was there wi…
Read more >>Continuing their obsession with the credibility-challenged Levi Johnston, whose sole claim to fame is his continuing ability to exploit his relationship with Sarah Palins daughter, Bristol, CBSs The Early Show on Friday devoted more than four min…