Merriam Webster recently named Austerity 2010’s Word of the Year. An early Candidate for 2011’s word of the year seems to be austerity. Thanks to the Republican victory in November and their insistence on cutting everything…
Read more >>Via Mediaite, I’m paraphrasing — but only a little. Shep’s emphatically in scold mode here, not only devoting a chunk of airtime to sympathetic video of 9/11 responders complaining about the delay but taking care to put Coburn&…
Read more >>Sens. Saxby Chambliss and Mark Warner said Monday they would introduce Legislation early next year that mirrors the recent report by the White House's Debt-reduction panel, in an effort to promote a conversation on the country's fiscal problems. T…
Read more >>House Republican leaders are making bold statements about what the public can expect during their tenure in the majority. In addition to the “backroom deal” tax Compromise, last week, through their appointments to chairmanships of th…
Read more >>Outgoing Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R), who many see as a potential 2012 Presidential Candidate, is already nostalgic for the office he's about to leave. He told the Duluth News Tribune editorial board that now that Republicans control the Min…
Read more >>Some ideas for trimming the skyrocketing federal Deficit are not just out of the box. They are out of this world. Yahoo! News asked members of the Yahoo! Contributor Network to submit their own ideas for what to do about the deficit, and contrib…
Read more >>Freshman Sen. Mark Kirk (R., Ill.) and all 12 Republican senators-elect have written a frankly worded letter to Leaders Harry Reid (D., Nev.) and Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) announcing their “united opposition” to the omnibus spending pa…
Read more >>Congresswoman-elect Nan Hayworth said today that she opposes the proposed tax deal because of the additional spending measures that have been added. "At this point I'd be inclined to vote against it, but bear in mind that this bill has not been …