Left Wing: As I have laid out in my prior post (Figures: Man who shot AZ Congresswoman in the head is a left-wing lunatic), he's no tea partier.
PHOTOS: YouTube in pictures
Here's the lunatic's favorite vid - burning the American Flag: And via Unsettled Christianity, another example of what Loughton had been posting on YouTube (HT: moonbattery): Good luck MSM painting this wacko as a tea partier! Previously: Figures: Man who shot AZ Congresswoman in the head is a left-wing lunatic Breaking: Congresswoman, 5 others shot, 9 injured i...
VIDEOS: YouTube in videos
Congresswoman Shot Journalism Died
Yesterday, a horrific act of violence occurred. A disturbed man opened fire on a Congressional Representative, her staff and innocent bystanders, claiming 6 lives; among them a young child. Early reports from NPR and CNN claiming the death of Congresswoman Giffords were inaccurate; as well as the age of the dead child. Later in the day, reports of the congresswoman’s condition proved false. As the information disseminated, the truth, up to this point, revealed inaccuracies of the cur...
Arizona Shooter Jared Loughner Targeted Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Back in 2007
"He was a political radical" "He was Left Wing" "As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal" Loughner's leftwing High School friend Caitie Parker ("I went to high school, college, & was in a band with him")
We know Loughner was a poltical radical back in 2007 according to High School friend, college friend, bandmate and fellow liberal Catie Parker. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Jared Loughner targeted Giffords as far back a...
Jared Lee Loughner targeted Gabrielle Giffords since 2007?
Jared Lee Loughner targeted Gabrielle Giffords since 2007?
Damn those violent tea baggers! Damn you Sarah Palin! Oh wait, there was no Tea Party around in 2007, and Sarah Palin was just some unknown Governor in Alaska that no one had heard of at that time. Back in 2007 “dissent was patriotic” according to then Senator Hillary Clinton, and the “Kill Bush” Propaganda, images, and signs were getting positive publicity in the lame stream media. It seems like so long ago doe...
Jared Loughner, Arizona Shooter, Appears to be a Lunatic
Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. The man who shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others, including a 9-year-old girl who died, today in Arizona is Jared Lee Loughner, the AP reports. YouTube videos posted by a man with that same name include rantings about "mind control and brainwash methods" and an incoherent obsession with grammar and years: Elsewhere he lists Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf among his favorite books, and a video of a person in a mask burning an A...
Doctors optimistic about shot Jewish congresswoman
Doctors say Gabrielle Giffords in critical condition but able to follow simple commands, such as holding up two fingers when asked. ...
Gabrielle Giffords shooting: US gun law likely to be unaffected
The shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is unlikely to lead to any change in US Gun Laws....
Doctors optimistic about shot U.S. congresswoman
Doctors say Gabrielle Giffords in critical condition but able to follow simple commands, such as holding up two fingers when asked. ...
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' Condition Encouraging
Like this Story? Share it: Dr. Jennifer Ashton reports from the University Medical Center in Tucson on Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' condition as she recovers from being shot in the head. Dr. Michael Lemole, chief of Neurosurgery at the University Medical Center in Tucson, scene here in this Jan. 9, 2011, photo, operated on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. (CBS) (CBS) TUCSON, Ariz. - CBS News Early Show medical correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton reports on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' c...
Democrats to Obama pin the Gabrielle Giffords shooting on the Tea Party
Democrats to Obama - pin the Gabrielle Giffords shooting on the Tea Party
Haven’t they been doing this already? Their enablers in the media certainly have. Politico, while actually reported on the “unnamed Democrat” who suggested this, is also adding their own Left Wing bias to the issue.
Some Republicans have scrambled to portray alleged shooter Jared Lee Loughner as an unbalanced loner, and pointed to a High School classmate’s account that, four years ago, he had ...
Insanity Nation
First, toldja so: Newsmax declares “Shooter Linked to Left Wing Politics.” Yes, by Newsmax. Apparently it was reported the young man accused of shooting owns copies of The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf, which of course (in the minds of righties, who cannot figure out why Hitler was a right-wing psychopath, not a left-wing one) proves he’s a leftie.
Anyway, the more I hear about the shooter, the more it appears he was deeply disturbed, possibly psychotic. I am not qualif...
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, several others shot; Palin, Tea Party candidate
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and several others were shot earlier today and there are conflicting reports on whether she and others were killed. Per this:
The gunman, who may have come from inside the Safeway, walked up and shot Gifford in the head first, "point blank". According to [an eyewitness, Steven Rayle], who is a former ER doctor, Gifford was able to move her hands after being shot... After shooting Gifford, the gunman opened fire indiscriminately for a few seconds, firing 20-30 rounds and...
Gabrielle Giffords Remains Sedated Following Arizona Shooting
TUCSON, Ariz. — Rep. Gabrielle Giffords remained heavily sedated and in critical condition Sunday as investigators sought to understand what motivated a gunman to carry out an Assassination attempt on the Democratic lawmaker in a rampage that killed six people.
University Medical Center spokeswoman Darci Slaten told The Associated Press that Giffords underwent a two-hour surgery Saturday and has not been conscious since the shooting. She said more information will be released at a news c...
The gunmans disturbing warnings - Jared Loughners alledged You Tube videos
Arizona authorities have identified Jared Lee Loughner, 22, as the man who allegedly opened fire at a public event in Tucson, Arizona, striking U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in the head. They’re also seeking a second, unnamed Person of Interest, citing reason to believe that the gunman did not act alone. While Loughner is in custody, police are “actively pursuing” the second suspect, a man reportedly seen with Loughner at the Supermarket where the attack ocurred. They s...
Surgeons say Giffords showing positive signs
TUCSON, Ariz. —
Doctors treating wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords provided an optimistic update Sunday about her chances for survival, saying they are "very, very encouraged" by her ability to respond to simple commands along with their success in controlling her bleeding.
The FBI said Law Enforcement could bring charges against the gunman as early as Sunday, and House Speaker John Boehner said normal House business this week has been postponed in the aftermath of the shooting.
Surgeons s...
Merry Christmas to all Christian Jihad Watchers
For all those Christians who observe Christmas today, I am reposting my post from December 25:
The Byzantine icon above is the work of the 16th-century iconographer Theophanes the Cretan. Many Muslims around the world today would consider it offensive and insulting to Islam. Muslims in the Balkans just a few years ago have entered churches and destroyed icons like this one for precisely that reason.
How does this icon insult Islam? In many ways, including these:
1. It depicts human beings, whi...
WAYNE ROOT: The Gabrielle Giffords Tragedy
The Gabrielle Giffords Tragedy: How Liberal Media Distorted the Message and Lynched the Tea Party
As Americans and simply decent human beings, all of us should be shocked and saddened by Saturday’s tragedy in Tucson, Arizona. Nineteen shot. Six are dead — including a Federal Judge and an innocent nine-year-old girl. And a talented United States Congresswoman lies in a coma after being shot in the head. This is about tragedy and humanity. This isn’t about politics. There is...
Should We Blame Sarah Palin for Gabrielle Giffords' Shooting (The Daily Beast)
NEW YORK – Already, people are pointing fingers at Sarah Palin and her "target map" for fostering the tragedy in Arizona—but Howard Kurtz says Military terminology has been part of politics for ages.
I hate to say this, but the blame game is already under way.
It began within hours of Saturday's horrifying shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and nearly 20 others, even before the gunman was identified.
One of the first to be dragged into this sickening ritual of gu...
Wayne Root: The Gabrielle Giffords Tragedy: How Liberal Media Distorted the Message and Lynched the Tea Party
Emailed by Wayne Root to [email protected]:
What Liberal Media- Including Fox News- Didn’t Tell You.
Is it the Tea Party to Blame, or the Media and Hollywood?
By Wayne Allyn Root
As Americans and simply decent human beings, all of us should be shocked and saddened by Saturday’s tragedy in Tucson, Arizona. Nineteen shot. Six are dead — including a Federal Judge and an innocent nine-year-old girl. And a talented United States Congresswoman lies in a coma after being shot in the he...
A Congresswoman is Shot, Yet Journalism Died
Yesterday, a horrific act of violence occurred. A disturbed man opened fire on a Congressional Representative, her staff and innocent bystanders, claiming 6 lives; among them a young child. Early reports from NPR and CNN claiming the death of Congresswoman Giffords were inaccurate; as well as the age of the dead child. Later in the day, reports of the congresswoman’s condition proved false. As the information disseminated, the truth, up to this point, revealed inaccuracies of the cur...
Gabrielle Giffords: Tragic Prophet
Emergency personnel attend to a Shooting Victim outside a shopping center in Tucson, Ariz. on Saturday, Jan. 8, 2011 where U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and others were shot as the congresswoman was meeting with constituents. Editor’s note: This is a special E.J. Dionne column written after the deadly shooting Saturday in Arizona. To read a 2009 column by the same author about the threat of such violence in our politics, click here. There is one commentator whose words should enl...
Gay Latino Hero: Daniel Hernandez, Jr. saved Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' life
Daniel Hernandez, Jr. was the right man in the right place at the right time. Just five days into his internship for Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford, the 20-year old College Student was checking people into Rep. Gifford's "Congress on Your Corner" event when the shooting started.
According to Arizona Republic, Hernandez started assisting Victims before the shooting even stopped.When the shots began that morning, he saw many people lying on the ground, including a young girl. Some were bleedin...
Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, 12 Others Shot At Event In Arizona
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was shot at a campaign event in Tuscon this morning, according to multiple news sources. Giffords was reportedly shot in the head after a man approached the event and began firing, also hitting 12 other people, including three Giffords Staffers:
Giffords was talking to a couple when the suspect ran up and fired indiscriminately from about four feet away , [Peter Michaels, news director of Arizona Public Media] said.
The suspect ran off and was tackled by a bystan...
Report: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Staffers, Others Shot In Head At Public Event In Arizona
NPR is reporting that Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has been shot in the head in front of a Grocery Store in Arizona. No word on her condition or that of the gunmen as of this time, but she has been transported to University Medical Center in Tuscon.
NPR broke the story, though not many details are currently known:
U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot outside a Grocery Store in Tucson while holding a public event, an eyewitness reported Saturday.
Giffords, who was re-elected to he...
Oh No: Congresswoman, Five Twelve Others Shot In Tucson, AZAwful Update: Shot In The Head?
Rep. Giffords is a Democrat, recently re-elected, so if there's a political motivation here (and their probably is, as she was holding a public event), that almost certainly means this is some guy mistaking himself for a True Patriot.
The Democrat, who was re-elected to her third term in November, was hosting a "Congress on Your Corner" event at the Safeway in northwest Tucson when a gunman ran up and started shooting, according to Peter Michaels, news director of Arizona Public Media.
At least...
SHOCKING: Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, Others Shot In Tucson
Because there have been so many conflicting reports, I have chosen to embed this Ustream Live Event so that you can be kept up to date. Meanwhile, let’s pray for Rep. Giffords as well as the others who were wounded in this horrifying event. Posted by No Sheeples Here! at 3:04 PM ...
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Illegal Immigrant Accused of Killing 3 in Virginia
Abramoff Business Partner Jailed for 20 months
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