Pima County: By RightKlik It's pretty clear at this point that Jared Loughner was the Lone Wolf shooter solely responsible for the carnage in Tuscon, Arizona on Saturday.
PHOTOS: Jared Loughner in pictures
But without a shred of evidence, liberals in this country want to blame the "usual suspects," including Sarah Palin, the tea partiers and conservative Talk Radio.
VIDEOS: Jared Loughner in videos
Let's cast the net wider. On Saturday, we began asking pointed questions about Tuscon Sheriff Clarence Dupnik: A congresswoman got shot point-blank in the head in Pima County, A...
Sheriff Joe to Sheriff Dope-neck: Shut Up or Resign
The two neighboring sheriffs in Arizona, Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, and Clarence Dupnik of Pima County, could hardly be more different. Yesterday, UNCOVERAGE.net called for the dismissal/removal/Resignation of Clarence Dupnik due to his extremely political and baseless statements blaming the Tea Party, Sarah Palin and Talk Show host Rush Limbaugh for “vitriolic” political Rhetoric which Dupnik claims caused Jared Loughner to Murder six people in Tucson this week...
On CBS 'Evening News,' Tucson Sheriff Dupnik Doubles Down
On Monday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric announced that Democratic Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik had "been thrust into the national spotlight for some remarks he made," adding, "he's not backing down." In the interview that followed, Dupnik asserted: "If you're in Law Enforcement and you're not a right-winger you get all kinds of heat from the right-wing nuts." Couric noted how Dupnik "blamed the rampage in part on overheated poli...
Obama Thanked Sheriff Dupnik For What?
Gateway Pundit links to The Political Punch, who noted that Barack Hussein Obama called Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik (who from now on will be referred to here as Sheriff Rosco P. Coletrane) to "thank him."
Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, aka Rosco P. Coletrane, of Pima County AZ--The Left's New Hero
President Obama spoke today with Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, families of some of the Victims, Rep. Giffords’ Rabbi and two of the heroes that helped in the Arizona tragedy on Saturda...
Sheriff Clarence Dupnik Isn't Who You Think He Is
Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has become something of a liberal hero in the last few days, speaking out against the "vitriol" of today's political climate and dubbing Arizona "the Mecca for prejudice and Bigotry." As the left accuses the right of inflaming the political debate, Dupnik has been a prominent voice blaming heated Rhetoric for Jared Lee Loughner's attack, which left six dead. But, as Slate's Christopher Beam finds, the sheriff is a bit more complicated:
But a look through Dupn...
Joe Arpaio Defends Sarah Palin, Says Sheriff Dupnik Too Political (VIDEO)
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, not exactly known for his Bipartisanship, thinks that fellow Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pima County is getting too political in his Rhetoric in the wake of the Mass Shooting over the weekend that killed six people and gravely injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ).
"Sheriffs are elected, like I am, thank God. I'm sure if he was a Police Chief he'd probably be fired tomorrow. I'm not trying to defend him, but he's the one that runs that sheriff's offi...
There Is No Evidence That Politics In Any Way Contributed To This Atrocity: Arizonas Biggest Newspaper Rips Leftist Political Op
Arizona Republic:
On Saturday afternoon, with his friend Gabby Giffords in surgery fighting for her life, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik railed against the tense partisan politics - “the anger, the hatred, the Bigotry” - that prompted the mass Murders outside Tucson, in his view.
And, jarring as such claims may be, we understood. Or tried to understand, despite the spectacle of a lawman - an official whose very job it is to dispassionately gather facts and to...
Arizona's extremism in the spotlight
In his Saturday news briefing, just hours after the shooting, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik said:
The anger, the hatred, the Bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous.... And unfortunately, Arizona I think has become sort of the capital. We have become the mecca for prejudice and bigotry.
While a couple of Arizona Republicans, Rep. Trent Franks and Sen. Jon Kyl, took issue with Dupnik's remarks, a few Arizona Democrats have first hand knowledge to back up the Sheri...
Sheriff in Giffords case lashes out about politics
(01-10) 15:25 PST Tucson, Ariz. (AP) --
Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik was thrust into the spotlight to face a nation demanding answers in the aftermath of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. He didn't mince words.
The rampage, he said, grew in part from extreme political Rhetoric, Bigotry and hatred, especially in his home state of Arizona. Dupnik said he was angry and heartbroken over the tragedy, and was simply speaking his mind as an American, not a Law Enforcement official.
But ...
Public memorial set for Arizona shooting victims
TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — The city shaken by a shooting rampage that killed six people and left 14 injured prepared to come together at a church Tuesday to mourn the Victims, including a 9-year-old girl who sang in the choir. Tucson Bishop Gerald Kicanas will preside over the first official tribute to the victims at St. Odilia Catholic Church. The Diocese called the service a “Mass of healing for our community.” The modern turquoise-and-white church is only blocks from Saturday̵...
Did Sheriff Dupnik know about Jared Loughner?
The sheriff has been editorializing and politicizing the event since he took the podium to report on the incident. His blaming of radio personalities and Bloggers is a pre-emptive strike because Mr. Dupnik knows this tragedy lays at his feet and his office. Six people died on his watch and he could have prevented it. He needs to step up and start apologizing to the families of the Victims instead of spinning this event to serve his own political agenda. Jared Loughner, pronounced by the Sheriff ...
Legends of Law Enforcement: Sheriff Clarence L. Dupnik
In this episode of Legends of Law Enforcement, we celebrate the legendary and storied career of Pima County Sheriff Clarence L. Dupnik. Dupnik was first to identify the infamous Serial Killer 'Jack the Ripper' as an ancestor of William F. Buckley. "America's Sheriff" states that Jimmy Hoffa, possibly buried at the Meadowlands, was "whacked" by Barry Goldwater. Dupnik also believes that Charles Manson was wrongfully imprisoned for the "Redrum" murders of Sharon Tate and others. The sheriff assert...
Rush Limbaugh accuses Democrats of 'wishing for' Tucson shootings
Rush Limbaugh was in rare form this week , while he used his Radio Show to bash Democrats for the tragedy that happened Saturday morning in Tucson, which left 5 people dead and 14 people gravely wounded. Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot point-blank in the head by 22 year old Jared Lee Loughner, who was wrestled to the ground by several people at a public meet-and-greet in front of a Tucson Safeway. Evidently, Limbaugh feels that Democrats are glad about the horrific event, because the...
Mourners to hold 'community healing' Mass after Arizona shooting
Mourners will gather at a memorial Mass Tuesday for Victims of the weekend shooting outside an Arizona Supermarket that killed 6 people and wounded 14 others.
The Mass will be held at 7 p.m. (9 p.m. ET) at St. Odiilia Church in Tucson, Arizona - where 9-year-old shooting victim Christina Green had her First Communion a year ago.
"Right now it is important as a community to pull together and to reach out in care and concern to all who have been affected by this tragedy," Bishop Gera...
Who Will End This Madness?
It has been three days since we all heard the news of the Assassination attempt of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the tragic Murder of six innocents and injury of fourteen others at the hands of Jared Lee Loughner. I have to admit, upon hearing the news I immediately feared the worst. Being a Liberal Blogger I know first hand the vitriol that is directed toward the left by right-wing Bloggers, Talk Radio and politicians. Being a Student of communications I am also well aware of the effect that la...
Police Visited Home of AZ Shooter on More Than One Occasion.
(NY Times) — The police were sent to the home where Jared L. Loughner lived with his family on more than one occasion before the attack here on Saturday that left a congresswoman fighting for her life and six others dead, the Pima County Sheriff’s Department said on Tuesday. A spokesman, Jason Ogan, said the details of the calls were being reviewed by legal counsel and would be released as soon as the review was complete. He said he did not know what the calls were about — they...
Tucson prepares for Obama's visit; suspect's parents release statement
TUCSON, Ariz. -- As Tucson scrambled to prepare for President Barack Obama's scheduled appearance at a memorial service for the Victims of the weekend's Mass Shooting, the parents of the alleged gunman, Jared Lee Loughner, offered their first public statement Tuesday, insisting that the attack left them as perplexed as anyone else.
From the home they shared with their son in a working-class neighborhood, Randy and Amy Loughner released a statement calling it "a very difficult time" and spoke of...
Obama called the dishonorable Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik today to thank him. This was after the sheriff made a fool of himself by blaming Rush Limbaugh for the acts of a crazy man. President Obama spoke today with Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, families of some of the Victims, Rep. Giffords’ Rabbi and two of the heroes that helped in the Arizona tragedy on Saturday. In a phone call this afternoon with Sheriff Dupnik, according to White House spokesman Nicholas Shapiro, the ...
Tea Party as victim in Arizona
Image by Getty Images via @daylife
A nine-year-old girl lies in the morgue. A member of Congress faces a lifetime of struggle to recover from a bullet in the brain. A city is bracing itself for a string of funerals as it tries to fathom the carnage.
But Trent Humphries says there is another innocent Victim left by Jared Lee Loughner's killing of six people and wounding of 14 others in his Assassination attempt against Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. It is his Tea Party movement and...
Rush Limbaugh: Jarred Loughren Has The Support Of The Democrat Party
Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik continued his attacks on Conservatives by suggesting that he has “no doubt” that “Talk Radio had to do” with the Tucson shooting. Dupnik couldn’t be more wrong, and I suspect his comments are motivated more by a desire to silence political opponents than anything else, but even so Rush Limbaugh isn’t helping his own cause much with comments like these: “What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full support of a major...
The Arizona Republic Chastises Sheriff Dupnik For His Partisan, Vitriolic, Comments
It appears that The Arizona Republic is appropriately embarrassed by Tucson's liberal, highly partisan Democratic sheriff, Clarence Dupnik: ... Dupnik used the opportunities to blame Arizona's lax, new Gun Laws and, again, the angry "Rhetoric" of Talk Radio. The shootings were spurred, he suggested, by "the rhetoric about hatred, about mistrust of government, about paranoia of how government operates." Dupnik took up his cause again on Monday. And, in response, we have to say at last . . . enoug...
What Did Sheriff Dupnik Know and When Did He Know It?
The Arizona shootings have made Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, the man in charge of investigating the tragedy, a liberal hero for his comments targeting what he calls the "irresponsible" political Rhetoric of Conservatives. But he also has critics who say his department was well aware of Jared Loughner's mental instability and may have been slow to respond to death threats the suspect made in the months leading up to Saturday's rampage. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for thos...
Obama Phones Leftist Media-Whore AZ Sheriff Dupnik
To thank him for smearing the right? (ABC News)- President Obama spoke today with Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, families of some of the Victims, Rep. Giffords’ Rabbi and two of the heroes that helped in the Arizona tragedy on Saturday. In a phone call this afternoon with Sheriff Dupnik, according to White House spokesman Nicholas Shapiro, the President “thanked him for his department’s efforts to respond to this incident and coordinate with the FBI and Director Mueller o...
Psycho Killers Family Releases Statement
An unidentified man passes out a written statement from the family of Jared Loughner outside of his home.
Los Angeles Times:
Reporting from Tucson — The house on Soledad Avenue is comfortably in sync with the Sonoran desert, landscaped with cholla, nopal and saguaro cactus and mesquite. But since Saturday, the family home of Arizona shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner has been swarmed by investigators and News Media.
Loughner’s parents, Randy and Amy Loughner, have kept out of the publ...
Arizona Sheriff Dever Says Its Frightening to Lay Blame on Anyone Elses Doorstep
Of all the great sheriffs in Arizona, the tragedy had to happen in Dipstick’s district. Today, Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever said he did not understand why Dipstick would lay blame at anyone else’s doorstep. Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever said he does not understand why his friend and colleague, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, would suggest at a news conference following Saturday’s shooting in Tucson that political ideology played a role in the tragedy. At a press...
Guns and Witches
As a Student of Psychology soon to be tasked with providing an approximation of Mental Health care, I noticed with particular alarm Sam Stein’s post about the 45 percent reduction in recipients of public Mental Health services in Pima County, Arizona, in 2010. In January, 3,000 people were dropped because they were deemed not to be actively displaying symptoms of Mental Illness. In July, 3,800 more were dropped because they didn’t fall below the federal Poverty line. So in Pima Count...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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