Likely 2012 Republican presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty said Sunday that when he promoted a Bailout plan aimed at stabilizing the imploding Mortgage market in 2008 he was speaking solely as a surrogate for GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McC…
Read more >>The House Republican earmark ban isn't stopping one freshman from pushing more money for special projects in his back yard. Louisiana Rep. Jeff Landry is circulating a letter highlighting the need for more Federal Funding for the Inland Waterway…
Read more >>WHY THEY’D RATHER TALK ABOUT Sarah Palin (CONT’D): AP: Over 1 million Americans seen losing homes in 2011. “The bleakest year in the Foreclosure crisis has only just beg…
Read more >>Key House Republican Prepares To Destroy The 30-Year Mortgage In the last few weeks, House Republicans have swiftly walked back their promises to completely overhaul the two government sponsored mortgage entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie …
Read more >>The letter was part of the dance that takes place whenever the administration asks Congress to raise the ceiling on the National Debt. America is unusual in requiring a vote both to adopt a Budget, and to issue any Debt necessary to finance it. Gr…
Read more >>Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will help lead a Republican group's efforts to improve the party's outreach to Hispanic voters in preparation for the 2012 Presidential Election. The new Hispanic Action Network is part of a growing number of Republica…
Read more >>As if we need any further evidence that California is marching resolutely to the edge of a cliff, the announcement by the California Housing Finance Agency of a new plan to help finance Mortgages for people who can’t afford to make the payme…
Read more >>The Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation (OFIR) recovered more than $27 million for Michigan consumers in 2010, the agency announced today. The OFIR has recovered more than $143 million since the agency’s creation in 2000. In 2010, $…