Daniel Hernandez: Daniel Hernandez, Jr. was the right man in the right place at the right time.
PHOTOS: Daniel Hernandez in pictures
Just five days into his internship for Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford, the 20-year old College Student was checking people into Rep.
VIDEOS: Daniel Hernandez in videos
Gifford's "Congress on Your Corner" event when the shooting started. According to Arizona Republic, Hernandez started assisting Victims before the shooting even stopped.When the shots began that morning, he saw many people lying on the ground, including a young girl. Some were bleedin...
Meet Your Arizona Superhero: Gabrielle Giffords Gay Latino Intern
Most modern-day interns spend a lot of time listening to hip-hop music on their iPods and refusing to perform any tasks that require actual intellectual or (gasp!) physical effort. How startling, then, that during Saturday’s awful massacre in Tuscon, one of these entitled Mileybots conclusively proved himself to be the Awesomest Intern In The History Of Ever. And in addition to being a brown, he is a gay. This University of Arizona junior, Daniel Hernandez, was only five days into his in...
Gay Latino Intern Credited with Helping Save Rep. Giffords Life
Intern Daniel Hernandez Jr. with Rep. Giffords Photo from Hernandez's Facebook page Here’s an excellent example of why we need the LGBT and alternative media. John Wright at Dallas Voice notes that the young man who stuck by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords immediately after she was shot and is credited with perhaps saving her life - is a gay Latino. Mainstream Media still usually considers Sexual Orientation and gender identity is either a matter of personal Privacy or a topic for sensa...
Openly Gay Intern Daniel Hernandez Jr. Credited With Saving Life Of Rep. Giffords
Source: Dallas Voice (https://www.dallasvoice.com /)
"Openly Gay Intern Daniel Hernandez Jr. Credited With Saving Life Of Rep. Giffords
Daniel Hernandez Jr., the 20-year old Student intern credited with saving the life of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, confirmed to the Dallas Voice this morning that he is openly gay.
Hernandez, who confirmed that he is gay in an interview with Instant Tea on Sunday morning, is a member of the City of Tucson Commission on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Issues. ...
Poll: Gays, lesbians more likely to go green at ballot box
Gays and Lesbians are more likely than Heterosexual voters to prioritize environmental issues at the Ballot Box and when deciding which products to buy, according to a new poll.
The Harris Interactive poll conducted online in November finds that 45 percent of lesbian, gay, Bisexual and/or Transgender (LGBT) adults say environmental issues are “extremely” or “very” important when they vote for Candidates, compared to 27 percent for Heterosexual respondents.
But green issues appear t
Openly Gay Intern Daniel Hernandez Jr. Credited With Saving Life Of Rep. Giffords
Daniel Hernandez Jr., the 20-year old Student intern credited with saving the life of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, confirmed to the Dallas Voice this morning that he is Openly Gay. Hernandez, who confirmed that he is gay in an interview with Instant Tea on Sunday morning, is a member of the City of Tucson Commission on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Issues. “She’s been a great ally to the LGBT community,” Hernandez said of Giffords during the brief interview across a bad connection.
The Heroes of Tucson
Were it not for the Bravery of, in particular, a 61-year-old woman and a 20 year old gay intern, many more people would have died in Tucson Saturday.Three men and a 61-year-old woman are credited as heroes for disarming and tackling Jared Lee Loughner. A 20 year old gay intern who had only worked for Congresswoman Giffords for five days, is credited running TOWARD the shooting scene (not AWAY from it like many members of the public were logically doing) with taking extraordinary meas...
Man who saved Rep. Giffords life is openly gay
Stumble This! The man credited with saving the life of a US congresswoman who was shot at point-blank range Saturday morning is Openly Gay, according to a published interview. “She’s been a great ally to the LGBT community,” Daniel Hernandez Jr., a 20-year-old college Student intern, told the Dallas Voice Sunday. Hernandez, a member of the City of Tucson Commission on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Issues, applied pressure to Giffords' entry wound to stop her bleeding ...
Sheriff Dupnik's History of Hate
You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation. Investigators today released this Mug Shot of Jared Lee Loughner, the guman accused of killing six individuals and gravely wounding Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Saturday's bloody spree outside a .....
Food and good deeds in wake of Giffords' shooting
As the nation observed a moment of silence on Monday for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and other Victims of the tragedy in Tucson, Yeas & Nays discovered some good in the wake of the weekend's brutality. » Colleague and friend Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., was seen delivering food, soda and water to Giffords' Hill Staffers on Saturday. Crowley and Gifford are close; they had lunch together on Thursday. » A Facebook group has been created to try to snag hero-intern Daniel Hernand...
Is The Left 'Inciting Hatred'?
Rev. Franklin Graham who was in Haiti at the time of the attack told Fox News: You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation. Investigators today released this Mug Shot of Jared Lee Loughner, the guman accused of killing six individuals and g...
Protests Over Gay-Only Toilets In Brazil...
By AFP - As Brazil geared up for its annual carnival festivities, a dispute broke out over toilets for the exclusive use of gays and transvestites in samba schools readying for the event. Protesters claim the recent designation on the premises of Unidos de Tujuca, one of the top Rio de Janeiro samba schools preparing a parade for the March 4-9 carnival, resembles the forced separation of blacks and whites in the past. "They are carnival Apartheid!" Claudio Nascimento, the head of a government an...
Daniel Hernandez, Intern Who Helped Saved Gabrielle Giffords, Visits Today Show
Alex Alvarez | Mediaite
Church will picket funeral of child killed in Arizona attack
The Westboro Baptist Church will picket the Funeral of 9-year-old Christina Greene, one of the Victims of Saturday's massacre at Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' event in Tucson, Arizona.
According to their website, the group plans to attend the funerals of all the victims, using the tragedy to bring attention to their radical anti-American agenda.
The Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church was established in 1955 and claim to "preach against all form of sin." They Protest daily against homosex...
Cross-Gender Strip Searches Part 2
In yesterday's post, I explored the light that analysis of the 9th Circuit decision in Byrd v. Maricopa Cty Sheriff's Dep't sheds on the nature of reasonableness under the 4th Amendment. Here I consider the implications of the court's conception of Privacy for sex equality claims by third parties. Recall that the case holds that a non-emergency cross-gender Strip Search of pre-trial Detainees is unreasonable absent an emergency that precludes waiting for a guard of the same gender as the detaine...
Heroes of Tucson Tragedy Stopped the Shooting
Like this Story? Share it: Patricia Maisch, Bill Badger and Joe Zamudio (clockwise from top) are credited with subduing alleged Tucson shooter Jared Loughner. (CBS) (CBS) TUCSON, Ariz. - CBS News correspondent John Blackstone reports we may never know why the shooting started, but it ended because Bill Badger, Joe Zamudio and Patricia Maisch saw a chance and took it. With the gun aimed at his head, Badger, a 74-year-old retired army colonel, made a lucky move. Badger indicates the back of his...
Arizona Legislators Give Standing Ovation To Gay Shooting Hero Daniel Hernandez
Moments ago, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer led her state's legislators in a standing ovation for Openly Gay hero Daniel Hernandez, who is credited with saving the life of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
Labels: Arizona, Gabrielle Giffords, heroes, Tucson
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Gay Arizona Hero Daniel Hernandez Gets a Standing Ovation from the State
Gov. Brown Proposes $12.5 Billion in Budget Cuts; Realignment in Funding Could Arizona Shooting Hero Daniel Hernandez Be a Face of ENDA?...
Gov. Brewer: Arizona Is in Pain
Gov. Brewer promised the assembled legislators and citizens that she would come back soon to talk about the state’s economic future. “But not now,” she said. “Not today.” Instead, the Republican Governor turned her Speech toward the rampage that left Democratic Rep. Giffords gravely wounded, injured 13 others and killed six. The man accused of the shooting, Jared Lee Loughner , made his first appearance in Federal Court Monday but did not enter a plea. He faces char...
Rush Works On His Swing
You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation. washingtonpost: #Snowhole? No Weather Service advisory for #WinterInDC https://wapo.st/g4bjnQ - via @capitalweather nytimespolitics: The Caucus: Three Steps to a More Civil Congress? https://nyti.m...
Fox Salutes....
Dorwan Stoddard and his wife, Mavanell, grew up together as friends in Tucson, and were high-school sweethearts in the 1950s. The two parted, moved away, and married others. But 15 years ago, having survived the death of their spouses, the two were reunited - and then married - in their hometown. When Jared Loughner began firing on the crowd gathered around Rep. Gabrielle Gifford at the Safeway Supermarket in Tucson on Saturday, Mavanell thought the sounds came from Firecrackers. Dorwan knew oth...
Dangerous Right-Wing 'Victimhood'
"It's a long stretch from such excessive language and symbols to holding a public official accountable for a murderer who opens fire on a political gathering and kills a half-dozen people, including a 9-year-old girl," Kurtz wrote from his new perch at TheDailyBeast.com.
We can only imagine how different the reaction would have been if a Muslim Political Activist had made inflammatory comments toward members of Congress and one of those targets had been gunned down. The U.S. government would b...
Jan Brewer Leads Standing Ovation For Daniel Hernandez
Moments ago, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer spoke out in support of "extraordinary Arizonans who responded with professionalism and saved lives" during this weekend's tragic shooting in Tucson. Present at the occasion was Daniel Hernandez, the intern whose quick response may have saved the life of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Brewer requested that Hernandez stand to receive thanks, and a well-deserved standing ovation ensued.
Today's Love is for Daniel Hernandez's Quick Thinking
Today's Love Is in the Scott Sisters' Drive Away From a Miss. Prison Published by ARC....
Congressional staffs weigh security concerns after Gabrielle Giffords shooting
District offices for members of Congress are sometimes in federal buildings or Courthouse complexes guarded by police officers. Most, however, serve the public in places that are easy targets for a shooter: a strip mall, a storefront, an Office Building. They are run by Staffers, many of them young, who encounter constituents far from the security cocoon of the member's Washington office. Many of these aides, including Gabriel Zimmerman , Rep. Gabrielle Giffords 's (D-Ariz.) community outreach ...
Iran: No Tight Jeans for You
Iran has enforced a stricter Islamic Dress Code at a number of universities including a ban on female Students wearing long nails, bright clothes and Tattoos, a local news agency reported on Monday. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nati...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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