When a career politician displays passion on the House floor it is usually over a cultural or social touchstone issue like Abortion or Human Rights. In other words, the human dynamic excites a fervor beyond the usual political Shell Game or horse …
Read more >>WASHINGTON (AP) - House Republicans, who take control of the House next month, pledged Thursday to retain a Controversial ethics office, post Legislation on the Internet prior to votes and require that bills requiring an increase in spending be ba…
Read more >>* The so-called Gephardt rule, which allows the House to automatically pass a Debt-limit increase upon adoption of a conference report on the Budget -- without a separate vote -- will be eliminated. * A bill reducing House operating costs will be…
Read more >>WASHINGTON — Former Interior Secretary Gale Norton says the Obama Administration "wasted millions of Taxpayer Dollars" in a now closed Probe of her ties to an oil company where she took a job after leaving government. Norton told The Assoc…
Read more >>WASHINGTON – The Justice Department has closed an ethics Probe of former Interior Secretary Gale Norton, the Obama Administration said Friday. Norton was accused of using her position to steer lucrative Oil leases to Royal Dutch Shell PLC,…
Read more >>Yesterday, House Republicans dealt the Tea Party and conservative Advocacy Groups a blow by electing Rep. Hal Rogers (R-KY) to chair the powerful Appropriations Committee next year. Rogers is a famous earmarker, and a lot of critics see this as…
Read more >>Palin Derangement Syndrome lives on. The Smokin Gun reports that Bristol Palin's appearance on Dancing with the Stars actually generated complaints to the FCC. One wrote, "I want my government to protect me the viewer from deceptive practice…
Read more >>Former Alaska Governor and 2008 GOP VP nominee, Sarah Palin stopped by Columbia, SC to finish up her 16 city book tour. The phenomena that is Sarah Palin extends from Tea Party political events to publication of two books, from a presence on Fox N…