Gabrielle Giffords: This is from months ago.
PHOTOS: Gabrielle Giffords in pictures
Please note Chuck Todd being a smartass in dismissing Rep.
VIDEOS: Gabrielle Giffords in videos
Giffords’ concerns about the ‘ atmosphere’ that was being created, as well as the eery comments by Rep. Gifford. Tags: GOP talking points, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. I noticed his response, too. He now looks like the fool that he is. Or, what is your saying, “they are...
Flashback: Rep. Giffords Said of Sarah Palins Crosshairs Ad Theres Consequences to That Action
As details emerge about the Arizona shooting that claimed the life of Federal Judge John Roll, and left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Az) fighting for her life, echoes of violent political imagery have come under eery scrutiny, no more so than in this March interview between Giffords and MSNBC’s Chuck Todd and Savannah Guthrie . In the clip, Giffords talks about threats and Vandalism of her office, and specifically mentions Sarah Palin ’s “crosshairs” ad.
This clip is eerily...
Gabrielle Giffords and Political Courage
I have little to add to the ongoing discussions about the horrible events that occurred in Tucson yesterday. I would strongly encourage everyone to read James Fallows' piece on political shootings. I assume we'll learn more in the coming days and weeks about the shooter's motivations, but chances are, they won't turn out to be much more intelligible than they seem today.
I did want to mention one thing about Giffords -- her political courage. She represents a district that McCain won in 2008 an...
Gabrielle Giffords Is in Critical Condition; Synagogue Hosts Healing Service
The Synagogue where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is a member held a healing service in her honor Sunday — one day after the Arizona congresswoman was shot in the head outside of Tucson Supermarket. She had been meeting with constituents at the time of the attack, which killed six and wounded 20.
Gabrielle Giffords Shot in the Head
Giffords, 40, remained in critical condition Sunday night. Her doctors said she was able to respond to simple commands after surviving Brain Surgery, a promi...
Doctors remain hopeful for Gabrielle Giffords
TUCSON, Ariz. -- The bullet that passed through U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' brain tore through only one hemisphere before exiting, missing the crucial central parts of the brain that control most bodily and cognitive functions. The bullet entered through the back of her head, passed through the left hemisphere of her brain and exited just above her left eye, Dr. Michael Lemole, chief of Neurosurgery at University Medical Center in Tucson, said Sunday at a news conference Giffords, D-Ariz., i...
INTERN OF THE YEAR: DANIEL HERNANDEZ: Daniel Hernandez had only been Rep. Gabrielle Giffords i
INTERN OF THE YEAR: Daniel Hernandez: “Daniel Hernandez had only been Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ intern for five days, and on Saturday, he may have saved her life.”
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in March Interview With MSNBC re Palins Targeting
Clearly a very courageous woman talking with MSNBC so calmly after her office was vandalized after her Health Care reform vote. And note Chuck Todd’s idiotic “defense” that campaign Rhetoric has borrowed from war Rhetoric over the years. Giffords brushes him off, noting it’s much worse now than it ever has been. Care to walk that defense back now, Mr. Todd? 3 Responses to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in March Interview With MSNBC re Palin’s Targeting Wow, it’s eery...
Gabrielle Giffords Talks To MSNBC In 2010 About Threats Against Her
Submitted solely for your consideration without commentary, here is video of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords speaking to Chuck Todd and Savannah Guthrie about...
Alaska, Gabrielle Giffords and Sarah Palins Map
There wasn’t much that was amusing about the finale of Sarah Palin’s Alaska. It was hard to find anything to latch onto, hard to find that moment that revealed what her true agenda really was or that quirky exchange that revealed how much her Children really do resent her. My inability to critically connect was the result of the overwhelming feeling that the shootings in Arizona were always there in the backdrop. And, I simply couldn’t remove the image of Sara...
No More Mister Nice Blog
Look, it's not as if I'll shed a tear if Sarah Palin continues to take heat for including Gabrielle Giffords on her crosshair map -- she's gotten away with so much poisonous Rhetoric for so long, Rhetoric that's actually harming the country, that a wave of genuinely bad press coverage that she can't dodge or explain away would be karmically appropriate.
And yet I continue to suspect that she had nothing to do with the Tucson s...
Paul Slansky: What Would Happen in an Ideal World
From this moment on, every time Sarah Palin's name appears in print or on the Internet, or is uttered on television or radio, it should be followed by the phrase, "whose website featured a cross-hair target intended for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords." For example: "Sarah Palin, whose website featured a cross-hair target intended for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, had her wretched reality show canceled today," or "Sarah Palin, whose website featured a cross-hair target intended for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords,...
Inside the Beltway
News coverage of the Arizona shooting showcased a wide spray of partisan attacks in the 48 hours that followed the tragedy, with Collateral Damage and much talk of political Rhetoric and biased media coverage. A charged environment, intense public interest and minimal facts led to extrapolation, error, blame and instant agenda.
"This is a horrendous act of violence. But does it surprise you, in the context of the bitterness of Arizona politics at the moment?" asked ABC News co...
Roger Ailes
Howard Kurtz's Moronic Equivalence
Greasy-wigged Republican Howard Kurtz has finally found a Victim in yesterday's massacre in Arizona. It's Sarah Palin.
I hate to say this [sic], but the blame game is already under way.
It began within hours of Saturday's horrifying shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and nearly 20 others, even before the gunman was identified.
Political Target Map as seen on Sarah Palin's website. Inset: Sarah Palin and Gabrielle Giffords (AP Photo)
One of t...
Hes Still Talking: AZ Sheriff (For Umpteenth Time) Blames Sarah Palin, Sharron Angle For Giffords Shooting
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Grassroots vigils spring up
TUCSON, Ariz. — On Saturday morning, Zoe Reeves came across an NPR story online saying Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and several others had been gunned down at a nearby Grocery Store.
The Kino High School senior then spotted a comment at the end of the story: “Make sure you do something for your community.”
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So she did.
Within minutes, she created a Facebook group urging the community to turn out Sunday night at Giffords’s Tucson district ...
long day's journey into white
sure, the hardly-ever-right says that the left jumped the gun in linking Sarah Palin's graphic with a gun sight on Gabrielle Giffords' district to yesterday's shooting....
Sunday Late Night: Newsweeks Unscrupulous Eleanor Clift
Eleanor Clift speaking at the 2008 National Book Festival. (photo: bluedvls11 via Flickr)
Eleanor Clift’s pledge to keep statements off-the-record apparently ends if you’re a Member of Congress lying in an Arizona Hospital fighting for your life. Under those circumstances, Newsweek’s pet liberal columnist and Versailles courtier justifies disclosing what you’ve said about your colleagues, your district and your constituents. This is the worst kind of Villager self-aggr...
Federal murder charges filed in Giffords shooting case
A 22-year-old man was formally charged Sunday with two counts of Murder and three counts of Attempted Murder in a shooting rampage that killed six people and critically wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
Jared Lee Loughner, of Tucson, Ariz., is in federal custody. He'll go before a federal magistrate on Monday and could face additional state and federal charges, including Domestic Terrorism.
Loughner came to a meet-and-greet event Giffords was hosting at a local Supermarket on Saturday morning a...
Unsuspecting Heroes Help Contain…
On a day of unspeakable tragedy, a group of unsuspecting heroes who showed up at a Safeway in southern Arizona may have helped prevent a brutal shooting from being a lot worse. A wave of dramatic details is starting to emerge about the actions of a handful of bystanders who intervened after a gunman opened fire Saturday on a town hall meeting in Tucson, shooting 20 people including a congresswoman, a Federal Judge and a 9-year-old girl. Choosing to fight instead of flee, one woman grabbed the sh...
Let's not make this something it isn't
I’ll admit that my first thought on Saturday upon hearing that Gabrielle Giffords had been shot was that it was probably the work of a politically motivated right-wing Extremist. And based on my initial conversations with colleagues and friends -- to say nothing of what I observed on Twitter -- I was hardly alone.
It certainly seemed logical. There have been plenty of times since the fall of 2008, when Barack Obama’s pending election as president began stirring some hysterical and oc...
Conservatives Battle Media Blame for Giffords Shooting
As some media reports pinned the Gabrielle Giffords shooting on right-wing Rhetoric, Conservatives pushed back. Howard Kurtz on the politics behind the coverage—and the media’s worst mistake....
Flashback of the Day
"I mean, this is a situation where -- I mean, people don't -- they really need to realize that the Rhetoric and firing people up and, you know, even things, for example, we're on Sarah Palin's targeted list. But the thing is that the way that she has it depicted has the crosshairs of a gunsight over our district. When people do that, they've gotta realize there's consequences to that action."
-- Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), in a MSNBC interview earlier this year.
Tombstone Politics
Timothy Egan on American politics and life, as seen from the West.
Arizona, Gabrielle Giffords, guns, tucson
If it turns out that a poisonous variant of free Speech is partially to blame for the shootings in Tucson, we will most certainly be struck by the fact that Gabrielle Giffords was seen last week in Congress, reading part of the Constitution that allows an American Citizen to say just about anything.
But as Rep. Giffords herself also pointed out, in March when...
Right-wing terrorism inspired by right-wing political groups, politicians, media
Yesterday’s attack on U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (Ariz - D) rings the same Anarchist toll as many other recent circumstances of violent demonstration. It's bad enough that many of these attacks on human life only stem from Protest against Health Care. What's worse, though, is that they seem promoted by politicians, political groups and politically-influenced media - all of which are related to current mantras of the Republican Party, if not the GOP all by itself. On January 8, Giff...
US charges sole gunman in lawmaker shooting
US prosecutors charged a lone young gunman over the attempted Assassination of a congresswoman as doctors voiced guarded hope she would recover from the attack that killed six others. President Barack Obama called on Americans to observe a moment of silence on Monday for Victims of the attack in Arizona as some officials asked if the nation's often divisive politics had spiraled out of control. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, 40, was in an induced coma as doctors treated bullet wounds to her ...
Giffords sent e-mail to Trey Grayson on eve of shooting
On the eve of an Assassination attempt that left her critically wounded, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords sent an e-mail to Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson asking for his help in toning down political Rhetoric.
Giffords sent a congratulatory e-mail on Friday after Grayson was named director of Harvard University's Institute of Politics.
Grayson released the email to Insight Cables' cn|2 Politics editor Ryan Alessi.
“After you get settled, I would love to talk about what we can...
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Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
3/25/10 Chuck Todd equivocates on Palin crosshairs with Gabrielle Giffords . Cocksucker
Clueless hack Chuck Todd , portentously, to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in March over violent threats: "Are you afraid? Are you fearful today?"