Immigration Bill news


Reid: My job will be 'easier' next year

The Hill - 1hr 29mins ago

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) says his job will be “easier” in the 112th Congress, despite a slimmer Democratic majority and a Republican-controlled House of Representatives. “It’s going to be much easier tha…


Lieberman, Graham want to 'start again' on energy legislation

The Hill - 1day 4hrs ago

2011 could bring some quick indications of whether this year's collapse of energy and Climate Legislation in the Senate created lasting wounds.

 Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) chatted Wednesday about reviv…


Obama boasts of 'season of progress'

Politico - 1day 7hrs ago

Basking in the glow of an unusually prolific lame-duck session of Congress, President Barack Obama took obvious delight Wednesday in chiding the skeptics who dismissed the possibility of Bipartisan cooperation after the drubbing Democrats took a…


John McCain's Lasting Anger

The Daily Beast - 2 days ago

Railing against "Don't Ask Don't Tell," shooting down an Immigration Bill he sponsored, pushing his own changes to START—the tougher John McCain who emerged in the primaries may be here to stay....…


President Obama and Latinos agree road ahead rough for immigration overhaul

Boston Herald - 2 days ago

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama and Latino lawmakers agreed during a private meeting Tuesday that over the next two years, chances are dimming for passage of an Immigration overhaul that would provide a path to legal status for millions …


How Big a Disaster Has The Lame-Duck Session Been? Lindsey Graham Now Scolding Fellow RINOs For Capitulating to Democrats

Weasel Zippers - 2 days ago

dmacleo on How Big a Disaster Has The Lame-Duck Session Been? Lindsey Graham Now Scolding Fellow RINOs For “Capitulating” to Democrats… myrtle on Shocker! Obama Regime Fails to Release Annual Report on Union Corruption… car…


Graham: GOP to blame for 'capitulation ... of dramatic proportions' in lame-duck

The Hill - 2 days ago

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) lashed out at fellow Republicans Tuesday for a "capitulation ... of dramatic proportions" to Democrats and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) in the lame-duck Congress. Graham said Republicans have no one to …


Hatch Calls Vote On Immigration Bill He Once Co-Sponsored A Cynical Exercise

Think Progress - 2 days ago

Back in 2003, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) sponsored S.1545 — the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act. Back then, the bill attracted co-sponsors like Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), John McCain (R-AZ), Susan Collins (R-M…