The Washington Post: This March 2010 photo shows a man identified as Jared L.
PHOTOS: The Washington Post in pictures
Loughner at the 2010 Tucson Festival of Books in Tucson, Ariz.
VIDEOS: The Washington Post in videos
Jared Lee Loughner, the young man who allegedly shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and killed six others in Tucson on Saturday, would seem to defy easy categorization. Yet the evidence does provide clues into the mind of a man who even the staunchest partisans should be able to agree held muddled politics far outside the mainstream. It seems clear based on Loughner's YouTu...
Neighbors: Jared Lee Loughner and His Family Were Very Isolated
Randy and Amy Loughner, the parents of accused shooter Jared Lee Loughner, haven't said anything publicly since their son allegedly took a Glock 19 with a high capacity clip to an event hosted by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and killed six people and injured 14, including the congresswoman.
But the picture that is emerging from media interviews with their neighbors indicates they are isolated and have clashed with others in their neighborhood.
On Monday, a ply wood Blockade in front of their...
ADL's Jared Loughner Report: Mental Illness, Not Ideology Likely Led To Tragedy
Mental Illness, rather than Tea Baggery's likely to blame for Loughner's rampage, says the ADL
Since Saturday's massacre in Tucson, both the left and the right have parsed alleged killer Jared Lee Loughner's YouTube videos, the statements of his supposed school chums, his favorite books (everything from To Kill a Mockingbird to Mein Kampf), and any other scraps of info out there on the guy.
The left has surmised he's your classic anti-government, Wingnut Teabagger. The right's labeled him an a...
Jared Loughner's Parents Devastated, Neighbor Says
TUCSON, Ariz. — The parents of a man charged with trying to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords are devastated and guilt-ridden, a neighbor said, mourning their own tragedy as Tucson residents prepared Tuesday for a community memorial service and a visit from the president.
Jared Loughner's mother has been in bed, crying nonstop since the shooting rampage on Saturday, neighbor Wayne Smith, 70, told KPHO-TV. Amy and Randy Loughner want to know where they went wrong with their 22-year-old ...
Jared Loughner's Parents Said to be 'Devastated' by Shootings
A neighbor says the parents of accused murderer Jared Loughner are devastated by their son's alleged actions, leaving the father in tears and the mother unable to rise from her bed. "They're in there [their home] now," Wayne Smith told the Los Angeles Times on Monday. "They're both crying. He's crying and hanging onto me, and she's not even out of bed." Randy and Amy Loughner's 22-year-old son is being held without bail in Phoenix, charged with two counts of Murder and three other federal counts...
No, Really: WND's Klein Tries to Blame AZ Shooting On Bill Ayers
No, Really: WND's Klein Tries to Blame AZ Shooting On Bill Ayers
Topic: WorldNetDaily
It appears that selectively quoting from Jared Loughner's reading list was only the beginning of the misinformation and outright falsehoods WorldNetDaily's Aaron Klein intends to peddle about the Arizona shooting.
Because apparently Bill Ayers must be worked into this story somehow, a Jan. 10 article by Klein begins:
Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday's Arizona shooting, attended...
No More Mister Nice Blog
A LEFT-WING Terrorist? YES. A RIGHT-WING Terrorist? YES.
OK, I give up. I've been arguing that Jared Loughner is a guy with a severe Mental Disorder whose rampage on Saturday seems to have been inspired by that Mental Disorder far more than by any ideas or attitudes picked up from the left-right political debate in this country ... but I feel pressured to call him a righty terrorist, and I also feel pressured to call him a lefty terrorist. So, fine: I'll call him both.
Here's Mental Health Care, Not Political Blame
In the wake of the Arizona shootings, it has been disturbing to see many politicians, Journalists, and even a sheriff exploit a national tragedy for political purposes. And, in so doing, many have set themselves up as Mental Health experts, explaining to the public that political debate and Rhetoric caused a likely psychotic suspect, Jared Loughner, to kill and injure innocent people. This is especially alarming when we consider that those who are public servants might, instead, focus their ef...
The Gabrielle Giffords shooting in Arizona and Jared Lee Loughner prosecution.
Peter King proposing law banning guns within 1,000 feet of President, VP, members of Congress, and judges. What did you think of all those crazy trick plays in last night's BCS National Championship Game? 10 Percent Unemployment Forever?...
How Glenn Beck And Fox News Successfully Painted AZ Shooter As Hitler, Marx Devotee
Within hours of the Shooting Spree in Arizona, conservative blogs lit up with the news that the suspect, Jared Loughner, was an aficionado of Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto. A Hitler/Marx devotee, the logic went, is someone too idiosyncratic or crazy to be part of any mainstream political movement. Some went further, and cited the information as proof that Loughner was the sort of big-government liberal they had nightmares about.
As with so many of these fast-propagating conservative m...
Of the right?
The Southern Poverty Law Center's Mark Potok has followed the Far Right, in detail, as long as anyone, and he was the first to tie Jared Loughner to an obscure, bizarre theorist of mind-control through grammar, David Wynn-Miller, who styles himself the King of Hawaii. (Miller supported that view in an interview with my colleague Carrie-Budoff Brown.)
“The idea weirdly enough of controlling grammar, of somehow the government using grammar to control the people is an idea that exists on th...
The Vitriol Will Likely Return
With any disturbing event, like the tragic and horrifying shooting in Tucson last Saturday, there is a natural tendency to extrapolate the impact of it for months or even years to come. The unspeakable event cost people from such varying walks of life as a 9-year-old girl and a Federal Judge their lives and has left Rep.Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., fighting for her life. Something like this creates a memory that is certain to be burned into the consciousness of current and former elected offici...
Who is Jared Loughner?
An interesting analysis of Jared Loughner by Mark Potok of Southern Poverty Law Center. At one point, Loughner refers disparagingly to “currency that’s not backed by gold or silver.” The idea that silver and gold are the only “constitutional” money is widespread in the antigovernment “Patriot” movement that produced so much violence in the 1990s. It’s linked to the core Patriot theory that the Federal Reserve is actually a private corporation run f...
Butterflies Taking Turns in Attracting Mates
Jennifer Armstrong provided the link to a story about the squinting bush brown butterflies. From the article: Squinting bush brown butterflies use reflective "eye spots" on their wings to attract potential mates. Males born in the wet season beat their wings to flash their spots but in the dry season females grow brighter spots instead and take the lead. This behaviour could benefit females, allowing them to control mating when fewer food resources are available. Published in the journal Scie...
Congresswoman Giffords breathing on her own, doctors say
Arizonans leave offerings at a shrine to Victims of Saturday's shooting in Tucson, Arizona. Brad Poole, Reuters · Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2011 TUCSON, Ariz. — U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords is breathing on her own and doctors on Tuesday were hopeful about her recovery from a head wound suffered in an Arizona Shooting Spree that killed six people. Ms. Giffords, a popular 40-year-old Democrat, remained in critical condition at a Tucson Hospital but is “holding her own,” re...
Homeless Man with Golden Voice Already Picked Up By Police
Ted Williams, the Ohio Homeless man whose golden voice made him a YouTube sensation and brought him offers of work, was detained by the Los Angeles Police Department Monday night at a Hollywood hotel. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Na...
Bill O'Reilly's 'Bloody Shirt' Factor: How to turn perpetrators into victims
Bill O'Reilly was in rare form last night as he was simply outraged from all the criticism that was heaped on the RWNM after the Giffords shootings. And the extreme Right Wing Rhetoric that Paul Krugman talked about in his piece was directed at poor l'il BillO. So Paul, be afraid -- you'll never be forgiven for writing this: And there’s a huge contrast in the media. Listen to Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann, and you’ll hear a lot of caustic remarks and mockery aimed at Republicans....
Let's go after the real perps: the NRA and their supporters
Jared Loughner is in custody and I'd put money on his conviction and Incarceration. But the rest of the perps are still out there, still armed, still certain of their rights, and still ready to shoot or help you shoot.
Letter writers to the New York Times have, for the most part, agreed that the right has something to answer for.
From Denver: "Opposed to the perception disseminated by the G.O.P., it’s not the liberal elite exploiting the insecurities of the masses to g...
Big News Events Make Blatherers of Us All
The New Yorker, reputedly one of America's smartest magazines, exemplifies (and not always in a bad way) some of the incoherence created amongst the chattering (and, alas, governing) classes with big news events that seems to DEMAND REACTION!! and yet are at the same time either too impossibly overdetermined or too obvious--like the decision by one deluded ass to open fire on a crowd--for there to be much fresh, interesting, or relevant to say, or do.
First, George Packer takes one tack. Of cou...
Searching for answers to Tuscon tragedy
Image via CrunchBase
From New York newspaper columnists to an Illinois senator, the liberal left is blaming the Tea Party and conservative stars for the shooting of an Arizona congresswoman. How about blaming the Communist and Nazi-loving shooter?
It didn't take long for New York Times columnist Paul Krugman to blame the Tea Party and Sarah Palin for the shooting outside a Tucson Supermarket that seriously injured Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords and left six others, including a 9-year-old,...
Poll: Most Say Rhetoric, Killings Unrelated
From a deeply saddened CBS News:
Poll: Most Americans Feel Rhetoric, Tucson Shooting Unrelated
Posted by Daniel Carty
January 11, 2011
Nearly six in 10 Americans say the country’s heated political rhetoric is not to blame for the Tucson shooting rampage that left six dead and critically wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, according to a CBS News poll.
So either our media master has better ratchet up their efforts or move on to their fall back position - Gun Control.
In the wake ...
Jared Loughner Now, Timothy McVeigh Then
In 1995, the Internet was still trying to get its sea legs; it was nowhere near the force it has become today in getting information to the public. On April 19th of that year, 168 people were killed in Oklahoma City and a man named Timothy Mcveigh was largely responsible. Then president Bill Clinton resurrected his presidency by painting McVeigh as a Right Wing Extremist. Imagine if the Internet of today had been available then. Would Clinton have been able to pull off such a despicable smear ca...
AZ Congresswoman Assassination Scenario Has MKULTRA Profile, Drug & Space Target
© unknown
The mass political Assassination attack in Tucson, AZ on Saturday January 8, 2011 that as of 2:44 pm pst had left six people dead and eighteen shot were shot during the attack has a marked MKULTRA profile, and of suppression of Drug Cartel investigation and of expansion the U.S. space program as one of its effects.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was reported in grave condition and in surgery at University Medical Center in Tucson, after the shooting in a Safeway Supermarket parking lo...
The Arizona Killings And The Tea Party
The Tea Party Express says blaming the constitutionalist movement and Sarah Palin for the Arizona shooting that killed six people and wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is "outrageous." The California-based group says liberals are trying to exploit the shooting for political gain and place the blame on society for embracing the tea party movement, but the 22-year-old charged in the shooting is the only person responsible for the violence. In a statement Monday, the Tea Party Express says if ...
Lone nuts and convenient definitions of "terrorism"
"Columbine" author Dave Cullen wrote yesterday that most media figures compulsively -- and incorrectly -- assign all killers to one of two binaries: Crazy or political. Right-wing commentators do the same thing, for the most part, though they tend to say killers are either crazy or Terrorists. And while they'll usually freely admit that Tim McVeigh counted as a terrorist, for the most part they reserve that term for Muslims who kill.
There is, for example, Charles Krauthammer's classic column on...
Media whitewashes ultra-right in Arizona massacre
Here the central role was played by the ultra-right media campaign mounted by Fox News, Talk Show hosts like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, and the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party, including one Republican Senate Candidate who called for a "Second Amendment solution" to political issues -- i.e., the use of Firearms.
As the World Socialist Web Site explained yesterday (See "Arizona Assassination spree tied to political right"), the political conceptions in Loughner's Internet postings are...
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
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