Ann Coulter: Despite a shred of evidence and a poll now showing most Americans disagree with this insanity, it appears evident the insane left will continue to pursue this lunacy, regurgitating decades-old sarcastic quotes from Ann Coulter.
PHOTOS: Ann Coulter in pictures
She's also helpfully portrayed with ringleaders Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck.
VIDEOS: Ann Coulter in videos
Enough! We've let the haters and bullies lead the political and moral conversation for far too long. The national dialogue has descended into a fusillade of hate from politicians, political operati...
Whence Krugmania?
Posted by Scott at 6:26 AM
Charles Krauthammer draws on his training as a Psychiatrist to review the evidence regarding attempted assassin Jared Loughner. He concludes that Loughner is a paranoid schizophrenic. Krauthammer notes that Lougner's obsession with Rep. Giffords dates from 2007, a fact that New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and his ilk have found it convenient to overlook:
[T]he available evidence dates Loughner's fixation on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords to at least 2007, when he atten...
Palin finds some defenders in the mainstream media she often derides
Despite her frequent claims that the “lamestream media” hunt for “gotcha” moments at her expense, Sarah Palin has been defended by a variety of Mainstream Media figures and liberal Journalists in the wake of the Arizona shootings.
Her ostensible link to the incident is a map Palin produced during the 2010 election for her “Take Back the 20” campaign. The map marked 20 vulnerable Democrats’ districts with crosshairs — one of which centered on the district of
First Comes Fear
People on the left and right have been wrestling over the legacy of Jared Loughner, arguing about whether his Shooting Spree proves that the Sarah Palins and Glenn Becks of the world are fomenting violence. But it’s not as if this is the only data point we have. Here’s another one:
Six months ago, police in California pulled over a truck that turned out to contain a rifle, a Handgun, a shotgun and Body Armor. Police learned from the driver — sometime after he opened
Dad pursued Ariz. massacre suspect before shooting
A woman prays at the memorial located in front of the University Medical Center, Monday, Jan. 10, 2011, in Tucson, Ariz. The memorial has been set up for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., who is in critical condition at the Hospital, and other Victims who were shot on Saturday, leaving six dead and more injured. Mysterious black bag in hand, Jared Loughner ran into the desert, his angry father stopping pursuit in his truck. Hours after Randy Loughner's futile confrontation with his 22...
Tucson suspect left trail of clues before shooting
Jump to photos Ariz. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Next story in Crime & courts Long road before Ariz. death penalty decision What happened before the shooting? What caused Loughner to open fire? A new type of Murder? >> turn now tonight to the suspect in this case, the accused assassin, jared lee loughner, by all accounts, a very troubled 22-year-old man. so much so, in fact, that many people are saying that the main story of this tragedy is more Mental Health than it is issues like the politica...
Angle defends herself, tea party
Former Nevada Republican Senate Candidate Sharron Angle is blasting those blaming her for inciting the Arizona shooting that injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed six others, saying the accused shooter went off the deep end long before the Tea Party movement started.
In her first comments - coming three days after the shooting - Angle said in harshly worded statement that her critics were “dangerous and ignorant” and charge it was irresponsible to blame the political right for...
The Dismissal of Sarah Palin
Liberals are pathologically fixated on Sarah Palin. I am neither shocked nor surprised that this nation's most prominent liberals see fit to blame Sarah Palin for causing the shooting in Tucson which severely injured Democrat Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and claimed six lives. But it does sadden me. Yet perhaps the most insightful of these denunciations of Palin was that of MSNBC's Keith Olbermann. Now when I use the word insightful I am not referring to the merits of his arguments. ...
The Australian city of Brisbane faces unprecedented Flooding as the Brisbane River is expected to crest above the city's 1974 record. Illinois is poised to abolish the death penalty completely after a log Moratorium. Doctors for Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords say she has a "101 percent chance of survival" but the extent of the damage she suffered from Saturday's shooting is unknown. Germany is struggling to contain a tainted pork and egg Scandal prompting China to halt imports of those items f...
Please Stand with Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh + Tea Party
Dear Friends: The attack on Conservatives and the Tea Party movement has continued over the past 24 hours. Media figures and liberal Activists continue to falsely suggest that Rush Limbaugh, Gov. Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement had anything to do with the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords....
Bill Maher is a loon
In case you had any doubt, allow this to remove it once and for all:
Anderson Cooper took a very different tack last night in trying to make sense of the Arizona shooting tragedy from the weekend. While many on Cable News were turning down the partisan Rhetoric, AC360 producers booked comedian Bill Maher, who was unafraid to compare the imagined mindset of alleged assailant Jared Loughner with Fox News host Glenn Beck, while at the same time calling for responsibility in the media. Huh?
Massacre, Followed by Libel
WASHINGTON -- The charge: The Tucson massacre is a consequence of the "climate of hate" created by Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, Glenn Beck, ObamaCare opponents and sundry other liberal betes noires. The verdict: Rarely in American political discourse has there been a charge so reckless, so scurrilous, and so unsupported by evidence. As killers go, Jared Loughner is not reticent. Yet among all his writings, postings, videos and other ravings -- and in all the Testimony from all the people who kne...
Sarah Palin Accuses Journalists Of 'Blood Libel,' Calls Loughner 'Apolitical' (VIDEO)
Four days after a gunman attempted to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin responded to criticism over a map she posted before the election that featured gun sights over 20 targeted Democratic districts, including Giffords's.
"Vigorous and spirited public debates during Elections are among our most cherished traditions," Palin wrote in an early morning post on her Facebook account on Wednesday. "But, especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journali...
Palin Breaks Silence On Shooting
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) on Wednesday broke her near-silence on the tragedy in Arizona with a nearly eight-minute video condemning the violence -- as well as the "blood Libel'' committed by the media in blaming the incendiary political climate. Police say Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) was the target of Saturday's shootings in Tucson that killed six other people and injured others. She was among 20 Candidates Palin singled out for election challenges with a map that depicted crossha...
Sarah Palin Charges Critics With "Blood Libel" Over Arizona Shooting
This morning Sarah Palin at last broke her silence over the Arizona shooting, issuing a nearly eight-minute video in which she charges the media with "blood Libel" for linking Conservatives to the tragedy. Politico reports: Palin has faced criticism for images that look like gun crosshairs to identify the districts of Democrats who were vulnerable in the 2010 Elections, that of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), who was shot on Saturday. Responsibility lies “not collectively with all the cit...
Long road before Ariz. death penalty decision
Jump to photos Ariz. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords What happened before the shooting? >> turn now tonight to the suspect in this case, the accused assassin, jared lee loughner, by all accounts, a very troubled 22-year-old man. so much so, in fact, that many people are saying that the main story of this tragedy is more Mental Health than it is issues like the political process. tonight we finally heard from his family in our own mike taibbi is live outside the family home in tucson. mike, good evenin...
NYT: Cops Previously Visited Loughner Home
With all the evidence against the suspected Tucson shooter Jared Loughner, a Guilty verdict could still prove very difficult. Jan Crawford reports on the latest details of the case. As new details are released of Tucson shooting suspect Jared Loughner's alleged behavioral issues, Dean Reynolds reports on the latest Mental Health laws in Arizona. Jared Loughner, 22, is charged in the shooting that left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords critically wounded and killed six people in Tucson, Ariz. (CBS) In thi...
Loughner Fled Dad before Attack
With all the evidence against the suspected Tucson shooter Jared Loughner, a Guilty verdict could still prove very difficult. Jan Crawford reports on the latest details of the case. Though Jared Lee Loughner's parents were "completely surprised" by the news of the Tucson shooting, former friends and classmates of Loughner's were not. Ben Tracy reports on the troubled past of Jared Lee Loughner. Doctors at Tucson's University Medical Center are increasingly optimistic about Ariz. Democratic Rep. ...
Monica Yant Kinney: Arizona tragedy becomes grist for political mills
Hours after a troubled 22-year-old massacred six people and wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 13 others in a Tucson, Ariz., Parking Lot, my in box began filling up with unsolicited missives from officials and interest groups miles from the crime scene. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence wanted to make sure I knew that "we have too few laws to protect our families and communities from this kind of bloodshed, and the laws we do have are riddled with too many Loopholes." Ce...
Bill Maher is a loon
Anderson Cooper took a very different tack last night in trying to make sense of the Arizona shooting tragedy from the weekend. While many on Cable News were turning down the partisan Rhetoric, AC360 producers booked comedian Bill Maher, who was unafraid to compare the imagined mindset of alleged assailant Jared Loughner with Fox News host Glenn Beck, while at the same time calling for responsibility in the media. Huh? Cooper opened by asking about the soul searching and finger pointing that cam...
Apocalyptic Rhetoric
The Rhetoric of violence is not the only kind of Rhetoric that encourages violence. The apocalyptic Rhetoric we’ve seen from some on the right, most notably Glenn Beck, should be part of this discussion too. When Beck portrays Barack Obama as the head of a Socialist/Communist/Nazi Conspiracy whose goal is the literal destruction of America, he is implicitly encouraging violence. If that really were the nature of the administration, and our liberty really were on the verge of being snuffed ...
Dad Pursued Ariz. Massacre Suspect Before Shooting ("My Assasssination")
Source: Associated Press
Dad pursued Ariz. massacre suspect before shooting
From Associated Press
January 12, 2011 6:47 AM EST
TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) Mysterious black bag in hand, Jared Loughner ran into the desert, his angry father stopping pursuit in his truck.
Hours after Randy Loughner's futile confrontation with his 22-year-old son Saturday morning, six people were shot dead and more than a dozen others wounded and Jared Loughner was in custody.
- snip -
Investigators with ..
Arizona officials reveal disturbing details about suspect in massacre
Doctor: No change in Rep. Giffords condition Ariz. survivor: 'It was like a bad crime drama' TUCSON — Investigators revealed more disturbing details Tuesday about the events leading up to the Assassination attempt against U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, including a menacing handwritten note in the suspect's home with the words "Die, bitch." Just before Saturday's shooting, a mumbling Jared Loughner ran into the desert near his home after his father asked him why he was removing a black bag ...
More Bad News For MSM & Dupnik Police Were Sent to Loughners Home Several Times
It’s Rush Limbaugh’s fault. The further we get away from the tragedy the more we are putting together a picture of a very disturbed young man. After four days of blaming Conservatives for the Violent Crime of the young leftwing pothead, the media is finally getting around to reporting the facts to the case. This had nothing to do with Sarah Palin, or Rush Limbaugh, or the Tea Party, or conservatives. The police were sent to the home where Jared L. Loughner lived with his family on mo...
Arizona Newspaper To Sheriff Dupnik: "Get a grip! we have to say at last . . . enough. Enough attacks, sheriff. Enough vitriol "
Pima County Sheriff should remember duty
The Arizona Republic
On Saturday afternoon, with his friend Gabby Giffords in surgery fighting for her life, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik railed against the tense partisan politics - “the anger, the hatred, the Bigotry” - that prompted the mass Murders outside Tucson, in his view.
And, jarring as such claims may be, we understood. Or tried to understand, despite the spectacle of a lawman - an official whose very job it is to d
My Take: Is Arizona shooting an individual or shared sin?
Editor's Note : Stephen Prothero, a Boston University religion scholar and author of "God is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions that Run the World," is a regular CNN Belief Blog contributor.
By Stephen Prothero , Special to CNN
After the shooting, the vitriol.
First came the thunder from the left, blasting the right for creating a climate of hatred in which taking out your Glock and aiming it at a congresswoman might seem to be the next logical thing to do.
Then came the thunder...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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