Tea Party as victim in Arizona

Tea Party: Image by Getty Images via @daylife Guardian: A nine-year-old girl lies in the morgue.

PHOTOS: Gabrielle Giffords in pictures

A member of Congress faces a lifetime of struggle to recover from a bullet in the brain.

VIDEOS: Gabrielle Giffords in videos

A city is bracing itself for a string of funerals as it tries to fathom the carnage. But Trent Humphries says there is another innocent Victim left by Jared Lee Loughner's killing of six people and wounding of 14 others in his Assassination attempt against Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. It is his Tea Party movement and...

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Eric Hogue posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Talk Tea Party this AM: Palin's speech addressing 'blood libel ' and locally TP Express money raising efforts, Sac Bee editorial 1380 KTKZ.

John Kane posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Is Palin's "blood libel " charge a crazed attempt to get sympathy from her base? A call to arms? She's the Tea Party 's martyr now?

JennieLT posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

"Blood libel " term applies 2 murders blamed on a group of people: Palin was referring to attack on entire Tea Party (Media's 1st narrative)

Alex Doherty posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Wouldn't a blood libel mean that the LSM media accused Palin of stealing liberal babies for a tea party rally or something?

Hippopotaman posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Blood libel ? I think she meant 'bloody' libel , but didn't want to come over all British in front of the Tea Party .

Shawn Bailey posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

oh god..."blood libel " is the new buzzword for the fucktards from the Tea Party . Great. Pretty sure they don't even know what it means.

brittany posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

dear tea party , i know reading is hard...but try to work out the definition of "blood libel " before you start throwing words around. again.

Ron Brynaert posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Palin using blood libel is as disgusting as Democrats who call the Tea Party movement full of Nazis.

Sarah Palin ;-) posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

I'm sitting some backlash against my use of the term "blood libel ". It's like a holocaust against the Tea Party !

AndrewBreitbart posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Blood Libel II: Left Wing Quadrupling Down on Taking Palin & Tea Party Down at Any Cost Desperado Boogaloo

Jonathan Rabb posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Palin claims accusations she and Tea Party bear some responsibility for Arizona shootings are a "blood libel ." You can't make this stuff up.

Carter Nixon posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

When listening to Sarah Palin talk of a blood libel remember she is who a majority of the Tea Party believe should be elected President.

otheralice posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

O'Donnell dabbling in witchcraft and Palin's blood libel ? The Tea Party is making my medieval history degree totes relevant!

rgd posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Palin: Critics create 'blood libel ' after Tucson shooting - Politics - More politics Thr Republcan/ Tea Party are the new KKK!

Geri Gourley posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Daydreaming of helicopters w/bloodless SWAT teams in libel -free jumpsuits closely tracking misfired cells in Palin/ Tea Party brains.

John Billar posted 6 days ago (via twitter)

Sarah Palin and the Tea Party are victims of blood libel ? Funny, they don't look Jewish.

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