Democrats : After an eventful 2009 which featured the inauguration of the first African-American President, 2010 seemed doomed to be a disappointment. In fact, 2010 may have been even more newsworthy than 2009. In addition to what was quite possibly the worst Environmental Disaster in American history, 2010 witnessed a monumental political shift and the passage of landmark Legislation in a number of areas. Below one can find the top 10 stories of 2010, #5 through #1. Stories #1...
PHOTOS: George W. Bush in pictures
VIDEOS: George W. Bush in videos
Most Popular 2010 CBN News Stories
Islamic law and Western democratic foundations. Natural and man-made disasters. An anemic economy and an historic mid-term election cycle.
These are just a handful of the major stories that grabbed your attention in 2010.
Our team of Veteran reporters covered each of these stories in-depth, with the unique perspective our viewers have come to expect from the CBN News team.
The following list includes this year's top 10 most important topics to you. Click each title for more.
1. Islam vs. We...
Two new rules will give Constitution a starring role in GOP-controlled House
WASHINGTON — When Republicans take over the House next week, they will do something that apparently never has been done in the 221-year history of the chamber. They will read the Constitution aloud. And then they will require that every new bill contain a statement by the legislator who wrote it citing the Constitutional Authority to enact the proposed law. Call it the Tea Party-ization of Congress. "It appears that the Republicans have been listening," said Jeff Luecke, a sales supervisor...
Who Will Challenge Obama in 2012
Dec. 30, 2010 Who will challenge Obama in 2012 from the democratic party of which half of the Liberal Democrats are highly displeased with his administration’s entire agenda. Many Democrats believe Obama sold himself out to Corporate Interests making backroom deals with pharmaceuticals guaranteeing higher prices for drugs for a trade off on their support of the Health Care bill. Did Obama sell out to Corporate Interests when he caved to real Wall Street reform that would banish pon...
Forget the liberal hype about a comeback: 2010 was a stunningly bad year for Barack Obama, and 2011 could be even worse
Ignore the revisionist hype in sections of the liberal media about President Obama staging a (mythical) political comeback - this is a presidency with an Approval Rating of 45 percent (according to the RealClear Politics poll of polls), that presides over a nation where just 27 percent of voters think the country is moving in the right direction, and which just 29 percent of Americans think will be re-elected in 2012. The White House may be claiming a couple of political wins in the dying em...
Obama approval rating steady at 47 percent
Forty-seven percent of the public approve of President Obama's job performance in a new Gallup Poll, a figure that has remained relatively consistent since the November Midterm Elections.
Obama saw his approval dip by a statistically insignificant two percentage points from its high of 49 percent last week in Gallup's daily, but the president has not suffered a steep decline in approval like other presidents have following losses in the Midterm Elections.
Though Gallup noted the poll could ...
Obamacare Mess is Legacy of Dems Moment of Power
As the battle to send ObamaCare to the Death Panels heats up in earnest next year, “it will be good to remember the circumstances and lessons of the bill’s passage,” Byron York writes at the Washington Examiner. “Given a brief window of opportunity, a determined group of lawmakers can do damage that might take years to undo:”
As Republicans prepare to take power in the House and play a more influential role in the Senate, it’s good to think back a year. At t...
The Plum Line: Why liberals think their politicians are all wimps
There's a good question floating around the intertubes today, framed by The Economist's E.G.:
There seems to be a certain temperamental difference between Conservatives and Republicans on the one hand and liberals and the Democrats on the other. In broad strokes, Republicans, especially of the tea-party stripe, are typically proud, at least unapologetic, and sometimes belligerent about their beliefs. Democrats, in contrast, seem to adopt the defensive position by default.
Or, as boiled down ... Year in Review
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- reviews some of the most defining findings of 2010, spanning political, economic, wellbeing, and world news. President Barack Obama begins his second year as president with 50% of Americans approving of his job performance, having finished his first year with most polarized Ratings in Gallup history. Following Republican Scott Brown's election to the U.S. Senate, 55% of American favor Congress' halting current Healthcare Reform efforts and considering other...
Paul Krugman: The New Voodoo
Republicans used to claim that Tax Cuts paid for themselves so that they could rail against the Deficit and cut taxes at the same time. Though some in the GOP still resort to this defense of tax cuts, now that the "tax cuts pay for themselves" myth has been exposed, Republicans are turning to a new defense of simultaneously cutting taxes and giving "impassioned speeches denouncing federal red ink" that is every bit as flimsy as the old one:
The New Voodoo, by Paul Krugman, ...
Rationing Revealed at the Heart of Obamacare
If you like police officers having quotas for speeding tickets, you will love the Obama Administration's new Health Care Regulations. Doctors are going to be paid for giving "end-of-life counseling," one version of what was labeled as "Death Panels" during the Health Care debate this last spring. Combining this with ObamaCare giving doctors a financial incentive for withholding medical care as well as financial penalties if they give out too much care, it is easy to see where things are going an...
The Top Stories in Religion and Politics in 2010 -- What They Mean, Why They Matter
Journalists are making their lists and checking them twice in a post-Santa tradition that rewards both the naughty and nice by highlighting the major episodes of the past year, whether they were horrifying or edifying. Religion writers are no different in this regard, and we had lots of material to work with. The Religion Newswriters Association, which is the professional society for Journalists covering the "God beat," has its own ranking of the Top 10 religion stories from 2010, which starts...
Obamacare mess is legacy of Dems' moment of power
AP File The ObamaCare fiasco will be the legacy of the Democrats big moment of power. As Republicans prepare to take power in the House and play a more influential role in the Senate, it's good to think back a year. At the end of 2009, it was not at all clear that big Republican victories were on the way -- only that the GOP was at its lowest point in a long, long time. Roundly defeated in 2008, House Republicans were powerless to stop a huge Democratic majority from passing the national healt...
Steelman fundraises off START
The final flurry of year-end Fundraising appeals are rolling in and Missouri Senate Candidate Sarah Steelman is looking to pull in some cash by targeting Sen. Claire McCaskill's vote to ratify the START Treaty.
The former Missouri state treasurer called the Bipartisan 71-26 vote a "cave to the Special Interests and Foreign Policy elites" in a Fundraising e-mail Thursday.
"Now the politicians can brag about their 'accomplishment' for short-term political gain, but they presented ...
Why Have Economists Been So Bad at Predicting the Impact of the Stimulus?
Almost two years after the adoption of the stimulus bill, the data shows that the funds didn’t stimulate GDP much, and didn’t stimulate employment either. One reason is that the package failed to prop up government purchases, or consumption purchases in general. For instance, as was the case with previous stimulus bills, it looks like most of the loan, grant, and contract money in the bill went to pay down state and local governments’ Debt rather than buy stuff. So why di...
2010 in review: The year's biggest business stories readers have spoken. Or rather clicked. The story of the U.S. authorities rejecting the Dutch government’s offer to help mop-up BP’s embarrassing Oil Spill turned out to be the most read story among readers. Avertible catastrophe certainly captured the imagination of indignant FP readers who watched in horror the Environmental Disaster unfold in the Gulf of Mexico, only to read in the FP that the disaster could have been averted had the U.S. paid h...
Top 5 Business Blunders of 2010
Although 2010 won’t be remembered for colossal corporate bankruptcies or Bailouts, the year still saw its fair share of business failures, many due to self-inflicted wounds. My Top 5 Business Blunders includes businesses that, through every fault of their own, have failed to remember and implement core business principles. 5. United States Postal Service: A Failure of Management -It might seem unfair to start the list with a government Bureaucracy. However, the USPS is that rare gove...
GOP Primary Has No Clear Favorite
The New York Times reports:
WASHINGTON — A year ago, Republicans here were shut out of governing but could console themselves with having retained their hold on the party apparatus. This week, they will celebrate the new year having come roaring back to regain the House, and yet they have no semblance of control over the direction of their party and the conservative Activists who seem to be steering it.
You can see this dynamic playing out now in the race for national party chairman, a highl...
Tea Party Dominates Google's Top 10 Politicians In 2010
Google released its list of the top 10 politicians who were most searched by Americans in 2010, and the results reflect the ups and downs of an important election year.
“We aggregate billions of searches that were done over the year to try to get an indication to get what the United States was interested in the past 12 months,” said a spokesman for Google of the Zeitgeist 2010. “The lists help better identify what’s new, what’s interesting, what people are more cu...
President Obama 2010 Year in Review: Domestic Policies
President Obama may be looking forward to 2011 as he spends his Christmas holiday in Hawaii, but if the president is hoping to put the Midterm Election defeat and other issues behind him, it's possible 2010 could follow the White House into the new year, and is probably going to continue to influence how the administration works through domestic policies in 2011 and beyond. For many, even within the Democratic party, the president's biggest misstep was Health Care Legislation. While Obama made t...
Medicare Bound to Bust as First Boomers Hit 65
Like this Story? Share it: Medicare is in big trouble. Starting Jan. 1, 10,000 Baby Boomers will turn 65 every day for the next 19 years. As Sharyl Attkisson reports, if things don't change, Medicare could be bankrupt by 2017. On New Year's Day, the first Baby Boomers will celebrate the big 6-5, and they're not just getting older. They're getting more costly. (CBS) (CBS) WASHINGTON - The coming year is a big one for President George W. Bush, President Clinton and for millions of others born in ...
Top 10 Political Gaffes Of 2010
It was a doozy of a political year, making it hard to narrow the gaffes down to 10. But here they are: The Top 10 Political Gaffes of 2010.
(1) Pelosi on ObamaCare : When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said of Obamacare: "We have to pass it, to know what’s in it," it was a gift to Republicans, many of whom used it against their Democratic opponents in their midterm-election campaigns. The remark reminded voters both of the arrogance of the Democratic leaders for ramming the unpopular health-c...
Regarding The RNC Chair And What The Tea Party Can Do
Posted by Melissa Clouthier on Dec 30 2010 Filed under News & Opinion, Politics, Tea Party. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
A couple thoughts:
Can we please have an Republican National Committee Chair who gets the notion of Small Government? Two RNC Candidates are for ObamaCare? And by all accounts, Reince Priebus ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. Hey. I don’t know the man, but enough peo...
Is Jim McDermott Delusional?
If there’s a more out-of-touch legislator than Rep. Jim McDermott, (D-WA), then this world just got scarier for me. Recently, Rep. McDermott wrote this post at the Huffington Post. Ponder this part of his post, then ask yourself if Rep. McDermott isn’t totally delusional:
This month’s tax deal starkly illustrates the enormous power wielded by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. In fact, his role confirms our government is not operating as a Democracy ruled by the will of t...
Legal ethics professor says oil spill claims facility is independent
A prominent legal ethics Professor said this week that the administrator of BP’s $20 billion Oil Spill fund is making his decisions about compensating Oil Spill Victims independently of BP.
The comments come as Gulf Coast officials have said Kenneth Feinberg, the lawyer in charge of the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF), is beholden to BP. The letter, which was released by the GCCF Thursday, is an attempt to address the accusations.
In the letter, New York University legal ethics Professor ...
Author Spotlight: Georgianne Nienaber
To kick off what we hope will be a year-long series to highlight the work our many fine writers contribute to the LA Progressive, we’d like to give you a fuller view of Georgianne Nienaber’s life and work. As a widely published investigative reporter and political writer, Georgianne specializes in deeply sourced, on-the-ground reports of human tragedies such as the ongoing Genocide in Rwanda and the Congo and the effect of Hurricane Katrina on local Louisiana communities, sticking wi...
Step Aside Schwarzenegger: Brown's Back in Town
Former Pentagon Official's Body Found in Landfill
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
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