Report: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Staffers, Others Shot In Head At Public Event In Arizona

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Gabrielle Giffords
Safeway, NPR
Grocery Store, Congress, Gun Crime

Gabrielle Giffords: NPR is reporting that Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has been shot in the head in front of a Grocery Store in Arizona.

PHOTOS: Gabrielle Giffords in pictures

No word on her condition or that of the gunmen as of this time, but she has been transported to University Medical Center in Tuscon. NPR broke the story, though not many details are currently known: U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot outside a Grocery Store in Tucson while holding a public event, an eyewitness reported Saturday.

VIDEOS: Gabrielle Giffords in videos

Giffords, who was re-elected to he...

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Shawn Tassone, MD posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Just heard our rep Gabrielle Giffords was shot at Safeway on Oracle and Ina. Please no not her not here?

Jennifer Gunter posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Oh no -> RT "@PregnancyMyths: Just heard our rep Gabrielle Giffords was shot at Safeway on Oracle and Ina. Please no not her not here?"

Charlie Harper posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Reports from Arizona say Rep Gabrielle Giffords , D-AZ, and three staffers have been shot at a public event outside an Arizona Safeway store.

Jason Kaplan posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot at local Safeway

Bill John posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot in front of a Safeway just now. This is crazy.

taylor conroy posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Only in Arizona. Gabrielle Giffords (D), CD 8 in Tucson, shot in the head while meeting with constituents at a Safeway . I hate this place.

Kevin Grussing posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Gabrielle Giffords was hosting a public form at the Safeway in Tuscon when a male gunman starting shooting indiscriminately and fled.

Adam Melcher posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Gabrielle Giffords was shot at a safeway on the northside? Way to go gun laws...

Diana posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

What the hell, Arizona? Safeway and an assassination attempt on Gabrielle Giffords ? posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

(CNN) - U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was holding meeting with constituents at a Tuscon Safeway where at least 12 people...

Lambda Devel posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

[instafeed] (CNN) - U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was holding meeting with constituents at a Tuscon Safeway where at least 12 people...

Kenny Strout posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Report on FNC: Rep Gabrielle Giffords AZ-D shot at Safeway AZ, 11 others shot! I want everyone of my friends & Patriots to pray for them RT

Dino Kadich posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Word in that Gabrielle Giffords shot at Safeway . Absolutely awful.

Laura Martin posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was shot in the head during 'Congress on the Corner' at a Tucson Safeway ; 6 others were shot

Nathan Look posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

KTAR BREAKING NEWS: KGUN reports State Rep. Gabrielle Giffords has been shot at an event outside a Safeway in Tucson.

Lisa Desjardins posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

BREAKING: Shots fired at Safeway in Tucson, says Sheriff's Dept. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords sched. to have event at Tucson Safeway this am.

Katie Sepulvida posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Gabrielle Giffords just got shot in the head at Safeway in Oro valley.

Pete Gaines posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

For the record, NPR just announced that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) at at least 6 others were shot at a Safeway in Tucson.

Jon Justice posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Hearing word that CD8 Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has been shot at the Safeway Oracle and Ina. Area closed, no word on condition.

Chris Norwood posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Just heard Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 10 other people shot and killed at Oracle and Ina Safeway .

bryana blackmon posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Shotting at safeway was some crazy shitt, someone shot gabrielle giffords in the head!

K-Mac posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

In case you missed it: AZ Cong. Gabrielle Giffords , shot in the head at public appearance at a Safeway in Arizona.

DangerGirl6 posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Sr. Congresswoman (D) Gabrielle Giffords among those shot at Safeway Grocery Store in Tuscon. PRAYERS UP! DO NOT POLITICIZE THIS!!!!!

Chris Swann posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

FOXNEWS: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) & 11 others shot outside Safeway grocery store in Tuscon; condition unknown. Gunman in custody

JOE DANA posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Several Sources: There was a shooting at a Safeway in Tucson at an event involving congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords . More to come.

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