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PHOTOS: YouTube in pictures
The man who shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others, including a 9-year-old girl who died, today in Arizona is Jared Lee Loughner, the AP reports. YouTube videos posted by a man with that same name include rantings about "mind control and brainwash methods" and an incoherent obsession with grammar and years: Elsewhere he lists Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf among his favorite books, and a video of a person in a mask burning an A...
VIDEOS: YouTube in videos
Arizona Shooter Jared Loughner Targeted Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Back in 2007
"He was a political radical" "He was Left Wing" "As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal" Loughner's leftwing High School friend Caitie Parker ("I went to high school, college, & was in a band with him")
We know Loughner was a poltical radical back in 2007 according to High School friend, college friend, bandmate and fellow liberal Catie Parker. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Jared Loughner targeted Giffords as far back a...
Despite the fact that killer is a left-wing nut, liberals continue to try and blame Tea Party, Sarah Palin for Arizona shooting
The left-wing pothead killer
Jared Loughner is a left-wing wacko who's favorite book is Communist Manifesto. His favorite YouTube video is of the American Flag being burned. From Phoenix New Times: Jared Loughner, Alleged Shooter in Gabrielle Giffords Attack, Described by Classmate as "Left-Wing Pothead".
A classmate of the man accused of shooting Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords this morning describes him as "Left Wing" and a "pot head" in a series of posts on Twitter this afternoon.
Caitie ...
Jared Lee Loughner Identified As Gabrielle Giffords Shooter
© AP/Arizona Daily Star
Jared Lee Loughner has been identified as the man suspected of shooting Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.).
Loughner was described by eyewitnesses at the Arizona shooting as a young white man who looked like a "fringe character," in his mid-to-late 20s, clean-shaven with short hair and wearing dark clothing.
Loughner was quickly arrested after he allegedly shot Giffords and some 12 others at a public event at a Safeway Grocery Store in Tucscon. He reporte...
Congresswoman Shot Journalism Died
Yesterday, a horrific act of violence occurred. A disturbed man opened fire on a Congressional Representative, her staff and innocent bystanders, claiming 6 lives; among them a young child. Early reports from NPR and CNN claiming the death of Congresswoman Giffords were inaccurate; as well as the age of the dead child. Later in the day, reports of the congresswoman’s condition proved false. As the information disseminated, the truth, up to this point, revealed inaccuracies of the cur...
Alexander: Unlike Tea Partiers, Shooter Read Marx, Hitler, And Burned U.S. Flag
On CNN Sunday morning, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) sought to deflect blame for yesterday's attack in Arizona away from the Tea Party.
Twice, unsolicited, Alexander highlighted facts about the culprit that clash with tea party norms.
"What we know about this individual, for example, is that he was reading Karl Marx, and reading Hitler, and burning the American Flag," Alexander said. "That's not the profile of a typical tea party member if that's the inference that's being made."
He's referring...
Insanity Nation
First, toldja so: Newsmax declares “Shooter Linked to Left Wing Politics.” Yes, by Newsmax. Apparently it was reported the young man accused of shooting owns copies of The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf, which of course (in the minds of righties, who cannot figure out why Hitler was a right-wing psychopath, not a left-wing one) proves he’s a leftie.
Anyway, the more I hear about the shooter, the more it appears he was deeply disturbed, possibly psychotic. I am not qualif...
Hero Giffords intern gets Facebook campaign
If you're following the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, by now you've heard about Daniel Hernandez (pictured right in photo), a Giffords intern who is being widely credited with saving her life. A new Facebook group is asking President Obama to invite Hernandez to attend the State of the Union, tentatively set for later this month. As of this evening, about 319 people had joined. The junior at the University of Arizona was helping check people in at the "Congress on Your Corner" event when he heard...
Alexander & Goldman Show to discuss shooting of Gabrielle Giffords tonight
Join us tonight on our Phoenix Radio Show, the Alexander & Goldman Show tonight as we discuss the shooting of Arizona’s Democrat Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords earlier today. We’ll be giving live updates and analysis of this tragic event here in Arizona. While Giffords has been given an optimistic chance of recovery, Federal Court Judge John Roll, a Bush-appointee, and at least one other person have been reported dead. The shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, lists The Communist Manife...
Irony Alert?
Words of supposed wisdom from Gary Hart:
Gradually, over time, political Rhetoric used by politicians and the media has become more inflamatory. The degree to which violent words and phrases are considered commonplace is striking. Candidates are “targeted”. An opponent is “in the crosshairs”. Liberals have to be “eliminated”. Opponents are “enemies”. This kind of language eminates [sic] largely from those who claim to defend American Democracy ag...
Reading Loughner's Mind
"His favorite book list is actually rather good, I must say, featuring Orwell’s Animal Farm, Huxley’s Brave New World, Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, Kesey’s One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Hesse’s Siddharta (as well as Marx’ The Communist Manifesto and Hitler’s Mein Kampf). While these are all masterpieces, they have in common that they deal with the topic of reality perception being controlle
'Who is Jared Loughner?'
The 22-year-old was taken into Custody shortly after the shooting, and hasn't been seen publicly since... 9 On Your Side spoke with a young adult who went to school with Loughner in middle school and High School. The friend, who did not want her name used, told KGUN9 News, "When I knew him he was odd. Not psychopath, just odd. Most kids at 12, 13, 24 are weird. He was odd, but not that weird." She went on to say, "When I heard it was him that did it, it was shocking. He never said creepy, psycho...
Docs optimistic, but Giffords in for long recovery
(01-09) 14:54 PST Tucson, Ariz. (AP) --
Recovering from a gunshot wound to the head depends on the bullet's path, and while doctors Sunday are optimistic about Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' odds, it can take weeks to months to tell the damage.
Doctors say the bullet traveled the length of the left side of the Arizona congresswoman's brain, entering the back of the skull and exiting the front.
Fortunately, it stayed on one side of her brain, not hitting the so-called "eloquent areas" in the brain's ...
A Look At Jared Lee Loughner AZ Shooter
Politico compiled some of Jared Lee Loughner’s online rantings. Loughner is the man who was arrested for shooting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords point blank in the head, and about 18 others. One of his Victims is Federal Judge John Roll who did not survive. He also killed a 9 year old girl. Rep. Giffords is now in intensive care after surgery. (See here for more information.)
A person under that name has a YouTube account that includes suggestions of anti-government political views.
Surgeons say Giffords showing positive signs
TUCSON, Ariz. —
Doctors treating wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords provided an optimistic update Sunday about her chances for survival, saying they are "very, very encouraged" by her ability to respond to simple commands along with their success in controlling her bleeding.
The FBI said Law Enforcement could bring charges against the gunman as early as Sunday, and House Speaker John Boehner said normal House business this week has been postponed in the aftermath of the shooting.
Surgeons s...
Will's Links
From Will at The Other News:
Hospital: Rep. Giffords expected to recover from Tucson shooting that killed six including a child and Federal Judge Tucson - The surgeon who operated on Arizona Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords said he was "optimistic" she would recover from being shot in the head by a man with a semi-automatic weapon outside a Grocery Store.Six others at the congressional outreach event did not. Federal Law Enforcement sources said that John M. Roll, the senior U.S. District j...
How Jared Lee Loughners are created - Relativism, Multiculturalism, and Drugs - Giffords Shooting
Today, as America stands in shock and anger, hard questions need to be asked about America's illicit affair with relativism, Multiculturalism, and drugs. The left is to blame for these kinds of things, the left is ultimately the first cause of this kind of shooting. The Triple Crown of Liberalism is relativism as opposd to absolute truth, multiculturalism as opposed to tradition and virtue, and self-indulgence (in the form of drug use) as opposed to self-discipline. Is this what led to the s...
Tea party's message: Don't blame us
Across the political spectrum, the first reactions to the news of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ shooting Saturday were horror and grief. For many in the Tea Party movement, another reaction quickly followed: Don’t try blaming this on us, too.
The Populist Conservative Movement – which exploded across the political landscape in 2009 in angry opposition to what Activists saw as the overreaching Big Government agenda pushed by President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats &ndash...;
McCarthy readies gun control bill
One of the fiercest gun-control advocates in Congress, Rep. Carolyn Mccarthy (D-N.Y.), pounced on the shooting massacre in Tucson Sunday, promising to introduce Legislation as soon as Monday.
McCarthy ran for Congress after her husband was gunned down and her son seriously injured in a Long Island shooting in 1993.
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“My staff is working on looking at the different Legislation fixes that we might be able to do and we might be able to introduce as early...
Roger Ailes
Howard Kurtz's Moronic Equivalence
Greasy-wigged Republican Howard Kurtz has finally found a Victim in yesterday's massacre in Arizona. It's Sarah Palin.
I hate to say this [sic], but the blame game is already under way.
It began within hours of Saturday's horrifying shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and nearly 20 others, even before the gunman was identified.
Political Target Map as seen on Sarah Palin's website. Inset: Sarah Palin and Gabrielle Giffords (AP Photo)
One of t...
Sunday reading: Silence
People gather for a candlelight vigil for the Victims of the shooting in Arizona at the steps of Capitol Hill in Washington, on Saturday Jan. 8, 2011. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, of Arizona, was shot in the head Saturday by a gunman who opened fire outside a Grocery Store during a meeting with voters, killing a Federal Judge and four others in a rampage. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana).
Obama calls for a moment of silence tomorrow.
Sheriff names the three who tackled the shooter.
Giffords shows early...
As we should value Gabrielle Gifford's life, so should she value the unborn
So much has been written about the tragedy in Arizona yesterday, and no doubtedly will continue to be written as the media follows up on all the leads, the loose ends, and the prosecution of the perpetrator. Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik, notorious for his vow to refuse enforcement of Arizona's briefly passed immigrattion law, has called Rep. Gabrielle Giffords "one of the nicest human beings ever planted on this earth." Dupnik, an elected Sheriff who turns 75 this week, is taking a lot of flak thi...
Giffords' shooter complaint filed by Justice Department
The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Public Affairs, released a Press Release on Sunday defining the five counts against Jared Loughner. Loughner is suspected of shooting U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, Chief Judge John Roll, Giffords' staff member Gabriel Zimmerman and approximately 16 others Saturday in Tucson, Ariz. On or about Jan. 8, 2011, at or near Tucson, in the District of Arizona, the defendant, Jared Lee Loughner, did attempt to kill Gabrielle Giffords, a Member of Congre...
Congresswoman fights for life after shooting
Democratic congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, was fighting for her life on Sunday following a shooting rampage that left at least six people, including a nine-year-old girl and a Federal Judge dead.
Ms Giffords, a 40-year-old member of the House of Representatives who first took office in 2007, was shot in the head at close range while attending a public event called “Congress on your Corner”, at a Supermarket in Tucson, Arizona, on Saturday.
Congresswoman fights for life a
Broader Implications of Guifford Attack
The Assassination attempt on Gabrielle Giffords and shooting and deaths of bystanders is not merely a tragedy. The targeting of a political figure is intended to stifle opposition. Anyone thinking of running for office or working for a government official will have to now consider personal risk.
Another aspect that is troubling is the reaction of some members of the Right Wing. YouTube videos prepared by the shooter John Loughner have vague ramblings and enough paranoid-sounding “they ar...
Alleged gunman connected to bizarre Internet postings
WASHINGTON — The man identified by authorities as the gunman in yesterday’s shooting rampage, which killed six and critically injured Representative Gabrielle Giffords, Democrat of Arizona, appears to have left a trail of bizarre and antigovernment messages on the Internet.
Law Enforcement sources identified the gunman as Jared Lee Loughner, 22, of Tucson. Loughner, or someone using his name, left postings and homemade videos that laid out a fervent, though largely incoherent, set o...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.