Nelson Rockefeller

Born: July 08,1908
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Nelson Rockefeller news


The Lesson of Michael Steele

The Weekly Standard - 2 days ago

American political parties are loose associations that lack any kind of formal structures. The two parties stretch across three broad categories -- the electorate, the party organization in place to facilitate the campaign, and the government. Non…


Keith Olbermann is not a madman, he just ate some bad oysters: We watch, because were paid to

The Daily Caller - 5 days ago

Oh, boy. This was quite a week for Keith Olbermann. There’s nothing like a senseless act of violence to bring out the worst in pundits of all stripes, and Olbermann not only isn’t an exception, he’s the rule. By Saturday evening,…


Pence for President

Red State - 3rd Jan 2011

If confession is good for the soul, let me pour out my soul for you. As I stood at the beginning of 2008, I find myself in the same position here as we now begin the very real discussions of who should be the Candidate for the GOP in 2012. Let m…


Cuomos New Partners

The New York Observer - 7th Dec 2010

For the better part of the past two decades, top state Democrats talked about all the wonderful things that would happen when they took over the State Senate. They finally achieved their goal in 2008, and look what happened. Pedro Espada Jr., no…


Barbara Leaming: Kennedy, Obama, and the 2012 Election

The Huffington Post - 16th Nov 2010

November 22 is the 47th anniversary of the death of President John F. Kennedy. The young president has now been dead for a longer span of time than he lived. A month before the Assassination, Kennedy had achieved arguably the greatest accomplish…


GOP tries to court alienated moderates

USA Today - 17th Sep 2010

By Shaun Heasley, Getty Images In the 1960s, Henry served three times as state chair for Nelson Rockefeller, the socially liberal New York Governor whose presidential bids fueled a conservative revolt against "Rockefeller Republicans." The lawyer …


Will Republicans Party Like It's 1994? Or Democrats Like It's 1964?

Politics Daily - 17th Sep 2010

For Republicans, whose voting legions have surpassed Democrats in numbers and enthusiasm this year, 2010 is shaping up as a repeat of 1994. That was the year of the so-called Republican Revolution, when the party's Contract With America help…


Ed Changing Tides

Ed Driscoll - 1st Aug 2010

In many TV sit-coms and comedy movies from the 1960s through the early 1980s, you'll see the clich…