Tax Increase: All right, I admit I don't really understand the urgency about extending the Bush Tax Rates before they expire.
PHOTOS: Michael Medved in pictures
I certainly favor (kind of) extending the Tax Cuts; I'm much more in favor of further reductions in the rate, simplification to a single tax rate for everyone (and everything, including corporations), and the complete elimination of the death tax.
VIDEOS: Michael Medved in videos
But why the rush? Come January 3rd, we'll have a much stronger hand, with more Republicans to vote for economically sound taxing and spend...
GOP hypocrisy in the lame duck Congress
Barring an emergency, Kirk would oppose passage of any major Legislation before the new Congress is seated. "There is something unseemly about defeated congressman and senators exercising any significant power," he said. Asked if he would oppose a lame-duck session even if the GOP leadership was pushing for one, Kirk said, "Yes." And now that Congress is considering an $850 billion Tax Cut package -- hardly just a "short-term continuing resolution" -- the same principle applies, right? Here's w...
Tax Deal Would Raise Taxes On 25 Million Low-Income People, But Congress Can Easily Fix The Problem
Tax Deal Would Raise Taxes On 25 Million Low-Income People, But Congress Can Easily Fix The Problem
Yesterday, I highlighted this report from the Tax Policy Center showing that if the tax deal negotiated between President Obama and Congressional Republicans is approved, low-income households will actually see their taxes go up. Due to the deal’s provision swapping Obama’s Making Work Pay (MWP) Tax Credit for a straight Payroll Tax cut, those working people who don’t earn eno...
WH, lawmakers clear way for tax cut bill passage
Sen. Bernard Sanders, D-Vt., heads for the Senate floor for Cloture votes... WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House and key lawmakers in both parties cleared the way Thursday night for swift Senate action to avert a Jan. 1 spike in income taxes for most Americans, agreeing to renew expiring breaks for Ethanol and other forms of Alternative Energy. Tax provisions aimed at increasing production of hybrid automobiles, biodiesel fuel, energy-efficient homes, coal and energy-efficient household appliance...
Lawmakers, WH clear way for tax cut bill passage
Sen. Bernard Sanders, D-Vt., heads for the Senate floor for Cloture votes... WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House and key lawmakers in both parties cleared the way Thursday night for swift Senate action to avert a Jan. 1 spike in income taxes for most Americans, agreeing to renew expiring breaks for Ethanol and other forms of Alternative Energy. Tax provisions aimed at increasing production of hybrid automobiles, biodiesel fuel, energy-efficient homes, coal and energy-efficient household appliance...
Tax-cuts deal will withstand Democrats' anger, Obama predicts
President Obama made clear Thursday in an interview with NPR that he did not believe disgruntled Democrats would stop a deal on Tax Cuts from moving forward. "My sense is, there are going to be discussions between both House and Senate leadership about all the final elements of the package," Obama said. "Keep in mind we didn't actually write a bill. We put forward a framework. I'm confident that the framework is going to look like the one we put forward." Obama also explained why he believes De...
On the OReilly Factor: The Left Versus The American People
Not that we really needed more demonstrations of the Left’s arrogant disdain for the American People, but we keep getting them.
The Left has turned viciously on their erstwhile champion Barack Obama. Though kicking and screaming, Obama finally did something that the American people - but not his Leftist base - approved of. He agreed to a two-year extension of the current Income Tax rates for everyone and concessions on the death tax as part of a Compromise package that exte...
House Democrats Defy Obama- For the Moment
By Proof
Remember John Kerry's most famous flip flop? In October 2003, the year after voting to support the use of force in Iraq, Kerry voted against a supplemental funding bill for U.S. Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. “I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.”
It looks like House Democrats now are going to take an "I voted for it before I voted against it" stance on the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts.
(CNN) - Defying President Obama, House Democrats vote...
Dem Congressman Overheard Muttering F*ck The President During House Democratic Caucus Meeting on Obamas Tax-Cut Deal
I second that motion…
(Roll Call)- The frustration with President Barack Obama over his Tax Cut Compromise was palpable and even profane at Thursday’s House Democratic Caucus meeting.
One unidentified lawmaker went so far as to mutter “f— the president” while Rep. Shelley Berkley was defending the package the president negotiated with Republicans. Berkley confirmed the incident, although she declined to name the specific lawmaker.
“It wasn’t loud,”
How Do You Go From "We Worship You" to "F### You!"
I don't know, but Obama's managed to do it:
The frustration with President Barack Obama over his Tax Cut Compromise was palpable and even profane at Thursday’s House Democratic Caucus meeting.
One unidentified lawmaker went so far as to mutter “f— the president” while Rep. Shelley Berkley was defending the package the president negotiated with Republicans. Berkley confirmed the incident, although she declined to name the specific lawmaker.
“It wasn’t loud,...
DeMint no longer committed to filibustering Obamas tax cuts deal?
I’m confused. First he told Hugh Hewitt this:
HH: I’ve got some quick questions for you. The first is if the deal reached between the President and the Republican leadership yesterday makes it to the floor of the Senate in substantially the same form, will you vote for Cloture to allow a final vote on it? And would you vote for it on that final vote if it cleared cloture?
JD: No.
HH: On both counts?
JD: On both counts. I’m glad the President recognizes that Tax Increases hurt the ec...
Unidentified Democrat Fu*k the president!
Unidentified Democrat - Fu*k the president!
OMFG, i’m loving the Democrats meltdown! It’s not bad enough that they are holding the extension of the Bush Tax Rates right? Now they are basically saying F*ck Obama! An unidentified Democrat yelled “fu*k- the president” during the Democrat’s closed door meeting about what to do about the Bush Tax Cuts. This occurred according to Big Government while Democrat Shelley Berkley was trying to defend the “Compromise̶...
Washington Watch: Fair Tax, Georgia liberals and lapel pins
WASHINGTON -- Congressman-elect Rob Woodall campaigned on the Fair Tax idea that his former boss, retiring Rep. John Linder, has championed for years. Dr. Gloria Rackley Blackwell, 83: Retired Clark Atlanta Professor and Civil Rights Activist Repaving for I-285 top end? Ga. Politics news, helpful links PolitiFact Georgia » CQ Press City Crime Rankings, 2010-2011: The city of Atlanta ranks 25th among U.S. cities with the highest Crime Rates. Woodall won the right to represent the conser...
Senate clearing the way for compromise tax legislation
The Senate is expected to clear the way shortly for the Bipartisan tax Compromise language.
Lawmakers will clear pending amendment to another bill and vote to table motions to refer and concur with an amendment to H.R. 4853, The Middle Class Tax Relief Act, making way for the new bill that has been under construction for the past few days.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) also could file Cloture on the bill setting up a vote for either Saturday or Monday, although it's most likel...
President Clinton to Meet with President Obama Friday
Fox News confirms that former President Bill Clinton will be at the White House for a meeting with President Obama Friday. The meeting comes as Obama is facing a tough fight with his own party over a Compromise he reached with Republicans on the Bush-era Tax Cuts. On top of that, Obama is just a few weeks shy of dealing with a GOP-controlled House, and a Senate that is slightly more red. Obama himself called the historic GOP outcome of the midterms a "shellacking." Clinton has been praised for h...
Senate Republicans block 9/11 health bill
WASHINGTON | Thu Dec 9, 2010 7:19pm EST
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked a bill that would provide medical care for Firefighters and other responders to the September 11, 2001, attacks who developed illnesses from breathing toxic, dust-filled air.
The 57-42 procedural vote fell short of the 60 needed to advance major Legislation in the 100-member chamber. The House of Representatives passed the bill in September and Senate action is needed to send it to President ...
Senate Republicans block 9/11 health bill
The 57-42 procedural vote fell short of the 60 needed to advance major Legislation in the 100-member chamber. The House of Representatives passed the bill in September and Senate action is needed to send it to President Barack Obama for his signature.
The $7.4 billion measure was one of a number of bills Senate Republicans have blocked as lawmakers push to complete their work for the year.
Republicans have vowed to block any legislation, other than bills to fund the U.S. government, until an im...
House Dems Rebel Against Bush Tax Extension
Rep. Peter Defazio (D-Or) House Democrats have effectively blocked a deal between Republicans and US President Barack Obama to extend the Bush Tax Cuts for everyone for the next years from coming to the floor in its current form. In a non-binding vote, the Democrat Caucus approved a measure by Oregon Democrat Rep. Peter Defazio to reject the bill, which also extends Unemployment Benefits for out-of-work Americans, until the majority of Democrats approve it. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConne...
Reminder: Republican Hysteria About "The Death Tax" Is Based On Misinformation
Since the White House and Senate Republican leaders announced the framework of a deal to extend the Bush Tax Cuts for two years, the provisions regarding the Estate Tax have drawn criticism from Democrats and Republicans alike. Under the deal, the Estate Tax would be set at 35 percent and would only apply to estates larger than $5 million. While Democrats reportedly oppose those generous parameters, many congressional Republicans insist that any "death tax" at all is unacceptable and even "crue...
Angry House Dem Drops F Bomb on Obama
The unnamed democrat is angry because President Obama has agreed to give all Americans a Tax Cut. They dropped the F bomb on him at Thursday’s House Democratic Caucus meeting. The depth of hatred Democrats have for successful Americans is astounding. It goes against their Socialist world view. The frustration with President Barack Obama over his tax cut Compromise was palpable and even profane at Thursday’s House Democratic Caucus meeting. One unidentified lawmaker went so far as to ...
The Obama-George H.W. Bush Comparison
In today’s New York Times, Jon Meacham, who is writing a biography of former president George H.W. Bush, points out the historical parallels between Obama’s economic negotiations today and the ones that were going on in 1990:
It was in 1990 that Mr. Bush broke one of the most celebrated promises in modern American politics —“Read my lips: no new taxes,” as he put it in 1988 — in order to control federal spending. In the same way that Mr. Obama struck his dea...
Democrats Reject Dear Leader's Tax Rate Compromise With GOP: Want To Raise Our Taxes
"That One" just got the finger from Bella Pelosi and the tax and spending Liberals in the House (AP).
The House Democratic Caucus has voted to reject President Barack Obama's tax deal with Republicans in its current form.
By voice vote, the Rank and File Democrats passed a resolution Thursday that said the tax package should not come to the floor of the House for consideration. Rep. Peter Defazio, D-Ore., introduced the resolution.
Said Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas: "If it's take it or leave it,...
Democrats delay action on young immigrants bill
Senate Majority Whip Richard Durbin of Ill., left, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., look on during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2010, to discuss the DREAM Act Legislation. WASHINGTON—The Senate moved Thursday to delay a politically charged showdown vote on legislation carving out a path to legal status for foreign-born youngsters brought to this country illegally, putting off but probably not preventing the measure's demise. Facing GOP objections, Democ...
Senate Republicans block 'don't ask' vote
Republicans effectively ended the Democrats' last chance to overturn the Military's ban on gay Troops Thursday in a procedural vote that likely puts the issue beyond Congress's reach for the foreseeable future.
The 57-40 vote left Democrats three votes shy of the 60 needed to overcome a Filibuster and begin debate on the defense policy bill. Instead, the Senate won't pass a defense bill for the first time in decades — which Democrats said jeopardizes troops' Pay Raises, as well as leaving ...
The Senate voted Thursday morning to put off a decision on a measure that would provide a path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants brought into this country as Children. Senate Democrats had planned to take up the bill-putting it up for a procedural vote that was likely to doom it. Instead, they voted for the delay, which will allow the Senate to take up an amended version of the bill that passed the House on Wednesday. While Democrats failed to gather the necessary 60 votes to pass th...
White House Briefing with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs expressed confidence that the Tax Cuts deal between the White House and Republicans would be passed by Congress. The House Democratic Caucus rejected the plan earlier with a voice vote behind closed doors....
Seven Shot, One Cop Dead In Baltimore Shootout
Deficit Reduction Could Force Pentagon To Limit Budget
Anti-Healthcare Repeal Vote Gets Democratic Support
Al Qaeda Splinter Group Alleged To Have Killed Two French Hostages
Arizona Male Who Shot Congresswoman Had Radical Links
Republicans Fail To Get Two Members Sworn In, Read Constitution
Dear Media: Michele Bachmann Is Not Presidential
Republicans Plugging Ears To Health Reform Repeals' Cost
New WH Chief Of Staff William Daley Raises Questions
Mailbombs That Aren't Affect Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley
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