Tax deal clears key Senate hurdle

Senate : WASHINGTON (CNN) - The hotly contested tax deal negotiated by President Barack Obama and Republican leaders cleared a key Senate procedural hurdle Monday, with both parties strongly supporting a motion to end debate on the measure.

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Final Senate approval could come as early as Tuesday on the package that includes extending for two years the Bush-era Tax Cuts set to expire December 31, as well as extending Unemployment Benefits for 13 months, cutting the Payroll Tax by 2 percentage points for a ye...

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KC posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

Tax Cuts pass in the Senate . I've never been more disappointed 2 receive an extra $2k/year in my payroll . Fiscal irresponsibility continues.

Stuart Zechman posted 10th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Bernie's right on the political argument In what world will Barack Obama & Senate Dems repeal the Social Security-killing payroll tax break?

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