Climate Change news


Are "death panels" inevitable? Is global warming science or politics? - 3hrs 40mins ago

On National Public Radio last week, callers seemed to be delighted to point out that the Republicans who dominated Arizona State Legislature, were hypocrites. Arizona passed a Medicaid restriction that denied, for fiscal reasons, coverage for orga…


Will government change anything by 2012? Let's watch - 11hrs 40mins ago

We the People spoke loudly and clearly in November: Government needs to change its outrageous overspending, overbearing intrusion into our lives. Will our elected officials change their wicked ways? The Republicans seem to think so, if their agend…


Lindsey Graham Offers Mitt Romney as Viable 2012 Republican Nominee - 15hrs 24mins ago

            U.S. Senator from South Carolina Lindsey Graham appeared on Meet the Press with David Gregory early Sunday morning and cautiously offered Mitt Romney as the most viable Republican …


Green skeletons lurk in GOP closets

Politico - 19hrs 26mins ago

It may be heresy to Conservatives, but a trip down memory lane shows nearly all of the top-tier Republican presidential contenders want to save the planet from Global Warming. On the campaign stump, in books, speeches and nationally-televised c…


Arnold Schwarzenegger's Next Act: Return To LA, Go Green

The Huffington Post - 1day 6hrs ago

Los Angeles — The Terminator always said he'd be back. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is sifting through a stack of corporate, Hollywood and Real Estate offers as the celebrity politician nears an inevitable career crossroad: On Monday, he's o…


Goodbye governator

BBC News - 1day 19hrs ago

He will be replaced on Monday by Jerry Brown, the Democrat who beat the Billionaire Republican businesswoman Meg Whitman in the November election. Austrian-born Schwarzenegger, a former Mr Universe, world-class bodybuilder and Hollywood action sta…

Read more >>'s 5 most popular stories of the year (The Week)

Yahoo! News - 2 days ago

New York – From Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin to big Weddings and sleep science, these articles resonated most with our readers in 2010 A wide variety of stories captivated us in 2010, from the monumental swings in politics to the frustrating…


Climate PR effort heats up

Politico - 2 days ago

Hey America! Are you ready to get wonky on Global Warming? After a year that started with fallout from the “ClimateGate” e-mail release, saw the cap-and-trade bill die in Congress, and ended with a gang of Republican climate skeptic…