The lame ducks had not even flown the coop before the assessments of the 111th Congress started to pour in. After months of partisan bickering and foot dragging, the achievements in the final days of the legislative session were truly impressive. T…
Read more >>WASHINGTON - President Obama and Sarah Palin are heading in opposite directions - with their popularity. A new CNN/Opinion Research poll shows the commander in chief has weathered a rough second year in office and the outraged howls from Democra…
Read more >>Jon Stewart's stature continues to grow as evidenced by a recent New York Times article comparing him to Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite. The article, entitled "In 'Daily Show' Role on 9/11, Echoes of Murrow" The Times discusses the sig…
Read more >>Read Robert Kuttner's other articles on President Obama and the late Democratic Congress had a terrific valedictory week. Obama reminded us of the leader whom we elected. His December 22 Press Conference was one of his bes…
Read more >>WASHINGTON - The Oklahoma senator who tried to scuttle the 9/11 health bill insists he wanted to wring out unnecessary costs, not deny benefits to seriously ill First Responders. Republican Tom Coburn, the Senate's most relentless foe of excessi…
Read more >>Quote of the week "I think it's fair to say that this has been the most productive post-election period we've had in decades." - President Obama BY THE NUMBERS 8House seats that s…
Read more >>As commented on roughly two weeks ago, the 9/11 responders Health Care bill was falling Victim to partisan and political games as the Republicans in one breath spoke to the heroism of the responders, but in the next detailed reasons why they could…
Read more >>Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) said Sunday he will make good on his pledge to not seek Reelection to the Senate in 2016. "No way, no how. I will be through at the end of this term," Coburn said on "Fox News Sunday." Coburn ran on …