Communism news


Weimar? Because We Reich You!

Ed Driscoll - 2 days ago

Back in 2007, Noemie Emery of the Weekly Standard rounded-up a collection of items from the left dubbing then-President Bush’s administration as “fascist;” it was a continuation of the Bush=Hitler Rhetoric that we heard through…


Rocking the Funeral - 3 days ago

President obozo gave one of his most inspirational speeches to kick off this 2012 re-election that had everything except a balloon drop and confetti. The cheers and fainting was back as the mock Catholic service was performed with President Messia…


Political ideology and conflict - 3 days ago

In the last few centuries politically motivated tensions have stirred up around the world leading to very cold relations among nations and near disaster for the earth. These conflicts start with a difference in Ideological thought on politics and …


Giffords shooting about health care not Palin - 3 days ago

As far as anyone knows, Jared Lee Loughner was neither a tea partier, nor a fan of Sarah Palin. But he was dire in need of Health Care for Mental Illness. Blaming Tea Party Rhetoric for the Tucson shootings means proving that Loughner self-identi…


Video: Shooter a nonpartisan nutcase, says friend

Hot Air - 3 days ago

ABC’s Good Morning America tracked down a close high-school friend Jared Lee Loughner had to find out more about the motives behind the attack that left six dead and fourteen wounded in Tucson this weekend, including a Federal Judge and a …


Rep. Virginia Foxx says Loughner was "liberal of liberals"

Daily Kos - 4 days ago

Per TPM, Rep. Virginia Foxx follows Limbaugh in disregarding truth: "His beliefs are the liberal of the liberals [sic]. There is no evidence whatsoever that this man was influenced by Sarah Palin or anybody in the Republican Party. This man is no…


Rep. Foxx: Arizona Shooter's Beliefs Are "The Liberal Of The Liberals"

Media Matters Action Network - 4 days ago

For those paying close attention, it's quickly become clear that Jared Loughner's haphazard pile of incoherent beliefs doesn't amount to anything you'd call a "political philosophy," let alone a conservative or liberal one. But to some right-winge…


GOP Rep: Loughner's Beliefs 'The Liberal Of Liberals'

TPMDC - 4 days ago

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) says political Rhetoric doesn't really incite violent behavior at all -- but not before describing Arizona shooting suspect Jared Loughner as a "Communist" and "the liberal of liberals." "This guy appears to be a commun…