Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in March Interview With MSNBC re Palins Targeting

in this story

Gabrielle Giffords, Chuck Todd, Sarah Palin
Health Care, Rhetoric, Vandalism

MSNBC : Clearly a very courageous woman talking with MSNBC so calmly after her office was vandalized after her Health Care reform vote.

PHOTOS: MSNBC in pictures

And note Chuck Todd’s idiotic “defense” that campaign Rhetoric has borrowed from war Rhetoric over the years.

VIDEOS: MSNBC in videos

Giffords brushes him off, noting it’s much worse now than it ever has been. Care to walk that defense back now, Mr. Todd? 3 Responses to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in March Interview With MSNBC re Palin’s Targeting Wow, it’s eery...

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David Forman posted 6th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Look for WH Press Secy. Robert Gibbs Live on the White House North Lawn in the 9am hour on MSNBC today--interviewed by Chuck Todd .

Greg Mitchell posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

MSNBC running video now of Giffords talking about Tea Party threats, Sarah Palin's gun sight --w. Chuck Todd defending that!

Zen Green posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

MSNBC VID 3/25/10 Congrsswomn discssd Palins crosshr graphc w/ Chuck Todd /Savannah Guthrie questiond if violent poltcl spch was tht bg deal

Áine MacDermot posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

I've never liked Chuck Todd at msnbc , actually. He's like an inside the beltway bubble talking head. Not investigative journalist, imho.

mngreen posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Ha. MSNBC playing old interview with Giffords where that idiot Chuck Todd is defending Sarah Palin's crosshairs imagery to her.

Shannon Smith posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

"@owillis: Can't believe MSNBC airing video w/ Chuck Todd chiding Giffords for being conc. about violent rhetoric"/& saying left as bad 8-/

Lorna Singh posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

That interview with Rep.Giffords from March shows how Chuck Todd &Savannah Guthrie are amateurs.-- MSNBC .

Greg Diener posted 8th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

It's amazing MSNBC is even replaying the video of Chuck Todd putting his foot in his mouth with Rep. Gifford. Akward.

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