Tea Party: Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle is condemning what she calls "finger-pointing" at the small-government movement in the wake of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' shooting.
PHOTOS: Sharron Angle in pictures
Angle, a former Republican nominee for Senate, said in a statement that it is "irresponsible" to blame her, Sarah Palin or the Tea Party movement for the Arizona shooting rampage that killed six people and left Giffords, an Arizona Democrat, fighting for her life. "Expanding the context of the attack to blame and to infringe upon the p...
VIDEOS: Sharron Angle in videos
In politics, Palin has her own rules
WASHINGTON (AP) — With her video defending herself against critics — in which she accused them of "blood Libel" — former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin again showed she is weighing a presidential bid in unprecedented and even daring ways.
Mrs. Palin commands nationwide attention with her selective use of Facebook and Twitter, choosing provocative words when others testing the presidential waters prefer a lighter touch.
Some political pros say her tactics, which protect her from mainst...
(Sharron) Angle: Media 'inappropriately attributing blame' for Tucson shooting
Source: The Hill
Former Nevada Senate Candidate Sharron Angle denied her campaign Rhetoric helped motivate the Tucson gunman and accused the media of "finger-pointing towards political figures" to boost Ratings.
Angle's suggestion during the midterm campaign that voters could pursue "Second Amendment remedies" to settle political differences with Congress has been widely criticized in the wake of the attack that left six people dead and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) in critical condition.
Sharron Angle: Don't blame me for Tucson shooting rampage
Former U.S. Senate Candidate Sharron Angle says she's not to blame for the Arizona shooting that left six people dead and 14 injured.
The former Nevada assemblywoman who tried to unseat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday she condemns all violence. The Tea Party politician calls the killings Saturday senseless and horrifying.
Police say 22-year-old Jared Loughner fired at a crowd gathered at an event hosted by U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords was shot in the head but survived.
They Cab't Help It - Anti-Palin Posters
Like drug addicts and psycho killers, they just can't help themselves. It's a Mental Illness.
Palin artwork: Eddie; photo credit: Brian Reynard
Anti-Palin Posters Appear Overnight SFist hat tip Van
We feel for Sarah Palin. We do. The Arizona shooting rampage was neither her fault nor the fault of Tea Party members. It just wasn't. (Championing a party that, at its core, centers around a collective dislike of President's Barack Obama's melanin levels? Sure, th...
44: Palin accuses critics of 'blood libel'
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R) released a statement Wednesday morning denouncing efforts to blame her for Saturday's Tucson shooting rampage.
"Like many, I've spent the past few days reflecting on what happened and praying for guidance," Palin said in a lengthy statement posted on her Facebook page. "After this shocking tragedy, I listened at first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame...
Aide: Uptick in Death Threats Against Palin
An aide to Sarah Palin tells CBS News that there has been an increase in death threats against the former Alaska Governor in the wake of the shootings in Tucson.
The aide did not provide details concerning the volume of threats, how much have they increased or whether they are being referred to the authorities.
A different Palin aide, Rebecca Mansour, told USA Today that the increase in threats since Saturday has been "incredible."
"There has been an incredible increase in death threats agai...
Sharron Angle Responds to the Arizona Tragedy, Says It's 'Irresponsible' To Assign Blame To Her, The Tea Party or Sarah Palin
"Finger-pointing towards political figures is an audience-rating game"
Former Nevada Republican Senate Candidate Sharron Angle is blasting those blaming her for inciting the Arizona shooting that injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed six others, saying the accused shooter went off the deep end long before the Tea Party movement started.
In her first comments - coming three days after the shooting - Angle said in harshly worded statement that her critics were “dangerous ...
Latest Lefty Outrage: Rush Limbaugh Billboard Has Bullet Holes In It
Oh the humanity! (Robot Celeb)- Rush Limbaugh is under scrutiny after his “Straight Shooter” billboard in Tucson, Arizona went viral on the Internet. It turns out after the recent Arizona shooting, people are looking for anything and everything to blame for the tragedy. First it was the Sarah Palin poster and blood Libel video, then Glenn Beck‘s gun toting website malfunction and now this Limbaugh bullet hole ridden billboard. This is exactly why I don’...
Free speech: the best defence against violent rhetoric | Aryeh Neier
Courtroom artist's depiction of Jared Lee Loughner, accused of attempting to kill US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona and shooting 19 others at a Shopping Mall in Tucson, Arizona. Photograph: Joan Andrew/EPA After the shooting rampage that severely injured Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, killed six others and wounded about a dozen more persons who attended a neighbourhood meeting, the local sheriff, Clarence Dupnik, spoke for many when he blamed the episode on the vitrio...
Sharron Angle is Miss Manners
Former Senate Candidate Sharron Angle is firing back at critics — including a U.S. congressman — who have blamed her and her infamous “Second Amendment remedies” quote for fueling the Saturday shooting of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others in Tucson, Ariz. In a statement reported today on the website Politico, Angle had harsh words for her critics, including U.S. Rep. James Clyburn , who said on Monday that accused Tucson shooting Jared Loughner “…saw a S...
Pointing Fingers and Violent Rhetoric
The right-wing has been really stung by the massacre in Arizona and the criticism they've taken for contributing to an environment where such violence actually makes sense. They keep pumping out columns that seek to vindicate themselves and lay blame on the left for jumping to conclusions about the motivations of the shooter. The president asked us to stop pointing fingers and trying to assign blame. We all know that is not going to happen, but we could try honoring his wishes in this case out ...
Sharron Angle Rediscovers Her First Amendment Remedies
Priceless. Sharron Angle, who once told her supporters that if they didn’t get what they wanted at the Ballot Box, they should pursue their “Second Amendment remedies,” found it prudent yesterday to emphasize her deep and abiding faith in the First Amendment. Via the New York Times coverage of Sarah Palin’s, uh, courageous [cough] public/media appearance on . . . uh, her Face Book page, [cough], we find this: Ms. Palin was not the only one to respond to criticism Wednesd...
Angle: Don't blame me for Tucson shooting rampage (AP)
Las Vegas – Former U.S. Senate Candidate Sharron Angle says she's not to blame for the Arizona shooting that left six people dead and 13 wounded.
The former Nevada assemblywoman who tried to unseat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday she condemns all violence. The Tea Party politician calls Saturday's killings senseless and horrifying.
Police say 22-year-old Jared Loughner fired at a crowd gathered at an event hosted by U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head.
Angle: Don't blame me for Tucson shooting rampage
Former U.S. Senate Candidate Sharron Angle says she's not to blame for the Arizona shooting that left six people dead and 14 injured. The former Nevada assemblywoman who tried to unseat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday she condemns all violence. The Tea Party politician calls the killings Saturday senseless and horrifying. Police say 22-year-old Jared Loughner fired at a crowd gathered at an event hosted by U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords was shot in the head but survived. L...
Sharron Angle: I condemn all acts of violence (Daily Caller)
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Former Republican Senate Candidate Sharron Angle condemned Tucson shooter Jared Loughner and expressed concern about the politicize...
Sharron Angle Defends Inflammatory Rhetoric In Face Of Criticism
Nevada Republican Sharron Angle came to her own defense on Wednesday in response to criticism of her use of inflammatory language that made headlines and raised eyebrows during her unsuccessful campaign to unseat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid during the Midterm Election season.
Angle and her questionable choice of words -- such as floating "Second Amendment remedies" as a possible solution to use "when our government becomes tyrannical" -- landed back in the spotlight following the tragic...
Tucson says farewell to youngest shooting victim
By Brad Poole and Tim Gaynor
Tucson, Arizona | Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:24pm EST
Tucson, Arizona (Reuters) - Hundreds of people gathered to say farewell on Thursday to a bright 9-year-old who loved to dance and play Baseball, but was gunned down when she went to learn about politics from her congresswoman.
Christina Green, the youngest Victim of a Shooting Spree last Saturday that claimed six lives and left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords battling for her life, will be the first to be buried in a Funeral o...
Tucson says farewell to youngest shooting victim
By Brad Poole and Tim Gaynor
Tucson, Arizona | Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:30pm EST
Tucson, Arizona (Reuters) - Hundreds of people gathered to say farewell on Thursday to a bright 9-year-old who loved to dance and play Baseball, but was gunned down when she went to learn about politics from her congresswoman.
Christina Green, the youngest Victim of a Shooting Spree last Saturday that claimed six lives and left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords battling for her life, will be the first to be buried in a Funeral o...
Angle: Don't blame me for Tucson shooting rampage
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Former U.S. Senate Candidate Sharron Angle said on Tuesday that she's not to blame for the Arizona shooting that left six people dead and 13 wounded. Ms. Angle, a former Nevada assemblywoman who tried to unseat Senate M......
Gibbs Spars With Russian Reporter Over Tucson Shooting and U.S. Freedoms
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs sparred with a Russian reporter on Thursday over whether the Tucson Shooting Spree that wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Aris.) and 13 others and killed six was a result of the freedoms enjoyed in the United States. Andrei Sitov, a correspondent for Russia's official news agency ITAR-TASS, offered his condolences to "all Americans" and the Victims at the start of his question during a briefing at the White House just hours after President Obama returned...
Peter Kings Silly Gun Ban Idea
Filed under Blog. Tagged Arizona, Gabrielle Giffords, Gun Rights, Peter King, Second Amendment, Security. Yesterday I argued that Congress should respond to the shooting in Arizona by encouraging staff members to exercise their Second Amendment rights, going through a professional training program on self-defense and obtaining their concealed carry permits. But if you want to see the opposite suggestion, it comes from anti-gun New York Republican Congressman Peter King, who intends to introduce...
Black bag found may be tied to Giffords shooting, authorities say
Source: AzCentral
An 18-year-old man walking his dog on Thursday found a black bag that authorities believe may belong to the suspect in the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
Authorities have been on the hunt for a bag that Jared Loughner is believed to have hidden hours before Saturday's Tucson-area Shooting Spree that killed six people and injured 13, including Giffords.
"We have found a black bag and are checking to see if it is associated with our case," Pima County Sheri...
Poll Says Majority of Americans Oppose Raising Debt Ceiling
Before the Arizona shooting, most of the talk amongst politicians and commentators revolved around the impending Debt crisis, whether Congress would vote to raise the Debt ceiling, and if they didn’t whether it would be “insanity.” Now the issue is slowly creeping back into the national conversation given that the U.S. hits the current Debt ceiling in March and a new Reuters/IPSOS poll reveals a surprising statistic: 71% of Americans are against raising the ceiling.
Bloomberg: Palin not responsible for shooting
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg does not blame Sarah Palin for the Arizona shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.).
Bloomberg, an independent who has at times identified himself as a Republican and Democrat, is the founder of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns coalition and an outspoken advocate of tighter gun restrictions. He is also a supporter of Rep. Peter King's (R-N.Y.) proposal to ban guns within 1,000 feet of members of Congress.
"I don't know whether I would blame — I don't thi...
the Fruits of Political Extremism
The motives of the gunman who shot the US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and killed six bystanders in Tuscon on Saturday are unclear. We do not know whether the youth who has been arrested for the crime, Jared Loughner, was driven by political grievance or Mental Illness. But to many in America this looks like an atrocity that was waiting to happen.
Since Barack Obama entered the White House two years ago, the American right has adopted partisan Rhetoric of the most reckless kind. A year ago...
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The news media would have US believe Tea Party Antics are more newsworthy than say, UNEXPLAINED Millions of Dead Birds & Fish.
Media wrong on a lot of stuff. Early reports on news events are often wrong. CNN says 12 arrested via Mpoppel. Doesn't sound like Tea Party .
People who blame Fox News & Tea Party for the shooting in Arizona, are a bunch of idiots. Media is even worse for mentioning that stuff
Fox News , Sarah Palin, Beck, Limbaugh & all the media outlets who feed into this right wing Tea party bullshit have blood on their hands
Glad fox news is letting everyone know who the real victim is in all this, the " Tea Party ," how dare the media associate them w/the shooting
Wow, every news broadcast is inferring the tea party . Who's enduring fear and hate during this tragedy? Sounds like the media to me
Notice the " media " blackout on the Tea Party Assassination? 2day in NY football was on the front page of the Daily News ...WTF!!!
The"One"can't win in 2012 unless Tea Party is destroyed so his news media &comrades are going to use this crime to strike a blow Disgusting!
The support of the media (Fox News ) to representatives of this disgusting Tea Party (eg Sarah Palin) is an insult to people's intelligence.
Breaking News : Voter backlash against the liberal, libelous, accusatory reckless media will be disastrous again for Dems in 2012. TEA PARTY !
Most interesting - the news media plays up Bernie Sanders' letter of Tuesday but the Tea Party letter of Monday gets virtually no notice.