Harvard University: Harvard University is preparing to formally recognize ROTC, now that Congress has repealed the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, but that doesn’t mean Military training will return to campus anytime soon.
PHOTOS: Harvard University in pictures
Recognition will reverse decades-old opposition to the program that began with the 1960s anti-war movement.
VIDEOS: Harvard University in videos
Opponents later cited the 1993 policy barring gays from serving openly. “The Repeal of DADT is a historic step,” Harvard President Drew Faust said...
Pelosi leads celebration of 'don't ask, don't tell' repeal
Source: CNN
Washington (CNN) -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday led jubilant legislators and Soldiers discharged under the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy in singing "God Bless America" to celebrate the upcoming Repeal of the Controversial law.
President Barack Obama will sign the Repeal bill on Wednesday, and Pelosi did her part at the ceremony attended by hundreds of supporters of the Repeal by signing the measure passed by Congress to send it to the White House.
"Isn't this a joyful...
Like him, leave him, deal with him
"Just when I thought I was out," Michael Corleone, mob boss struggling to go straight, steams in "The Godfather: Part III," "they pull me back in." Perhaps Gov. Bob McDonnell, who embodies another definition of straight, was thinking as much when he heard that Del. Bob Marshall, R-Prince William, a mob boss of a different sort, will push the 2011 General Assembly to close the Virginia National Guard to gays. Marshall's latest legislative sex-capade — it's pushback to congressional Repeal o...
Here We Go
The ink isn’t dry yet on the Repeal of DADT and the nitwits are calling for generals to be fired because they didn’t learn the gay way at West Point.
All the training, the wisdom, the knowledge, the experience…. MEANINGLESS!
We have to replace these generals with people who are thinking about nothing else but Homosexuals. That is the most important thing that any general can be… sensitive.
HT. Doc
Marine Corps commandant has to go
By Richard Cohen
I am a fan...
Va. Lawmaker: 'Not in my Militia'
crossposted at Get-The-Skinny.com
My wonderful state delegate, Bob Marshal, (R) Manassas, VA, who proudly displays an Endorsement by the Family Research Council, would like to ensure that Teh Ghey doesn't infect the Virginia National Guard by passing a counter-legislative bill at the state level. (Photo Credit: Advocate.com)
"This policy will weaken Military recruitment and retention, and will increase pressure for a Military draft,'' Marshall said. "After 232 years of prohibiting...
Harvard University Plans to 'Welcome ROTC Back to Campus'
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
By Susan Jones
(CNSNews.com) - A four-decade standoff between Harvard University and the U.S. Military is coming to an end, the Boston Globe reported on Tuesday.
Harvard will "welcome ROTC back to campus" now that Congress has repealed a ban on gays and Lesbians serving openly in the military, university president Drew Faust said.
“I look forward to pursuing discussions with Military officials and others to achieve Harvard’s full and formal recognition of ROTC...
Harvard shamefully reopens campus to ROTC while throwing transgender students under the bus
This has me absolutely fuming. Once DADT has been repealed, Harvard University will reopen its campus to ROTC. I look forward to pursuing discussions with Military officials and others to achieve Harvard's full and formal recognition of ROTC. I am very pleased that more Students will now have the opportunity to serve their country. I am grateful to the Massachusetts delegation for their unified support for Repeal.
-- Harvard President Drew Faust
ROTC was banished from Harvard in the first pl...
Harvard, Yale open up to ROTC plans after 'don't ask, don't tell' vote
Source: CNN
The presidents of Harvard and Yale universities have expressed interest in ROTC programs after Congress voted to Repeal the Military's Controversial "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that has banned Openly Gay and Lesbian service members.
The universities' statements come five months after Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, then a Supreme Court nominee, came under criticism by Republican senators who complained that she actively tried to block military recruiters from Harvard Law School...
After 4 decades, Harvard opens door to ROTC
Harvard University will welcome ROTC back to campus now that Congress has repealed a ban on gays and Lesbians serving openly in the Military, university president Drew Faust said.
The move will end a four-decade standoff between one of the nation’s most prestigious universities and its Armed Forces. The tension began over the Vietnam War and continued in recent years as university administrators, faculty, and Students objected to what they saw as Discrimination against gays and lesbians.
ACLU threatens to sue over Marshall's bill banning gays from Va. National Guard
The ACLU of Virginia threatened Tuesday to file suit if Del. Bob Marshall (R-Prince William)'s proposed bill banning gays from openly serving in the Virginia National Guard becomes law next year. "Not only is Delegate Marshall's proposal an affront to gay men and Lesbians throughout the state but it will surely be ruled Unconstitutional before it is ever implemented," the group's Executive Director Kent Willis said. The U.S. Senate voted to end the 17-year-old federal ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell' p...
Virginia: Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Displeased that the Congress has just overturned the Military's infamous "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy with regard to gays, the excreable Del. Bob Marshall (R-Manassas) has suggested that he will propose a bill in the 2011 legislative session of the House of Delegates to ban gays from openly serving in the Virginia National Guard. The Washington Post's Virginia politics blog reports some of Marshall's incisive reasoning:
"It's a distraction when I'm on the battlefield and have to concentrate o...
Gov. McDonnell Says No Way To New DADT For Va. National Guard
A state lawmaker from Virginia is so upset about the Congress repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell that he wants to institute a mini-DADT banning gay men and Lesbians from the Virginia National Guard.
"It's a distraction when I'm on the battlefield and have to concentrate on the enemy 600 yards away and I'm worried about this guy whose got eyes on me," the lawmaker, Delegate Bob Marshall (R), told WUSA9. "If I needed a Blood Transfusion and the guy next to me had committed Sodomy 14 times in the l...
Marshall: Soldiers Can't Fight If They're "Worried About This Guy Whose Got Eyes" On Them
Yesterday, we noted that Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall intends to introduce Legislation banning gays from serving in the Virginia National Guard in response to Congress' vote to Repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Conservative delegate Bob Marshall says he will introduce a measure in the Virginia House of Delegates that would ban practicing Homosexuals from serving in the state's National Guard. The Republican delegate says Openly Gay Soldiers would distract straight Troops. He said, "It's a dis...
Last-ditch McConnell 'don't ask' amendment blocked
Source: Politico
A last-ditch effort by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to complicate the Repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy was blocked Tuesday night after Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) objected, Senate aides said.
McConnell attempted to add an amendment to the so-called stripped-down defense authorization bill that would have required the consent of the Military service chiefs to proceed with "don't ask" repeal. Under Legislation passed by the Senate last week, certific...
Last-ditch McConnell 'don't ask' amendment blocked
A last-ditch effort by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to complicate the Repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy was blocked Tuesday night after Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) objected, Senate aides said. McConnell attempted to add an amendment to the so-called stripped-down defense authorization bill that would have required the consent of the Military service chiefs to proceed with "don't ask" repeal. Under Legislation passed by the Senate last week, certi...
If Its Good Enough For the Goose, Its Good Enough For These Assholes
They just never ever stop:
Just hours before President Obama plans to sign on Wednesday the Repeal of the Military’s 17-year ban on gays serving openly in the Armed Forces, Republicans appear to be trying one last legislative maneuver to block the change.
Republicans in the Senate have filed an amendment to a sweeping defense spending bill that would require the four military service chiefs to be part of the certification process called for in the bill that repeals the “don’t...
Last-Ditch Move to Block Repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
Just hours before President Obama plans to sign on Wednesday the Repeal of the Military’s 17-year ban on gays serving openly in the Armed Forces, Republicans appear to be trying one last legislative maneuver to block the change.
Republicans in the Senate have filed an amendment to a sweeping defense spending bill that would require the four military service chiefs to be part of the certification process called for in the bill that repeals the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.
Heres The Guy That Wants To Weigh In On MILITARY Policy
This is George Cohen of Wapo. He wants brass fired for not embracing the DADT Repeal.
Okay peeps. Let him have it.
Wild Chimps May Play Dolls
For the parents who have been wondering "Why is it that my daughter plays with dolls and my son just wants a toy fire truck?" scientists reported this week that they've seen something similar among chimpanzees in a forest in Uganda. The scientists say they've observed young, female chimps playing with sticks and logs as though they were dolls.
Enlarge Sonya Kahlenberg/Harvard University/Current Biology
A comparison of sticks chosen by chimpanzees for carrying (the four on the left) and ...
Africa has two species of elephants, not one
Chicago (Reuters) - Instead of one species of elephant, Africa has two, researchers said on Tuesday, confirming suspicions about the two distinctly different looking pachyderms.
Using gene sequencing tools, teams from Harvard, the University of Illinois and the University of York in Britain have shown that instead of being the same species -- as scientists have long believed -- the African savanna elephant and the smaller African forest elephant are distant cousins, having been largely separate...
Excessive police firepower?
The fire fight comes to an end and the smoke clears. The perpetrators never had a chance, hunted like animals and gunned down by a furious swath of M95 Sniper rifle firepower. This must be a scene straight out of the Afghanistan conflict, right? Well, what if we were to change that setting and throw it right into Orange Avenue, in the heart of Downtown Orlando? This could very well become reality as the local Orlando police force is looking to get a grant to obtain high powered weaponry (thanks ...
Diplomas, Inc.
From The Pope Center's Studying or Partying? The Five-Year Party identifies a problem with college, but gets a barely passing grade:
The reward for Students being good clients and paying ever-increasing amounts of Tuition dollars and other fees is a diploma. However, because they have not received a real education, their diplomas are almost worthless, and they cannot obtain decent jobs with them. Although most schools imply that graduating from ...
Faust says ROTC welcome back at Harvard
Your article has been sent. Harvard President Drew Faust says that she will welcome ROTC back to campus, now that Congress has repealed the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ban on gays and Lesbians serving openly in the Military. Here is the full text of her statement: The Repeal of DADT is a historic step. It affirms American ideals of Equal Opportunity and underscores the importance of the right to military service as a fundamental dimension of Citizenship. It was no accident that Lincoln's Emancipati...
Hold your homosexuals!Military ban not over yet
America's Military isn't going 'gay' quite yet. While President Obama plans this week to sign the Repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy banning open Homosexuality in the military, the policy must remain in force until the president, the secretary of defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff can certify that the change will not impair combat readiness. Before that happens the Military must rewrite laws and regulations that could affect same-sex relationships, such as the Unif...
Blue Virginia wants Bob Marshall dead
How many times have we seen the leftist blogosphere spin themselves into a crazed, frothing frenzy over something written on a conservative blog that was intended as a joke? Pretty often. And how often are Conservatives told all we care about are the politics of fear and personal destruction, that we wish our political enemies dead? Again, pretty often. So I had to say I was struck by the callous disregard for human life that passes for humor over on Blue Virginia.
This morning, Low
Yes Virginia, There was a Time When John McCain Was Admirable
Dear Independent’s Eye:
I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there was a time when Arizona Senator John McCain was admirable. Papa says, “If McCain says ‘My friends’ it must be so.” I saw Senator McCain on TV talking in the Senate and he looked so angry he gave me nightmares. Tell me the truth: was there a time when John McCain was admirable?
Virginia Schmidlap
Virginia, your little friends were right. Once upon a time, John McCain was admired across the nation. He
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
Murkowski Certified as Official Senate Race Winner
Self-Proclaimed King of Birthers to Run for President
Maine Lift Had Problems Other Than Wind
Cop Fatalities up in 2010
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