Afghanistan news


Robert Naiman: A House that Votes for Peace: Is There a Path to 218?

The Huffington Post - 4hrs 19mins ago

On July 1, 2010, there was a vote on the floor of the House of Representatives which, if you were a Democrat representing a Democratic district, was as revealing of who you are on issues of war and peace as a TSA porno-scanner. The McGovern-Obey…


State veterans secretary asked to step down

Boston Herald - 23hrs 32mins ago

Thomas Kelley, state secretary of Veterans services, was asked to resign Tuesday, the decorated Navy officer told the News Service Tuesday. Kelley, in a phone interview, said his boss, Secretary of Health and Human Services JudyAnn Bigby, called …


Pakistani intel officials say suspected US missile strike kills 6 militants near Afghan border

The Daily Caller - 1day 12hrs ago

Click here to cancel reply. You must be logged in to post a comment. Farmers shouldn't own animals, but Michael Vick can? Farmers shouldn't own animals, but Michael Vick can? Mike Pence 2012?...…


Connie Lawn: Thoughts on White House Events

The Huffington Post - 1day 22hrs ago

This White House runs fairly smoothly, and the staff members are, on the whole, very nice to the media. We tend to have good personal relations. But, many of us in the press corps hope they can find more zip, electricity, and passion in the days…


American, 81, pushes Afghan development

UPI - 2 days ago

HOUSTON, Dec. 27 (UPI) -- A Houston woman who helped push the 1980s anti-Soviet War in Afghanistan is now using her influence for peaceful development there. Joanne King Herring, 81, recently lobbied former President George H.W. Bush for her plan …


WikiLeaks founder: Book deal to cover legal fees, help keep site running

The Hill - 2 days ago

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has reportedly signed a $1.3 million Book Deal, and he says he did it to cover legal fees and keep his whistleblowing site in operation. "I don't want to write this book, but I have to," he told the Sunday Times …


Read Bidens Lips: new taxes in 2013!

Moe Lane - 4 days ago

Vice President Joe Biden, bless his heart, is promising that there’s going to be a tax hike (including one on small businesses) in 2013.  This, despite the fact that that the Republicans used their 58/42 minority in the Senate and 256…


Hawaii gov. seeks to combat birthers

Politico - 4 days ago

Honolulu – Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii’s new Democratic Governor, intends to use the power of his new office to try to silence the ‘birthers,’ the Conspiracy theorists who continue to assert President Obama was not born in t…