Birther Movement: "So much of this attack on Obama has been ad hominem -- directed at the person, the president.
PHOTOS: Barack Obama in pictures
Whether it's somebody, some cracker out there on the right calling him -- some birther type that he's not an American or it is someone a little more sophisticated, but basically saying he's a Socialist," MSNBC's Chris Matthews said.
VIDEOS: Barack Obama in videos
You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress fre...
Chris Matthews Calls Birthers 'Crackers' (VIDEO)
Chris Matthews called "birthers" "crackers" on his Friday show.
Matthews used the term while speaking to Politico's Jeanne Cummings and the Huffington Post's Sam Stein. He was discussing the attacks on President Obama.
"So much of this attack on Obama has been ad hominem -- directed at the person, the president," Matthews said. "Whether it's somebody, some cracker out there on the right calling him -- some birther type that he's not an American or it is someone a little more sophisticated, but...
Chris Matthews Uses Racial Slur To Describe People On The Right
“So much of this attack on Obama has been ad hominem — directed at the person, the president. Whether it’s somebody, some cracker out there on the right calling him — some birther type that he’s not an American or it is someone a little more sophisticated, but basically saying he’s a Socialist,” says Chris Matthews. And, you know, cracker? Where’s the civility? Where’s the “new tone”? And what’s with the racial remark? Actua...
Outrage of the Day: Chris Matthews Calls Birthers Crackers
The Daily Caller is reporting that, on Friday’s Hardball, host Chris Matthews “Calls Obama Critics ‘Crackers‘,” and cites this as a deviation from the “new civility.”
While technically correct, Matthews’ target was much narrower than Daily Caller’s Jeff Poor implies, and while “cracker” is, indeed, an uncivil term, it is arguably an apt one for the “birthers” who just can’t shake the feeling that President Obama ...
Tingles Call Obama Opponents "Crackers on the Right"
Chris Matthews accuses Obama's critics of "ad hominem" attacks, then launches an "ad hominem" attack on them by calling them "crackers." “So much of this attack on Obama has been ad hominem — directed at the person, the president. Whether it’s somebody, some cracker out there on the right calling him — some birther type that he’s not an American or it is someone a little more sophisticated, but basically saying he’s a Socialist”Matthews calls Obama criti...
RNC: Round five results
Eighty-five votes are needed to win. You're in Easy Mode. If you prefer, you can use XHTML Mode instead. You're in XHTML Mode. If you prefer, you can use Easy Mode instead. As a new user, you may notice a few temporary content restrictions. Click here for more info. Chuck Todd Chuck Todd became NBC News’ political director in March 2007. He also serves as NBC News' on-air political analyst for "NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams," "Today," "Meet the Press and MSNBC, including "Hardball w...
RNC: Round Three begins
Domenico Montanaro writes: As the third round of voting gets underway, all Candidates remain; none have dropped out. You're in Easy Mode. If you prefer, you can use XHTML Mode instead. You're in XHTML Mode. If you prefer, you can use Easy Mode instead. As a new user, you may notice a few temporary content restrictions. Click here for more info. Chuck Todd Chuck Todd became NBC News’ political director in March 2007. He also serves as NBC News' on-air political analyst for "NBC Nightly News...
RNC: Round Four results
There was one write in for an ineligible Candidate. You're in Easy Mode. If you prefer, you can use XHTML Mode instead. You're in XHTML Mode. If you prefer, you can use Easy Mode instead. As a new user, you may notice a few temporary content restrictions. Click here for more info. Chuck Todd Chuck Todd became NBC News’ political director in March 2007. He also serves as NBC News' on-air political analyst for "NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams," "Today," "Meet the Press and MSNBC, includ...
Congressmans wife sentenced to jail for tax fraud (Daily Caller)
Read more stories from The Daily Caller
MSNBC's Chris Matthews is the left's version of a 'birther,' says Pat Buchanan
Congressman's wife sentenced to jail for Tax Fraud
Giffords making miraculous recovery, can move arms and legs
Military commission prepares to recommend that women be allowed in combat roles
TheDC on TV: Jamie Weinstein discusses Health Care on the RT's 'Big Picture with Thom Hartmann'
The wife of Massachusetts Democratic Rep. John Tierney was sentenced Thursday to thirty day...
"Why Do You Keep Repeating It?" Pat Buchanan Ask Chris Matthews Why He Keeps Repeating What Sharron Angle Said About 'Second A
Pat Buchanan scolds Matthews: "Are you inflaming or informing?"...Pat says that people on the right see guys like you as on the fringe as 'birthers'....Buchanan says 'you keep repeating it, you keep repeating it'
Chris Matthews: Whats with these crackers wanting to see Obamas birth certificate?
Is this offensive? I ask that in all earnestness because, after this week, I don’t know what the rules are for Political Speech anymore. I thought “cracker” was a mild slur for whites, but then I also thought that joking about hanging Joe Lieberman in effigy must be over the line as an impermissible violent metaphor — and evidently I was waaay wrong about that. So, I guess this is cool now. Life brings us new lessons every day, my friends.
Two clips for you here, one of...
John Boehner, youve got mail! New speaker releases his e-mail address to the public (Daily Caller)
Read more stories from The Daily Caller
John Boehner, you've got mail! New speaker releases his e-mail address to the public
Limbaugh vs. Krauthammer? Columnist calls radio talker 'odd and condescending'
MSNBC's Chris Matthews is the left's version of a 'birther,' says Pat Buchanan
Congressman's wife sentenced to jail for Tax Fraud
Giffords making miraculous recovery, can move arms and legs
Time to update your email contact list. Speaker of the House John Boehner has established a direct e-mai...
Ted Williams; the prototype before the production model?
If you havenât been following the story of the Ohio Homeless man with the golden announcerâs voice, itâs time to start paying attention. Mr. Ted Williamsâs recent discovery may be an opening crack in a curtain covering a vast Conspiracy to re-create the United States as a European style social Democracy. As images of Mr. Williams flooded the Internet, Cable News and the print media, particularly those acquired after they cut his...
Jail-Bound Tom Delay Defends Himself On Hardball
A few days after Tom DeLay was sentenced to three years in Prison, he showed up on Hardball to defend himself. They also had a fun conversation about Gun Control that led to Chris Matthews accusing Delay of “laughing like a car bomber.”
Matthews baited Delay by asking if he thought there was any Conspiracy that led to his conviction. Delay wouldn’t badmouth the jury, but he maintained his innocence and said there was a problem when a “political hack” like Texas D.A....
DeLay: Fill the crowd at Congressional town halls with Texans carrying guns
Tom DeLay says he knows the best way to deal with a potential killer at a congressional town hall meeting: fill the crowd with Texans carrying Concealed Weapons. DeLay was on Chris Matthews' show Hardball today on MSNBC. The former House Majority Leader defended himself against his conviction on money-laundering charges. He was sentenced Monday to three years in Prison and the case is on appeal. In the wake of the shooting in Arizona that left several people dead and a congresswoman in critical ...
Infidel Bloggers Alliance
Radio Host Mark Levin To MSNBC: ‘I’m Going To Drag Your Asses To Federal Court.
Radio host Mark Levin is fed up with claims that heated political Rhetoric of the sort found on Talk Radio shows like his are in some way to blame for the shooting in Arizona that left six dead and Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords injured.
And Levin is putting his money where his mouth is by threatening to take MSNBC hosts and contributors like Chris Matthews, Ed Shultz, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Joe Sca...
The Return of the Jedi Radio Host Mark Levin To MSNBC and Leftwing Smear Mercahnts: Im Going To Drag Your Asses To Federal Cour
It’s about time some one stood up to these libelous and slanderous hate merchants …
Conservative radio Talk Show host Mark Levin has taken all he can and he will not take any more . The usual LEFT-wing hate merchants, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik and the MSM have tried to falsely accuse those on the right for being complicit in the actions of the evil Jared Loughner and the Mass Shooting in Tucson, AZ that left six dead last Saturday. Even though there is no proof of the ...
Tunisia's embattled president surrenders power
NBC News, staff and news services UPDATE: TUNIS, Tunisia -- Prime Minister Mohammed Ghanouchi said late Friday in a televised address that President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali has surrendered power and left Tunis. Ghanouchi said that he w …...
Birther Texas Rep. Pushes 'Religious Or Cultural Law' (Read: Sharia) Ban
Texas state Rep. Leo Berman (R), last seen getting shellacked by Anderson Cooper over his birther bill, is pushing a state Constitutional Amendment that would prevent Texas courts from considering "religious or cultural law" when handing down rulings.
Though the amendment doesn't specifically say anything about Sharia law -- like a recently-blocked law in Oklahoma does, for example -- Berman said of the resolution: "A lot of federal courts are referring to international courts and laws of othe...
Birther-Friendly News Site: Birthers Have Been Threatened Too!
The American Patriot Foundation has claimed to World Net Daily that due to their support of a birther army doctor, the group has received "dozens of threatening phone message, e-mails and letters during 'birther' Army officer Terrence Lakin's legal proceedings the past few months, including two letters that view the words 'GOP' and 'Birthers' through a sniper scope."
Lakin was sentenced to six months in a Military Prison last month after refusing to deploy to Afghanistan over concerns that Pre...
Orly Taitz shows her racist side
Birther Queen Dr. Orly Taitz Esq. is ramping up the Bigotry. In what she purports to be a letter she wrote to President Obama, inspired by his Speech Wednesday at the Tuscon shootings memorial service, Orly says she wants to work with him to restore civility to the national debate. Lying and getting a phony HI Birth Certificate was simply a way to quickly get welfare benefits for you and your mother. Way to be civil Orly. Why don’t you explain to American People, why you do not have a vali...
Farah's Hypocrisy on Conservative Purity, Sexual Slurs
Farah's Hypocrisy on Conservative Purity, Sexual Slurs
Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah regularly denies that he's a conservative. So why is he so concerned about the purity of the Conservative Movement?
Well, it's personal. In apparent retaliation for CPAC refusing to allow him to put on a birther panel at last year's convention, Farah is making good on his declaration that CPAC is "dead" by doing what he can to kill it. He and WND have been laboring...
Long-time birther shows movement's hypocrisy
Andy "Internet Powerhouse" Martin, the self-styled "godfather" of the Birther Movement, recently demonstrated the age-old political maneuver of talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time. As an "OB" (Original Birther), Martin has long called for President Obama to release his original, long-form Birth Certificate so as to dispel any notion that Obama is not a "natural born citizen." (We're ignoring, for the sake of this discussion, the fact the president has released his Certificate...
More Competent Than Steele? New GOP Chair Reince Priebus Confused Obama and Osama
Theoretically, the whole point of replacing Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele was to put a face on the GOP that was perhaps just a smidgeon less buffoonish. RNC's Steele Says: 'The One Thing You Don't Do Is Engage in a Land War in Afghanistan.' Uh-Oh, Now He's in Trouble! John Nichols, a pioneering political blogger, has written the Beat since 1999. His posts have been circulated... The former senator talks about money and politics, connecting with voter...
Fox News Chris Wallace: You Dont Have to Call Everyone Socialists or Fascists
On Fox And Friends yesterday, the hosts spoke with Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace about the tone in Washington following shocking violence against public officials in Arizona, and President Obama’s plea to “use this occasion to expand our moral imaginations, to listen to each other more carefully, to sharpen our instincts for empathy, and remind ourselves of all the ways our hopes and dreams are bound together.” Wallace said that, indeed, he was hoping for a more const...
Art of War, Media Messages, and Conservative Terrorists
The debate rages on, and thanks to media spin and constant false equivalencies, at least one poll has 57% of its respondents rejecting any possibility of inflammatory Speech having any influence over Jared Lee Loughner's actions on Saturday morning. Welcome to the confluence of media echoes and denial. It was predictable, this la-la-la response. Kneejerk, even. No one wants to believe that words can influence, because that would require individuals to own their own words. God forbid. This is tru...
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Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
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Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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