Barack Obama: That is the word Dr. Charles Krauthammer used to describe the attempt by the left to blame Sarah Palin and the Tea Party for the horrible tragedy in Tucson, an action carried out by a mad man.
PHOTOS: Barack Obama in pictures
It seems rather an appropriate term, not just for their unfounded claims, but for some of the claims that have followed by those in the media.
VIDEOS: Barack Obama in videos
Here is the All Star Panel discussing this very issue, and how the media is continuing to ratchet up antagonism against the right under the guise of moderating our...
Obama: 'None of us can know' why Loughner killed
After days in which some Democrats and their supporters in the press assigned blame for the violence in Tucson on Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh, and Republicans in general, President Obama says "none of us can know exactly" why accused killer Jared Loughner attacked Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 19 others last Saturday. "None of us can know exactly what triggered this vicious attack," Obama said in prepared remarks. "None of us can know with any certainty what might have stopped those ...
Arizona GOP Official Resigns, Citing Tea Party Threats: 'I Don't Want to Take a Bullet'
Several GOP officials from the same area in Arizona have resigned following last week's shooting rampage in Tucson, including a district chairman who said threats from local Tea Party members caused him to be worried for the safety of himself and his family. Anthony Miller, 43, stepped down earlier this week as chairman of Republican District 20 after his wife expressed concerns about "constant verbal attacks" against him since helping Sen. John McCain narrowly win Reelection in November, The A...
Sarah Palin's 'blood libel' claim stirs controversy
Sarah Palin's newest Facebook page video scolds critics who say her high firepower Rhetoric could have contributed to Saturday's Arizona shooting rampage. But her use of an emotionally-charged phrase has spawned a Controversy all its own.
Palin called herself the Victim of "blood Libel" — the original term for blaming Jews for the death of Christ and an anti-Semitic rallying call that led to countless Deaths of Jews, primarily in Europe and Russia.
Many rabbis called her remarks insensitiv...
Mitchell Finds It Relevant to Highlight on NBC How Users Reject Palins Retort
Sarah Palin’s use in a video commentary of the “blood Libel” phrase, against those exploiting the Tucson shooting in order to discredit her, inflamed television Journalists with NBC’s Andrea Mitchell ridiculously highlighting on Wednesday’s Nightly News how “more than 375,000 people have expressed their views in an online poll on” and “nearly 59 percent do not agree with Palin.” As if attracts any kind of representative au...
Tucson Tea Party Founder Blames Giffords For Getting Shot:'The Real Case Is That She Had No Security
Source: Think Progress
Tucson Tea Party Founder Blames Giffords For Getting Shot: The Real Case Is That She Had No Security
In March 2010, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) warned that the Rhetoric from the tea parties and Sarah Palin was potentially dangerous. I can say that in the years that some of my colleagues have served 20, 30 years theyve never seen it like this
when people do that, theyve gotta realize theres consequences to that action, she
Joe Wilsons You Lie Slogan Offered On Commemorative Assault Rifles
The Palmetto State Armory just released a commemorative, limited edition “you lie” Assault Rifle, repeating the phrase made popular by Rep. Joe Wilson’s (R-SC) deplorable break in civility during President Obama’s Health Care Speech in 2009. Palmetto State Armory’s webpage was quickly taken down after the story broke, but the Columbia Free Times captured an image from the site of Wilson holding a rifle and showing the “you lie” inscription etched on to...
Obama leads mourning of Arizona shooting victims
TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) - President Barack Obama mourned the Victims of an Arizona shooting spree on Wednesday and urged Americans not to let the debate over the tragedy be used as "one more occasion to turn on one another."
In an emotional address to thousands of people who packed a Tucson arena for a memorial service, Obama said no one knew what prompted a gunman to go on a rampage that killed six people and critically wounded Representative Gabrielle Giffords. He warned against seeking "sim...
Obama leads mourning of Arizona shooting victims
By Jeff Mason and Tim Gaynor
TUCSON, Arizona | Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:10pm EST
TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) - President Barack Obama mourned the Victims of an Arizona Shooting Spree on Wednesday and urged Americans not to let the debate over the tragedy be used as "one more occasion to turn on one another."
In an emotional address to thousands of people who packed a Tucson arena for a memorial service, Obama said no one knew what prompted a gunman to go on a rampage that killed six people and critic...
Asking The Right Questions
Do you agree that the "eliminationist Rhetoric" cited by Krugman is a problem and is out of bounds? Are you denying that such rhetoric exists, or that the preponderance of it comes from the right? More broadly, putting aside the case of Jared Loughner, is it a valid question to ask whether such rhetoric in general risks tipping the unhinged into violence? An Arizona Republican Party District Chairman resigned shortly after the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and 18 others on Saturday...
Black GOP Official Resigns, Citing Arizona Tea Party Threats
Source: Huffington Post
The sole black Republican Party district chairman in Arizona resigned from his post in the wake of Saturday's shooting, citing threats from the Tea Party faction and concerns for his family's safety, The Arizona Republic first reported.
Republican District 20 Chairman Anthony Miller was not the only party official to resign following the shooting that killed six and wounded 14 others, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and a Federal Judge. But Miller had been an ...
Can't We All Get Along?
Hillary Clinton's comments today, describing Jared Lee Loughner as an Extremist, were unfortunate and are probably much regretted by now. I attribute them to jet lag and total immersion in the difficult, high pressure, multi-country trip she's undertaken, which probably caused her to lose track of the emerging portrait of the shooter as a dangerously disturbed young man. There is no comparison between Loughner's acts and Islamist Terrorism, the latter being violence undertaken in the service of ...
Full Text of Speech
If, like me, you were just thinking, "Hey, he's keeping the focus on the Victims, that's good" (and by good I mean awful, because they were real living people, once), brace yourself, he's about to turn bad.
He doesn't so much make accusations as continue to pander to deranged leftists who insist that Sarah Palin is an accomplice to Murder. But who knows -- given that the left is now determined to avenge the shootings via some eliminationist Rhetoric and possibly actions of their own, maybe it's...
Jonah Goldberg: Sarah Palin attacked by 'ghoulish opportunists' (video)
"It is ghoulish, cynical and opportunistic to use this slaughter , when anybody who pays any attention to the facts, knows that there is no evidence, zero evidence, linking this slaughter to the Speech by Sarah Palin or anybody else," says Jonah Goldberg, speaking of the left-wing smear against Conservatives and especially Sarah Palin in the aftermath of the tragedy in Tuscon, Arizona. Goldberg went on to slam those who would do so, calling them , " ideological ambulance chasers" who in hi...
Do lawmakers need Bodyguards now? Almost half of Americans agree with the idea - 48 percent of the respondents say lawmakers "should be given Bodyguards to help protect them," says a new CBS News poll. Forty-two percent disagreed. The public is split about danger. A slim plurality - 47 percent - says the Arizona shootings were a random event and not likely to be repeated; 45 percent predicted there would be more incidents. The specter of violence already has taken an extra toll...
Thoughtful, On-Target Palin Responds To Attacks; Left Loses Last Grip On Reality
I know, my use of the term on-target makes me a vitriolic, hateful Rhetoric espouser in the eyes of some. It’s not conducive with the “new tone” we are all supposed to embrace for some unfathomable and delusional reason. Of course, this new tone doesn’t apply if one is speaking about Sarah Palin, who is apparently the cause of All Bad Things Ever, in perpetuity. Even here, we are on day three of no school due to snow. In South Carolina. Does Palin’s evil reach have ...
The Day Hope was Shot, in America and Europe: News, Switzerland
Does the reaction of U.S. lawmakers to the shooting in Tucson bode ill for some kind of healing process? Columnist Patrick Etschmayer of Switzerland’s News worries that the political gamesmanship that has already begun offers little hope that the Rhetoric in the United States - or in Europe for that matter - are likely to be tamped down anytime soon.
For News, Patrick Etschmayer writes in part:
For many who knew her, Christina Greene was a little vessel of hope. The girl, a li... service in Tucson turns into political rally
Even before the first words were spoken at this evening's memorial service for the Victims of Saturday's massacre in Tucson, the atmosphere turned overtly political. White House operatives passed out t-shirts to the crowd with Obama's new campaign logo, 'Together We Thrive.' The words were also taped to the seats in which mourners would sit during the service. During Wednesday night’s memorial service of the fallen and wounded in the Arizona shooting tragedy attendees received a free...
Roderick Spencer: A Rushed Response
It is hard to maintain ones balance after a terrible event. People say and do things that they might wish to take back, so it's important to not add to the damage by responding impulsively. Men and women of good will should stay calm, and perhaps even offer one another opportunities for retraction, if they feel that someone has thoughtlessly said something awful, or irresponsible, or false.
For example, yesterday I listened to a clip of Rush Limbaugh saying, on the radio, th...
Rhetoric as comfort food: The mac-and-cheese instinct
Neither the right nor the left lost any time criticizing the other after the Tucson shootings, but it's increasingly clear the suspect was not politically motivated. If only we could go back to Monday. Discussions about Saturday's shootings in Tucson, which killed six and wounded 13, including Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, were so much simpler then: inflamed, righteous and deliciously partisan in a comfort-food kind of way. The fallout from the tragedy took a neat and predictable course: t...
Mike Lee Defends Tea Party
Freshman Sen. Mike Lee (R., Utah) helped spur the Tea Party’s rise to national prominence by unseating three-term Sen. Bob Bennett (R., Utah) in a GOP primary last June. He told National Review Online in an interview that he was absolutely repulsed to hear liberal commentators attempting to pin blame for the Tucson tragedy on the movement that propelled him to office. “Anyone who would blame this horrible, atrocious act on a movement that is all about peaceful change that occurs thro...
Obama addresses Arizona memorial
US President Barack Obama has warned against reaching for simple explanations for the shooting rampage in Arizona that left six dead and 14 wounded, including a US congresswoman. "Bad things happen, and we must guard against simple explanations in the aftermath," he said at a memorial service for the Victims at the University of Arizona on Wednesday night (Thursday afternoon AEDT). Obama called for a more civil public discourse and urged Americans not to turn on one another as he gave the eulogy...
Pantsuit labels Giffords' shooter an "extremist"
Hillary Clinton thinks the attempted Assassination of Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was political. This is in spite of the fact he was a registered Independent who didn't even vote in the last election. The actual truth likely is he was just a lunatic who was paranoid about the government. His dislike for Giffords started before the Tea Party was ever envisioned. This tragedy is not the fault of the right or left. DOHA, Qatar (AP) - The attempted Assassination of Arizona congre...
Obama leads Arizona memorial service
TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) - Thousands of people crowded an arena on Wednesday to hear President Barack Obama comfort Americans shaken by a shooting rampage that killed six people and wounded U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords.
A memorial service that began with an American Indian blessing by a tribal elder was to conclude with a Speech by Obama who led a large contingent of dignitaries to the memorial service for the six killed and more than a dozen wounded.
Obama began his visit to Arizona ...
President Obama addresses memorial service honoring Arizona shooting victims
President Barack Obama spoke before an audience of more than 14,000 people Wednesday night at the University of Arizona in Tucson for a memorial event honoring the Victims of the Saturday attack that killed six and left a congresswoman fighting for her life. "To the families of those we’ve lost; to all who called them friends; to the Students of this university, the public servants gathered tonight, and the people of Tucson and Arizona: I have come here tonight as an American wh...
Watch the President’s Speech
You can watch President Obama's Speech, at the memorial service for the Victims of the Arizona shooting, live online here. The service is scheduled to begin at 8:00p.m. ET. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC, 20003. This communication is not authorized by any Candidate or candidate's committee. ...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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