Why Sarah Palin Won't Be President.

Sarah Palin: One of the criticisms Progressives often make of Barack Obama is that he spends far too much time trying to make his opponents like him, and not enough time worrying about what his supporters think of him. Sarah Palin , on the other hand, has the opposite problem: she spends all her time speaking to those who are already within her bubble of support, and no time thinking about how she can persuade those who aren't already on her side.

PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures

Her reaction to the Gabrielle Giffords shooting has cast this...

VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos

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Joseph Veredas posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

Sarah"The Jerk" Palin - 2012campaign strategy -- everybody gets a brick to throw at the opposition. We're not responsible where it lands.

Joseph Veredas posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

Sarah"The Jerk" Palin -- 2012campaign strategy -- no crosshairs, we'll just use tank tracks.

Fast Romantics posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

Apparently one of our songs was on ABC's "Pretty Little Liars" tonight. What's next for us? SarahPalin's 2012Campaign theme, I hope.

Diane Smith posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

Public anger is shifted from SarahPalin to Glenn Beck, their anti-Obama-Democrats gunsight map 4 Palin2012campaign in Fox News DVD series

Diane Smith posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

Glenn Beck made anti-Obama-Democrats gunsight map for Palin2012campaign. His DNA on SarahPalin DVD could link him to the Arizona shooting

Diane Smith posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

Glenn Beck may be the original evil, not SarahPalin, of their anti-Obama-Democrats gunsight map 4 Palin2012campaign in Fox News DVD sets.

Robert Hoblit posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Republicans in 2012campaign plan is on schedule. Have Dems focus all demonetization fire on SarahPalin. Then nominate someone else

Shane Richardson posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

I'm glad SarahPalin just ruined her 2012campaign...people don't forget when stupid people say stupid things.

Jeremy Gruenbaum posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

If SarahPalin runs for Pres in 2012, Roger Ailes will be her campaign manager. He's been the manager for every GOP campaign since 1968.

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