White House: The push followed a series of moves earlier in the day by House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), who previewed an upcoming Speech he’ll give on the Iraq War by releasing an op-ed and Web video that slam Democrats for “seeking credit” for the end of the combat phase in Iraq. “With all due respect to them, our Troops who have served so courageously in Iraq deserve the credit for the success of the Surge and, along with the Iraqi people, the turnaround in Iraq,”...
PHOTOS: Twitter in pictures
VIDEOS: Twitter in videos
Show Thanks to the Troops by Saluting Their Service in Iraq
Posted by
Kori Schulman
on August 27, 2010 at 10:40 AM EDT
On August 31, 2010, President Obama will mark the end of America’s combat mission in Iraq. At this key transition point, it is important to show our support to the Troops and their families who have made tremendous sacrifices for our country. President Obama kicks off “ Saluting Service in Iraq ” with his own video message:
Viewing this video requires Adobe Flash Player 8 or higher. Download the free...
Google Gives Real-Time Searches New Web Page
Google (GOOG ) set up a Web address specifically for its real-time search engine, which indexes and delivers status updates, messages and other public content from Social Networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.
Google incorporated real-time links into search results in December, with users having to click on the "latest" and "updates" filters to access them, Reuters reported .
Now, Google Realtime, located at www.Google.com/realtime, will let users view real-time results without the...
Google Gives Real-Time Searches New Web Page
Google (GOOG ) set up a Web address specifically for its real-time search engine, which indexes and delivers status updates, messages and other public content from Social Networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.
Google incorporated real-time links into search results in December, with users having to click on the "latest" and "updates" filters to access them, Reuters reported .
Now, Google Realtime, located at www.Google.com/realtime, will let users view real-time results without the...
Does Boehner really want to debate Iraq and the right side of history?
DOES Boehner REALLY WANT TO DEBATE Iraq AND THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY?.... As the next phase of the U.S. presence in Iraq begins, and Operation Iraqi Freedom comes to a formal end, it's fair to give some credit to President Obama. It was his vision of a phased withdrawal that shaped the Status of Forces Agreement signed in 2008, and it was his timetable that has brought the Troop levels below 50,000 for the first time since the war began.
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), meanwhile,...
In Iraq, Boehner draws link to 9/11
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), in a conference call from Iraq, told reporters Wednesday that it is fair to draw a link from the Sept. 11, 2001, Terrorist Attacks to the current fight in Iraq because of the continued presence of al Qaeda and other Islamic Extremists in the country. “If you look at where 9/11 came from, it clearly was from al Qaeda, [and] when you look at the violence in Iraq, it’s from al Qaeda [and] radical Jihadists,” Boehner said. The Minority...
President Barack Obama Claims Credit on Iraq War
For all of the socialism and Islamist-appeasement of this administration, the one thing that has bothered me the most about this president (and Candidate in 2007-08) is his screechingly perverse antiwar ideology and opportunism. Barack Obama was the most antiwar Senator in Congress throughout 2007 and in 2008 he tried to play both sides of the fence: After opposing the Surge he then turned around and hailed its success, while insisting once more that the War was wrong. As noted in his New York...
John Boehner's Tea Party Like Speech
The Economy is front of mind to everyone in the country. There are lots of attacks back and forth on whom to blame with fingers pointing in every direction. It's no secret that the summer of growth has been a failure as we stay solidly level with where we started out. There are lots of talks about a Double-dip and Stagflation, and with the uncertainty in the markets we can predict anything but growth. While the Democrats in Congress and the White House are promoting their spend...
Obama Touts His Role in Bringing the Iraq War to an End " Video
Here is video from President Obama Weekly Address, where he touts his role in bringing the Iraq War to an end. Obama said:
“As a Candidate, I pledged to end this War. As President, that’s what I’m doing.”
We’ve seen and heard Obama too long now to be surprised that he is making the end of combat operations in Iraq about himself. There’s no counting the number of times Obama uses the word “I.” After all, everything is all about him.
This is a...
Obama to Troops in Iraq: You've 'Made America Safer'
I hate to needle him when he’s patting the Troops on the back, but isn’t this … the very antithesis of the left’s messaging on the Iraq War for the past seven years? We’ve reached a point of consensus on the fact that the Surge worked, but on the question of whether the War improved National Security, it’s a mixed bag.
I’m actually shocked that 18 percent of Dems — virtually all of them Centrists, no doubt — say...
Obama thanks Iraq troops with Web video
With his Oval Office Speech marking the end of combat operations in Iraq four days away, President Obama took to the Internet today to thank the Troops and their families -- and encourage Americans to do the same.
The "Saluting Service in Iraq" campaign, run on WhiteHouse.gov, eventually will feature remarks from Average Americans. It's a Social Media campaign featuring photos, videos and personal messages.
Whether you favor the president or not, you can show your support for the Troops via...
Rep. Boehner: Obama is 'on wrong side of history' for opposing Iraq troop surge
House GOP leader John Boehner said on Friday the administration is taking credit for ending the combat mission in Iraq, but that it's the Troop Surge which President Obama opposed as a senator that made it possible.
Previewing a Speech he'll give on Iraq next week, the Ohio Republican published an op-ed on the conservative Human Events websiteand released a Web video that credits the Troops and the 2007 Troop "surge" for turning around the Security situation and ultimately...
Video: When Obama talks about victory in Iraq next week ...
Jake Tapper noted that President Obama plans to address the nation to note the drawdown of combat Troops in Iraq, an event that occurred while Obama vacationed at Martha’s Vineyard while Obama refused to comment on it at all. His address to the nation will no doubt salute the Troops that beat a tough Insurgency campaign by Al-Qaeda and other Terrorists to overthrow the government in Baghdad — but will probably contain a large dose of self-congratulation, too. If it does, John...
Obama: Iraq war is ending, Baghdad to chart future
Remaining Troops will assume a backup and training role, a shift Obama will underscore with a visit to Fort Bliss, Texas, on Tuesday and then a prime-time Speech to the nation from the Oval Office. The events come on Aug. 31, the date he set last year for the change in focus in the War. U.S. troop strength dropped below 50,000 this past week, a milestone also highlighted by the administration. "In the months ahead, our Troops will continue to support and train Iraqi forces, partner with Iraqis...
Boehner: Troop deaths in Iraq are ‘a small price.’
In an interview on CNN today, Wolf Blitzer asked House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) about “the Americans who are killed every month” in Iraq and “how much longer” the “Military commitment is going to require?” “ The investment that we’re making today will be a small price if we’re able to stop al Qaeda here,” replied Boehner. As Atrios notes, the “small price” Boehner refers to is “ 3774 dead US Troops and...
Sad Days for Independents & America: As Dems Push Even More Far Left, GOP Trends Even More Far Right, Talking Up a 14th Am. Citizenship Clause Repeal.
The latest republican noise on this front came today on Sunday morning TV from House Minority Leader John Boehner -- fresh out the Tanning Salon (he's the George Hamilton clone in the center of the above pic) -- who said that a Repeal of the Fourteenth Amendment's Citizenship Clause is "worth considering." That Clause provides that anyone born in the United States is a United States Citizen, regardless of whether the person's parents are also Citizens. Boehner isn't the first, as plenty of GOP...
Rep. Boehner's Economics: Giveaways To Rich, Bad Eggs For All, Democrats Say
With his Speech, Boehner sought to capitalize on disenchantment with Democrats. But Democrats struck back, arguing that the Republican's proposals don't mesh with the facts. Today, Minority Leader John Boehner did the public a favor by admitting the Republican plan to return to the failed Bush economic policies that produced a deep Recession, record Deficits, a loss of 8 million jobs and an unprecedented Financial Crisis. Democrats will not let that stand. America must continue to move...
Corey Ealons, White House Black Press Liaison Abruptly Exits
Prior to serving as the White House Black press liaison, Ealons was the Director of African American Media during the 2008 Obama-Biden Presidential Campaign. Before that, he was Communications Director for the National Conference of Black Mayors , based in Atlanta. Ealons’ departure comes at a time when Black news outlets have expressed frustration with the Administration’s perceived lack of access and open doors , observes Hazel Trice Edney, Interim Executive Director of...
More than 600,000 White House Visitor Records Online
Posted by
Norm Eisen
on August 27, 2010 at 02:57 PM EDT
In September 2009, the President announced that – for the first time in history – the White House would routinely release visitor records. Today, the White House releases visitor records that were created in May 2010. Today’s release also includes several visitor records created prior to September 16, 2009 that were requested by members of the public during July 2010 pursuant to the White House voluntary disclosure...
GOP plans wave of White House probes
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Lousy is a Heinous Democratic Party who uses the Race Card against people with opposing Views.
Lousy is a Corrupt Government who is unfeeling towards the people still suffering from 9/11 and allows a Victory Mosque built for 19 hijackers. What a Trophy they will have to show off to other countries.
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